Poverty, ethnicity, and violent crime


Poverty, ethnicity, and violent crime

James F. Short, Jr.

(Crime & society / series editor, John Hagan)

Westview Press, 1997

  • :hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references and index



:hbk ISBN 9780813320137


Violent crime in America is more strongly associated with poverty and with changing social and economic conditions than with race or ethnicity, and patterns of violence are changing. These are among the conclusions of Poverty, Ethnicity, and Violent Crime, a searching analysis that draws on scholarly research from all the social and behavioral sciences. By framing his analysis in terms of different levels of explanation, James Short is able to identify fundamental causal conditions and processes that result in violent crime. The book also examines current policies and political and scholarly controversies concerning the control of violent crime. This book can serve as a text or as supplementary reading for a variety of criminology courses. }Violent crime in America is more strongly associated with poverty and with changing social and economic conditions than with race or ethnicity, and patterns of violence are changing. These are among the conclusions of Poverty, Ethnicity, and Violent Crime, a searching analysis that draws on scholarly research from all the social and behavioral sciences. By framing his analysis in terms of different levels of explanation, James Short is able to identify fundamental causal conditions and processes that result in violent crime. The book also examines current policies and political and scholarly controversies concerning the control of violent crime. This book can serve as a text or as supplementary reading for a variety of criminology courses. }


  • Introduction
  • Measuring Violent Crime: Trends and Social Distributions
  • Levels of Explanation of Violent Crime
  • Community and Neighborhood Contexts of Violent Crime
  • The Role of Unsupervised Youth Groups in Violence
  • Levels of Explanation of Violent Behavior Committed in Groups
  • Explaining Violent Crime: The Macrosocial Level of Explanation
  • The Individual Level of Explanation: Biobehavioral Influences and Control
  • Explaining Violence: Learning, Personality, and Social Contexts of Poverty, Race, and Ethnicity
  • Controlling Violent Crime

: pbk ISBN 9780813320144


Violent crime in America is more strongly associated with poverty and with changing social and economic conditions than with race or ethnicity, and patterns of violence are changing. These are among the conclusions of Poverty, Ethnicity, and Violent Crime, a searching analysis that draws on scholarly research from all the social and behavioural sciences. By framing his analysis in terms of different levels of explanation, James Short is able to identify fundamental causal conditions and processes that result in violent crime. The book also examines current policies and political and scholarly controversies concerning the control of violent crime. This book can serve as a text or as supplementary reading for a variety of criminology courses.


Foreword -- Preface -- Introduction -- Measuring Violent Crime: Trends and Social Distributions -- "Levels of Explanation" of Violent Crime -- Community and Neighborhood Contexts of Violent Crime -- The Role of Unsupervised Youth Groups in Violence -- Levels of Explanation of Violent Behavior Committed in Groups -- Explaining Violent Crime: The Macrosocial Level of Explanation -- The Individual Level of Explanation: Biobehavioral Influences and Control -- Explaining Violence: Learning, Personality, and Social Contexts of Poverty, Race, and Ethnicity -- Controlling Violent Crime

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