Tariff determination in the general equilibrium of a political economy : a bargain-theoretic approach to policy modelling


Tariff determination in the general equilibrium of a political economy : a bargain-theoretic approach to policy modelling

Hom Moorti Pant

Ashgare, c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



"Originated in a doctoral thesis ... submitted to the Australian National University in 1992" -- P. xii

Includes bibliographical references (p. 246-256)



This study grafts analytical insights provided by game theory onto a Walrasian type model to obtain a general equilibrium model of a political economy. This model is then used to address questions such as why tariffs exist, and what causes tariff rates to change.


  • Selective review of endogenous tariff literature
  • an equilibrium model of the economic sphere of a small open political economy
  • the rent transformation frontier
  • Nash equilibrium of a political economy and the tariff rate
  • bargaining in the tariff game
  • a general equilibrium model of a political economy and comparative static results
  • illustrative simulations of the PEGEM.

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