Independent central banks and economic performance


Independent central banks and economic performance

edited by Sylvester C.W. Eijffinger

(The international library of critical writings in economics / series editor, Mark Blaug, 82)(An Elgar reference collection)

Edward Elgar Pub., c1997

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 73



Includes bibliographical references and index



This volume contains a collection of the most important articles on independent central banks and economic performance. The collection is comprehensive and divided into four parts: theoretical foundation of central banks independence, central bank independence, empirical evidence on central bank independence and determinants of central bank independence. The editor has prepared a new introduction discussing the main developments in this field. The volume will be a basic reference source for professors, lecturers, researchers, central bankers and other policymakers interested in studying the fundamental articles on central bank autonomy.


Contents: Part I: Theoretical Foundations of Central Bank Independence Part II: Measures of Central Bank Independence Part III: Empirical Evidence on Central Bank Independence Part IV: Determinants of Central Bank Independence Index

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