Geographic information systems in ecology


Geographic information systems in ecology

Carol A. Johnston

(Methods in ecology)

Blackwell Science, 1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 21



Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-232) and index



Geographical information systems are one of the most revolutionary and important tools that have become available to ecological researchers in recent years. Many ecologists are, however, not aware of the full power of GIS techniques and are not using them to their full advantage. This new book provides basic information on the types of analyses that can be carried out using GIS, using examples of ecological applications at scales from organisms to landscapes. The full scope for linkage to related technologies, such as remote sensing, and methods such as spatially explicit modelling is also discussed. Researchers will find this an invaluable guide to applying and getting the most out of GIS techniques.


Geographic Information SystemsGis DataBasic Gis OperationsTopographic OperationsLinear OperationsTemporal ChangeSpatial InterpolationGlobal Positioning Systems And GisRemote Sensing And GisModelling And Gis

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