Formation of bonds to transition and inner-transition metals


Formation of bonds to transition and inner-transition metals

founding editor, J.J. Zuckerman ; editor, J.D. Atwood

(Inorganic reactions and methods / editor, J.J. Zuckerman ; subject index editor, A.P. Hagen, v. 14)

Wiley-VCH, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20




Boasting numerous industrial applications, inorganic chemistry forms the basis for research into new materials and bioinorganic compounds such as calcium that act as biological catalysts. Now complete, this highly acclaimed series presents current knowledge in all areas of inorganic chemistry, including chemistry of the elements; organometallic, polymeric and solid-state materials; and compounds relevant to bioinorganic chemistry.


THE FORMATION OF THE BOND TO THE TRANSITION AND INNER-TRANSITION METALS. The Formation of the Transition and Inner-Transition Metal to Transition and Inner-Transition Metal Bond. The Formation of the Transition Metal-Group 0 Element Bond. OXIDATIVE ADDITION AND REDUCTIVE ELIMINATION REACTIONS. Oxidative Additions and Reductive Eliminations for Compounds of the Typical Elements. Oxidative Additions and Reductive Eliminations to Compounds of the Transition Elements. INSERTION REACTIONS AND THEIR REVERSE. Insertion Reactions into Element-Hydrogen Bonds. Insertion Reactions into Element-Carbon Bonds. Insertion Reactions into Element-Nitrogen and Heavier Group VB Bonds. Insertion Reactions into Element-Oxygen and Heavier Group VIB Element Bonds. Insertion Reactions into Element-Halogen Bonds. Insertion Reactions into Metal-Metal Bonds. Abbreviations. Indexes.

「Nielsen BookData」 より

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示

  • Inorganic reactions and methods

    editor, J.J. Zuckerman ; subject index editor, A.P. Hagen

    VCH Publishers c1986-

    set : u.s. , Cumulative index, v.1-18, pt. 1 , Cumulative index, v.1-18, pt. 2


