Writing New York : a literary anthology


Writing New York : a literary anthology

Phillip Lopate, editor

Library of America, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 140



Includes bibliographical references

"A special publication of the Library of America"


  • From A history of New York / Washington Irving
  • The stranger at home; or, a tour in Broadway / James Kirke Paulding
  • From Domestic manners of the Americans / Fances Trollope
  • From The journal / Fanny Kemble
  • From The diary / Philip Hone
  • From American notes for general circulation / Charles Dickens
  • Letters from Staten Island / Henry David Thoreau
  • From Open-air musings in the city / Nathaniel Parker Willis
  • From Doings of Gotham / Edgar Allan Poe
  • From Satanstoe / James Fenimore Cooper
  • Our city charities visit to Bellevue Alms House, to the farm school, the asylum for the insane, and penitentiary on Blackwell's Island / Margaret Fuller
  • The eating-houses / George G. Foster
  • From Life and writings of Grant Thorburn / Grant Thorburn
  • Crossing Brooklyn Ferry / Walt Whitman
  • The old bowery : a reminiscence of New York plays and acting fifty years ago / Walt Whitman
  • Bartleby, the scrivener : a story of wall-street / Herman Melville
  • From The diaries / George Templeton Strong
  • Passages in the life of an unpractical man / Frederick Law Olmsted
  • From eight months in America / Ernest Duvergier de Hauranne
  • Tyrants of the shop / Fanny Fern
  • Personals / Mark Twain
  • Impostors / James D. McCabe
  • Experience of a Chinese journalist / Wong Chin Foo
  • New York under the snow / José Martí
  • From A hazard of new fortunes / William Dean Howells
  • The down town back-alleys / Jacob Riis
  • Opium's varied dreams / Stephen Crane
  • Adventures of a novelist / Stephen Crane
  • Drowned their sins / Abraham Cahan
  • Summer complaint : the annual strike / Abraham Cahan
  • Whence the song / Theodore Dreiser
  • A vanished seaside resort / Theodore Dreiser
  • Honest graft and dishonest graft / George W. Plunkitt & William L. Riordan
  • The curse of civil service reform / George W. Plunkitt & William L. Riordan
  • Boredom / Maxim Gorky
  • From The American scene / Henry James
  • The duel / O. Henry
  • From The autobiography of an ex-colored man / James Weldon Johnson
  • The lungs / James Huneker
  • Gramercy Park ; In the Metropolitan Museum ; Coney Island ; Union Square ; Broadway / Sara Teasdale
  • "Come into the roof garden, Maud" / Djuna Barnes
  • If I should learn, ... / Edna St. Vincent Millay
  • Recuerdo / Edna St. Vincent Millay
  • Coming, Aphrodite! / Willa Cather
  • The tropics in New York / Claude McKay
  • The harlem dancer / Claude McKay
  • New York / Marianne Moore
  • From Port of New York / Paul Rosenfeld
  • The finale at the follies / Edmund Wilson
  • Thoughts on leaving New York for New Orleans / Edmund Wilson
  • Brooklyn Bridge / Vladimir Mayakovsky
  • To Brooklyn Bridge / Hart Crane
  • Exterior Street / Stephen Graham
  • From up to now / Al Smith
  • I go adventuring / Helen Keller
  • From New York / Paul Morand
  • The police / Lincoln Steffens
  • Roosevelt and reform / Lincoln Steffens
  • From The diaries / Dawn Powell
  • From Journey to the end of night / Louis-Ferdinand Céline
  • West and Avenue / Christopher Morley
  • My lost city / F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • The background / Edith Wharton
  • Only the dead know Brooklyn / Thomas Wolfe
  • Sence of humor / Damon Runyon
  • From Black spring / Henry Miller
  • Millinery district / Charles Reznikoff
  • From Autobiography: New York / Charles Reznikoff
  • From By the well of living and seeing / Charles Reznikoff
  • Apology for breathing / A. J. Liebling
  • When the Negro was in vogue / Langston Hughes
  • Letter to N. Y. / Elizabeth Bishop
  • Atheist hit by truck / Jhon McNulty
  • The television helps, but not very much / Jhon McNulty
  • Welcom to the city / Irwin Shaw
  • The genial host / Mary McCarthy
  • Story in harlem slang / Zora Neale Hurston
  • As he seemed to a hick / Red Smith
  • It is sticky is the subway / David Schubert
  • Aspects of Robinson / Weldon Kees
  • Here is New York / E.B. White
  • The cost of living / Bernard Malamud
  • From Red ribbon on a white horse / Anzia Yezierska
  • Hell's kitchen / William Carlos Williams
  • The long furlough / Malcolm Cowley
  • From A walker in the city / Alfred Kazin
  • Up in the old hotel / Joseph Mitchell
  • From Junky / William S. Burroughs
  • From Memoirs of Bernardo Vega : From My hometown cayey to San Juan, and how I arrived in New York without a watch / Bernardo Vega
  • The trials and tribulations of an emigrant in the iron tower of babel on the eve of World War〓 / Bernardo Vega
  • A step away from them / Frank O'Hara
  • The day lady died / Frank O'Hara
  • Steps / Frank O'Hara
  • From The immense journey / Loren Eiseley
  • Fiorello H. Laguardia / Robert Moses
  • Moving out / John Cheever
  • From The New York diary / Ned Rorem
  • From The death and life of great American cities / Jane Jacobs
  • An urban convalescence / James Merrill
  • The thirties / Edwin Denby
  • The Climate / Edwin Denby
  • Minton's / Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones)
  • Tourist eye / George Oppen
  • From The fire next time / James Baldwin
  • National Cold Strange Company / Harvey Shapiro
  • 47th street / Harvey Shapiro
  • Panic in Brooklyn / Gay Talese
  • The landmarker / Louis Auchincloss
  • From The fortunate pilgrim / Mario Puzo
  • A sunday kind of love / Tom Wolfe
  • Goodbye to all that / Joan Didion
  • The cafeteria / Isaac Bashevis Singer
  • Lou Stillman / Jimmy Cannon
  • February / James Schuyler
  • Dining out with doug and frank / James Schuyler
  • Mugging / Allen Ginsberg
  • Fourth floor, dawn, up all night writing letters / Allen Ginsberg
  • From Sleepless nights / Elizabeth Hardwick
  • From Sketches from life / Lewis Mumford
  • The movies and other schools / Kate Simon
  • From Family installments / Edward Rivera
  • From Minor characters / Joyce Johnson
  • From The intellectual follies / Lionel Abel
  • From World's fair / E. L. Doctorow
  • New York, 1936 / Ralph Ellison
  • From The Manbo Kings play songs of love / Oscar Hijuelos
  • From Approaching eye level / Vivian Gornick

