Asian American issues relating to labor, economics, and socioeconomic status


    • Ng, Franklin


Asian American issues relating to labor, economics, and socioeconomic status

edited with introductions by Franklin Ng

(A Garland series, . Asians in America ; 6)

Garland, 1998

  • : set

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 30



Articles reprinted from various journals; journal titles, volumes, and pagination included in reprint

Includes bibliographical references


  • Asian American labor and historical interpretation / Chris Friday
  • Peripherization of immigrant professionals : Korean physicians in the United States / Eui Hang Shin and Kyung-Sup Chang
  • Class segmentation and divided labor / Mark Moberg and J. Stephen Thomas
  • Vietnamese refugees and blocked mobility / Steve Gold and Nazli Kibria
  • From white-collar occupations to small business : Korean immigrants' occupational adjustment / Pyong Gap Min
  • The role of ethnicity in enclave enterprises : a study of the Chinese garment factories in New York City / Bernard Wong
  • State incorporation of migrants and the reproduction of a middleman minority among Indochinese refugees / Jeremy Hein
  • New inquiries into the socioeconomic status of Pilipino Americans in California / Amado Cabezas ... [et al.]
  • The road to parity : determinants of the socioeconomic achievements of Asian Americans / Victor Nee and Jimmy Sanders
  • The cost of being Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino in the United States, 1960, 1970, 1976 / Morrison G. Wong
  • Asian and Pacific Islander American poverty : the working poor and the jobless poor / Dean S. Toji and James H. Johnson
  • Poverty and the U.S. Asian population / Sharon M. Lee



: set ISBN 9780815326892


First published in 1998. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

ISBN 9780815326953


In the late l9th and early 20th century, labor issues fanned the flames of anti-Asian sentiment, as they continue to do to this day. These essays explore the topics of immigration and work, ethnic economics and enclaves, the role of middlemen minorities, Southeast Asian refugee employment, and issues of class, hierarchy, immigrant recruitment, intra-community exploitation, and poverty in Asian American communities.


Friday, Chris. Asian American Labor and Historical Interpretation. Labor History 35 (1994)* Caces, Fe. Immigrant Recruitment into the Labor Force: Social Networks among Filipinos in Hawaii. Amerasia Journal 13 (1986-87) * Shin, Eui Hang and Kyung-Sup Chang. Peripheralization of Immigrant Professionals: Korean Physicians in the United States. International Migration Review 22 (1988) * Chin, Ku-Sup, In-Jin Yoon, and David Smith. Immigrant Small Business and International Economic Linkage: A Case of the Korean Wig Business in Los Angeles, 1968-1977. International Migration Review 30 (1996) * Moberg, Mark and J. Stephen Thomas. Class Segmentation and Divided Labor: Asian Workers in the Gulf of Mexico Seafood Industry. Ethnology 32 (1993) * Gold, Steven J. and Nazli Kibria. Vietnamese Refugees and Blocked Mobility. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 2 (1993) * Kim, Kwang Chung, Won Moo Hurh, and Marilyn Fernandez. Intragroup Defferences in Business Participation: Three Asian Immigrant Groups. International Migration Review 23 (1988) * Min, Pyong Gap. From White-Collar Occupations to Small Business: Korean Immigrants' Occupational Adjustment. Sociological Quarterly 25 (1984) * Wong, Bernard. The Role of Ethnicity in Enclave Enterprises: A Study of the Chinese Garment Factories in New York City. Human Organizations 46 (1987) * Tseng, Yen-Fen. Chinese Ethnic Economy: San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles. Journal of Urban Affairs 16 (1994) * Zhou, Min and John Logan. Returns on Human Capital Ethnic Enclaves. American Sociological Review 54 (1989) * Cheng, Lucie and Yen Le Espiritu. Korean Businesses in Black and Hispanic Neighborhoods: A Study of Intergroup Relations. Sociological Perspectives 32 (1989) * O'Brien, David J. and Stephen S. Fugita. Middlemen Minority Concept. Its Explanatory Value in the Case of the Japanese in California Agriculture. Pacific Sociological Review 25 (1982) * Woodrum, Eric, Colbert Rhodes, and Joe R. Feagin. Japanese American Economic Behavior: Its Types, Determinants, and Consequences. Social Forces 58 (1980) * Hein, Jeremy. State Incorporation of Migrants and the Reproduction of a Middleman Minority among Indochinese Refugees. Sociological Quarterly 29 (1988) * Barringer, Herbert R. and Gene Kassebaum. Asian Indians as a Minority in the United States: The Effect of Education, Occupations and Gender on Income. Sociological Perspectives 32 (1989) * Cabezas, Amado, Larry H. Shinagawa, and Gary Kawaguchi. New Inquiries into the Socioeconomic Status of Filipino Americans in California. Amerasia Journal 13 (1986-87) * Nee, Victor and Jimy Sanders. The Road to Parity: Determinants of the Socioeconomic Achievement of Asian Americans. Ethnic and Racial Studies 8 (1985) * Wong, Morrison G. The Cost of Being Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino in the United States 1960, 1970, 1976. Pacific Sociological Review 25 (1982) * Toji, Dean S. and James H. Johnson. Asian and Pacific American Poverty: The Working Poor and the Jobless Poor. Amerasia Journal 18 (1992) * Lee, Sharon M. Poverty and the U.S. Asian Population. Social Science Quarterly 75 (1994).

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