Understanding pragmatics
Understanding pragmatics
(Understanding language series)
Arnold , Oxford University Press, 1999
- : hard
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全74件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references (p. [273]-289) and index
- 巻冊次
: pbk ISBN 9780340646236
What do people do when using language? How exactly is meaning generated when we communicate? And why do we say one thing when we usually mean another?
Examining the mental and social processes involved in communication through language, Understanding Pragmatics is a comprehensive introduction to the subject. This book provides an outline of the theoretical basis of pragmatics, examines its major theoretical perspectives and explores its methodological issues. Looking at pragmatics in its broadest sense, it covers the whole range of social, cultural and cognitive aspects in constructing meaning through language use. Assuming no background in pragmatics, the text provides helpful chapter-by-chapter summaries, suggestions for further reading and research topics for further study.
Part 1 The pragmatic perspective
Language and language use
Key notions
Part 2 Aspects of the meaningful functioning of language
Part 3 Topics and trends
Micro-pragmatic issues
Macro-pragmatic issues
The pragmatic landscape
- 巻冊次
: hard ISBN 9780340646243
This textbook focuses on pragmatics in its broadest sense, covering the social, cultural and cognitive aspects. The first section of the book sketches a theoretical starting point for the exposition, making use of a limited prior knowledge of some general linguistic concepts. The second section provides the building blocks for an understanding of pragmatics as a potentially coherent field of inquiry, while the third explores methodological issues with reference to specific practical research questions.
- Part 1 The pragmatic perspective: language and language use
- key notions. Part 2 Aspects of the meaningful functioning of language
- context
- structure
- dynamics
- salience. Part 3 Topics and trends: micro-pragmatic issues
- macro-pragmatic issues
- the pragmatic landscape.
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