Quantum measures and spaces


Quantum measures and spaces

by G. Kalmbach

(Mathematics and its applications, v. 453)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1998

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Bibliography: p. 291-335

Includes index



This book has evolved from lectures and seminars given by the author at different academic institutions during the years 1983-1998. It can be divided into four parts. Noncommutative measure theory is the theme of the first part of the book. The relevant quantum structures are algebraically introduced. This is then used in the axiomatic, geometric model discussed in the second part of the book, where old and partly new groups and finite-dimensional, -spaces or spheres are studied for particle-series, a bag and the four basic interactions of physics. The third part investigates infinite dimensional spaces, particularly Archimedean and non-Archimedean orthomodular spaces, which generalize classical Hilbert spaces. The last part of the book contains short reviews on related topics which are useful to have at hand. This volume should be of interest to graduate students and researchers whose work involves mathematics of physics relativity and gravitation, order, lattices, and algebraic structures.

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