Differential diagnosis in pediatric radiology
Bibliographic Information
Differential diagnosis in pediatric radiology
Thieme, 1999
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Differentialdiagnosik in der pädiatrischen Radiologie
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Description and Table of Contents
Efficiency is the key word at the heart of the concept for this diagnostic atlas - efficiency of presentation and diagnostic efficiency achieved through its use. The contents are arranged in chapters according to organ or body part. Each chapter begins with a list of the radiographic findings referring to the relevant table/page number for that finding. The text within these tables is presented under three columns: possible diagnoses, radiographic findings, and general comments. Corresponding sample images of the highest quality are then provided for the more common conditions throughout. Rare diseases are marked with asterisks and are illustrated where appropriate. The hard-pressed radiologist will welcome this work as an efficient and reliable guide to the interpretation of pediatric images.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1 The Thorax Trachea Lungs The hilum The chest wall (bony thorax including the clavicle and scapula) 2 The Mediastinum Measurements General comments Imaging techniques The "empty" or narrow mediastinum Mediastinal shift (Holzknecht-Jacobson phenomenon) Dynamic Mediastinal motion Mediastinal calcifications 3 The Abdomen and Gastrointestinal Tract Ultrasound imaging The liver and biliary tract The spleen The Pancreas The gastro-intestinal tract Conventional radiography The pharynx Anorectal anomalies Pneumoperitoneum Retroperitoneal air Displacement, alterations in shape and extrinsic impressions 4 The Urinary Tract Measurements and calculations Anomalous renal size Abnormal renal contour Anomalous renal position The pathological nephrogram Renal cystic disease The pelvocalyceal system The ureter The urinary bladder The urethra The scrotum and testes The adrenal glands The female genitalia 5 The Skull and Intracranial Space Contents (List of Tables) The Skull as a Whole Biometry Cranial Measurements by the Bergerhoff Method Cranial Index of Cronqvist and Summation Index of Austin and Gooding Cranial Measurements by Computed Tomography Intracranial Measurements with Ultrasound Abnormalities of Cranial Size Macrocephaly Brain Atrophy, Microcephaly Abnormalities of Cranial Shape Cranial Asymmetry Craniosynostosis (Craniostenosis) Calvarium Localized Deformities (Bulging, Flattening, Hollowing) in the Neonate Localized Calvarial Deformities in Older Children Abnormalities of Calvarial Thickness and Density Generalized Thickening of the Calvarium Localized Thickening of the Calvarium Generalized Thinning of the Calvarium Localized Thinning of the Calvarium Sutures and Fontanelles Abnormalities of Bone Structure Linear Lucencies Nonlinear Lucencies, Single or Multiple (Ulcerations, Defects, Osteolytic Foci) Intracranial Abnormalities Imaging Procedures Ultrasound Findings Intracranial Calcifications (Skull Films and CT) CT and MRI Features of Brain Tumors Skull Base Abnormalities of Shape Sclerosis and Hyperostosis of the Skull Base Orbit Imaging Procedures Biometry Orbital Size Abnormalities Abnormal Interorbital Distance Orbital Calcifications Sella Imaging Procedures Biometry Abnormalities of Shape and Size Clivus and Foramen Magnum Petrous and Mastoid Imaging Procedures Facial Bones Biometry Nasal Passages and Paranasal Sinuses Paranasal Sinus Clouding Paranasal Sinus Clouding with Bone Destruction Clouding of the Nasal Passages Pharynx Soft-Tissue Densities without Bone Involvement Tumors Involving the Pharynx Jaws and Teeth Imaging Procedures Biometry Abnormalities of Size Abnormalities of Shape and Structure Dental Abnormalities Soft-Tissue Abnormalities References 6 The Spine Contents (List of Tables) Imaging Procedures Biometry Abnormalities of Vertebral Body Shape and Size Reduced Height Generalized (Platyspondyly) or Multiple In Newborns In Older Children Reduced Height of One or More Vertebral Bodies Vertebral Body Enlargement Shape Abnormalities Involving One or More Vertebrae Wedged Vertebrae Wedging with an Anterior Hook or Beak Vertebral Body Clefts Transverse Clefts Sagittal Clefts Coronal Clefts Vertebral Scalloping End Plate Scalloping Partial End Plate Scalloping Anterior Scalloping Posterior Scalloping Anterior and Posteror Scalloping (Fusiform or Hourglass Deformity) Biconvex Vertebral Bodies Fused Vertebrae Malformations Acquired Vertebral Fusion Cervical Vertebrae Absent Vertebrae Abnormalities of the Spinal Canal and Vertebral Arches Narrow Spinal Canal (Spinal Stenosis) Enlarged Spinal Canal Abnormalities of the Intervertebral Foramina Large Intervertebral Foramen Small Intervertebral Foramen Fusion of Arch Structures Arch Discontinuities (Clefts, Defects, Fractures) Enlarged Vertebral Arch Abnormal Pedicle Shape Destruction, Sclerosis, or Absence of Pedicles Abnormal Spinal Curvature (Scoliosis, Kyphosis, Lordosis) and Vertebral Body Displacement Scoliosis Bony Scoliosis Spinal and Neuromuscular Causes Causes Extrinsic to the Spine Malformation Syndromes, Skeletal Dysplasias Kyphosis Hyperlordosis Abnormal Spinal Straightness Vertebral Body Displacement Atlantoaxial Subluxation Other Vertebral Displacements Abnormalities of Bone Structure Increased Bone Density Generalized Density Increase Bandlike Density Increases Localized Density Increases Decreased Bone Density Generalized Decrease Localized Decrease (Defects, Osteolysis) The Spinal Canal and Its Contents Localized Narrowing of the Spinal Canal by Bony Abnormalities Mass Lesion within the Spinal Canal Spinal Cord Abnormalities, with and without Bony Abnormalities Abnormalities of the Disks and Disk Spaces Narrowed Disk Space Widened Disk Space Disk Calcification Vacuum Effect Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Vertebral Bodies Sacral and Soft-Tissue Abnormalities Sacrum and Sacroiliac Joints Paravertebral and Presacral Soft-Tissue Abnormalities References 7 The Bones and Soft Tissues R. Schumacher Contents (List of Tables) Biometry Length Ratios of the Long Bones Relative Dimensions of the Distal Femoral Epiphysis Genu Varum and Valgum Evaluated by the Femorotibial Angle Maturation of the Pelvic Bones Pelvimetry Sonographic Measurements of the Hip Joint Radiographic Measurements of the Hip Joint Iliac Measurements Femoral Neck Angle (k) Tilt and Rotation Index in Pelvic Radiographs Width of the Pubic Symphysis Pelvis Abnormal Maturation Accelerated Skeletal Maturation Delayed Skeletal Maturation Abnormal Density Abnormal Size and Shape Hemihypertrophy, Hemihypotrophy Ilium Small Ilium Narrow Base of Iliac Wing Dysostosis Multiplex Flat, Rotated Ilium Small Sciatic Notch Serrated Iliac Border Iliac Horns Acetabulum Increased Acetabular Angle Peaking of the Medial and Lateral Acetabular Margins ("Trident Acetabulum") Ischium and Pubis Pubic Symphysis Joint Abnormalities Widened Joint Space Joint Effusion Dislocation, Subluxation Narrowed Joint Space Ankyloses and Synostoses Epiphyseal Abnormalities Large Epiphyses Solitary Epiphyseal Enlargement Generalized Epiphyseal Enlargement Small Epiphyses Solitary Smallness Generalized Smallness Supernumerary Ossification Centers in the Epiphyses Stippled and Irregular Epiphyses and Apophyses Cone-Shaped Epiphyses Epiphyseal Defects Ringed Epiphyses Epiphyseal Lines Narrowing and Premature Closure of Epiphyseal Lines Widened Epiphyseal Lines Metaphyses Metaphyseal Flaring Without Cupping (Erlenmeyer Flask Deformity) Erlenmeyer Flask Deformity Due to Expansile Lesions Erlenmeyer Flask Deformity Due to Defective Modeling Metaphyseal Flaring With Cupping and Irregular Margins Acquired Skeletal Dysplasias Metaphyseal Neck Fracture, Metaphyseal Beaking Metaphyseal Bands and Lines Radiolucent Metaphyseal Bands Alternating Transverse Radiodense and Radiolucent Bands Transverse Radiodense Metaphyseal Bands or Lines Vertical Radiodense and Radiolucent Metaphyseal Lines Long Bones -- Diaphyses Hypoplasia and Aplasia of the Long Bones General Dysmelias Fibular Hypoplasia and Aplasia Radial Hypoplasia and Aplasia Femoral Hypoplasia Ulnar Hypoplasia and Aplasia Humeral Hypoplasia Tibial Hypoplasia and Aplasia Abnormalities of Shaft Width Thin Diaphyses Widened Diaphyses Abnormalities of Bone Density Osteosclerosis Diffuse Osteopenia Bowing of Long Bones, Acquired Localized Bone Lesions and Tumors Maplike Lesion Motheaten and Permeative Lesions Cortical Bulging Types of Periosteal Reaction Lethal Skeletal Dysplasias in the Perinatal Period and Early Infancy Soft Tissues Soft Tissue Masses Calcifications Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Subcutaneous Tissue and Muscles Generalized Muscular Disorders Hands and Feet Biometry Hand and Foot Deformities Size, Shape, Contour and Structural Abnormalities of the Phalanges Distal Phalanges Middle Phalanges Proximal Phalanges Thumb and Great Toe Fifth Finger Metacarpals and Metatarsals Carpal and Tarsal Bones Metaphyses Epiphyses of the Hands and Feet Epiphyseal Lines Soft-Tissue Calcifications in the Hand and Foot Acceleration and Retardation Syndromes References Additional References Subject Index
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