Value, distribution and capital : essays in honour of Pierangelo Garegnani


Value, distribution and capital : essays in honour of Pierangelo Garegnani

edited by Gary Mongiovi and Fabio Petri

(Routledge frontiers of political economy, 12)

Routledge, 1999

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 28



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book explores some of the most important themes in neo-Ricardian economics. It explores the many contributions of Pierangelo Garengnani to modern economics, including his work in capital theory, the theory of effective demand and stability analysis. Contributors include Paul Samuelson, John Eatwell, Murray Milgate, Edward Nell, Alessandro Roncaglia and Ian Steedman.


1. Introduction Gary Mongiovi Part 1. The Critique of Neoclassical Theory 2. Professor Hahn on the 'Neo-Ricardian' Criticism of Neo Classical Economics Fabio Petri 3. Classical and Neoclassical Short-Run Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Their Intended Empirical Content Roberto Ciccone 4. Some Deficiencies of Walrasian General Equilibrium John Eatwell and Murray Milgate Part 2. Classical Political Economy and Its Relation to Marginalism 5. From Utilitarianism to Marginal Utility Alessandro Roncaglia 6. Jacques Savary and the Commerical Knowledge of Commodities Bertram Schefold 7. From Classical Rent Theory to Marginal Productivity Theory: The Works of F.B. Hermanna and J.H. von Thunen Heinz D. Kurz 8. Social Accounting in Adam Smith Fernando Vianello 9. The Notion of Subsistence Wage in Pre-Smithian Classical Political Economy Tony Aspromourgos and Peter Groenewegen 10. Ricardo and the Wages Fund Antonella Stirati 11. The Special Thing I learned from Sraff Paul A. Samuelson Part 3. Accumulation and Technical Change in the Light of the Surplus Approach 12. New and Old Neoclassical Growth Theory: A Critical Assessment Sergio Cesaratto 13. Wicksell after Sraffa: 'Capital Arbitrage' and 'Normal' Rates of Growth, Interest and Profits Edward J. Nell Part 4 Issues in the Theory Production 14. Transferable Machines with Uniform Efficiency Paths Neri Salvadori^n 15. Vertical Integration and 'Reduction to Dated Quantities of Labour Ian Steedman Part 5. The Surplus Approach and Economic Policy 16. High Public Debt and Inflation: On the Disciplinary View of EMU Massimo Pivetti 17. The Government Sector in Post Keynesian Theory of Growth and Personal Distribution Carlo Panico

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