The mouse that roared : Disney and the end of innocence


The mouse that roared : Disney and the end of innocence

Henry A. Giroux

(Culture and education series)

Rowman & Littlefield, c1999

  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 16



Includes bibliographical references and index



How are children - and their parents - affected by the world's most influential corporation? Henry A. Giroux explores the surprisingly diverse ways in which Disney, while hiding behind a cloak of innocence and entertainment, strives to dominate global media and shape the desires, needs, and futures of today's children. Giroux takes the reader inside the company's vision of the full range of its media - its films, television, famous characters, and spin-off products, as well as its special school, Celebration. He reveals how Disney idealizes and implements its goal of building a world culture - based on innocence and morals, but insidious in its consumerist exploits.


  • Disney and the politics of public culture
  • learning with Disney
  • children's culture and Disney's animated films
  • memory, nation, and family in Disney films
  • turning America into a toy store.

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