
Histological typing of urinary bladder tumours

F. K. Mostofi, C. J. Davis, and I. A. Sesterhenn ; in collaboration with L. H. Sobin and pathologists in 10 countries

(International histological classification of tumours)

Springer, c1999

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 53



Includes bibliographical references and index



This text reflects the revised WHO classification and terminology. One major change is in the introduction of a new category: papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential. Many of the tumours previously designated as papillary transitional cell carcinoma, grade I now fall into that category. Another major change is in the designation of flat lesions, and this includes a definition of carcinoma in situ. Furthermore, a number of variant forms of urothelials carcinomas are included as well as new entities not recognized when the 1st edition was issued.


Histological Classification of Urinary Bladder Tumours.- Definitions and Explanatory Notes.- Epithelial Tumours of the Bladder.- Non-epithelial Tumours.- Miscellaneous Tumours.- Metastatic Tumours and Secondary Extensions.- Unclassified Tumours.- Epithelial Abnormalities.- Tumour-like Lesions.- TNM Classification of Tumours of the Urinary Bladder.- Illustrations.

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