The languages of Israel : policy, ideology, and practice


The languages of Israel : policy, ideology, and practice

Bernard Spolsky and Elana Shohamy

(Bilingual education and bilingualism / series editors, Colin Baker and Nancy Hornberger, 17)

Multilingual Matters, 1999

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 17



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book is an original and comprehensive treatment of the languages of Israel - of the practice and of the ideology. Against the background of an original theory of language policy set out in the opening, it asks about the extent to which the present linguistic pattern may be attributed to explicit language planning activities. The chapters give balanced analyses of the history and current status of the revitalized national language Hebrew, of the second official language Arabic, of the all-pervasive international language English, of the large number of immigrant languages brought to Israel, and in particular of the fate of the many Jewish languages. This is all tied together with a reasoned account of the new language education policy, and a consideration of the likelihood that the long hegemony of Hebrew is giving way to an evolving acceptance of linguistic diversity.


Preface List of Tables 1 Language Practice and Policy in Israel 2 Language Policy 3 Hebrew as a Mother Tongue 4 Hebrew Language Acquisition and Diffusion Policies 5 Arabic - the Language of the 'Minorities' 6 Teaching Arabic as a Second Language 7 English: Everybody's Second Language 8 The Other Languages of the Immigrants 9 The Loss and Maintenance of Jewish Languages 10 Languages of Recent Immigrants 11 Change or Continuity References Index

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