Advances in case-based reasoning : 5th European Workshop, EWCBR 2000 Trento, Italy, September 6-9, 2000 : proceedings


Advances in case-based reasoning : 5th European Workshop, EWCBR 2000 Trento, Italy, September 6-9, 2000 : proceedings

Enrico Blanzieri, Luigi Portinale (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 1898. Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)

Springer-Verlag, c2000

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 35



Includes bibliographical references and index



Thepaperscollectedin thisvolumewerepresentedatthe ?fth EuropeanWo- shoponCase-BasedReasoning(EWCBR2K)heldTrento,Italy.EWCBR2K was the last episode of a series of very successful meetings held previously in Kaiserslautern (1993), Paris (1994), Lausanne (1996) and Dublin (1998) that traditionally attract European and international researchers and practitioners in case-basedreasoning. Case-based reasoning is a recent ?eld of research with a long history of - plications. The organization of the volume is consistent with this vision of the ?eld and, afteran initial partdevotedto the invited papers,the twomain parts containresearchandapplicationpapersrespectively.The overallresultisa r- resentative snapshot of current researchand state-of-the-artapplications. The meritforthisvolumegoestotheauthorsofthepapers,theProgramCommittee andalltheadditionalreviewerswhosecombinede?ortproducedthishigh-quality scienti?c work. The organizers would like to thank all the people who contributed to the success of the workshop: in particular, Francesco Ricci who originally proposed to have EWCBR2K in Italy; Fausto Giunchiglia, Paolo Traverso and Oliviero Stock who backed the proposal and assured the institutional committment of ITC-irst and University of Trento; Paolo Avesani, Mehmet Goeker and Michel Manago who developed the traditional industrial-day into the ?rst edition of Innovative Customer Centered Applications (ICCA), a co-located event with a focused target on industry people; Giampaolo Avancini, Sara Beatrici, Morena Carli, Carola Dori, Alessandro Tuccio, of ITC-IRST and Fabrizio Di Bartolo of UniversityoftheEasternPiedmontwhoweree?ective,professionalandfriendly whileprovidingtechnicalandadministrativesupportfortheorganizationofthe event. We would like to o?er thanks for the support provided by EWCBR-98, MLNET,theItalianAssociationforArti?cialIntelligence(AI*IA)andthe- partmentofAdvancedSciencesandTechnologies(DISTA)oftheUniversityof EasternPiedmont(Universit' adelPiemonteOrientale"A.Avogadro").Aspecial thanktotheinvitedspeakersBarrySmythandQiangYangandtoallthechairs ofthesessionsand?nally,toSpringer-Verlagfortheirhelpandtheirenthusiastic agreementon the publication of this volume.


Invited Papers.- Competence Models and Their Applications.- Activating Case-Based Reasoning with Active Databases.- Research Papers.- Case-Based Reasoning with Confidence.- Combining Rule-Based and Case-Based Learning for Iterative Part-of-Speech Tagging.- An Architecture for Knowledge Intensive CBR Systems.- A Dynamic Approach to Reducing Dialog in On-Line Decision Guides.- Flexible Control of Case-Based Prediction in the Framework of Possibility Theory.- Partial Orders and Indifference Relations: Being Purposefully Vague in Case-Based Retrieval.- Representing Knowledge for Case-Based Reasoning: The Rocade System.- Personalized Conversational Case-Based Recommendation.- Learning User Preferences in Case-Based Software Reuse.- A Method for Predicting Solutions in Case-Based Problem Solving.- Genetic Algorithms to Optimise CBR Retrieval.- An Unsupervised Bayesian Distance Measure.- Remembering Why to Remember: Performance-Guided Case-Base Maintenance.- Case-Based Reasoning for Breast Cancer Treatment Decision Helping.- Competence-Guided Case-Base Editing Techniques.- Intelligent Case-Authoring Support in CaseMaker-2.- Integrating Conversational Case Retrieval with Generative Planning.- A Symmetric Nearest Neighbor Learning Rule.- Automatic Case Base Management in a Multi-modal Reasoning System.- On Quality Measures for Case Base Maintenance.- A New Approach for the Incremental Development of Adaptation Functions for CBR.- An Efficient Approach to Similarity-Based Retrieval on Top of Relational Databases.- Maintaining Case-Based Reasoning Systems Using Fuzzy Decision Trees.- Applying Recursive CBR for the Customization of Structured Products in an Electronic Shop.- Handling Vague and Qualitative Criteria in Case-Based Reasoning Applications.- Active Delivery for Lessons Learned Systems.- Application Papers.- KM-PEB: An Online Experience Base on Knowledge Management Technology.- A Support System Based on CBR for the Design of Rubber Compounds in Motor Racing.- Supporting Tourism Culture via CBR.- A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to Collaborative Filtering.- Similarity Measures for Structured Representations: A Definitional Approach.- Collaborative Maintenance - A Distributed, Interactive Case-Base Maintenance Strategy.- A Unified CBR Architecture for Robot Navigation.- Maintenance of a Case-Base for the Retrieval of Rotationally Symmetric Shapes for the Design of Metal Castings.- Personalised Route Planning: A Case-Based Approach.- A Case-Based Approach to Image Recognition.- The Life Cycle of Test Cases in a CBR System.- Evaluating a Multi-modal Reasoning System in Diabetes Care.- CBR-Based Ultra Sonic Image Interpretation.- Evaluation of Strategies for Generalised Cases within a Case-Based Reasoning Antibiotics Therapy Advice System.- A Product Customization Module Based on Adaptation Operators for CBR Systems in E-Commerce Environments.- Selecting and Comparing Multiple Cases to Maximise Result Quality after Adaptation in Case-Based Adaptive Scheduling.

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