Field and laboratory methods for grassland and animal production research


Field and laboratory methods for grassland and animal production research

edited by L. 't Mannetje and R.M. Jones

CABI Publishing, c2000


Replaces Measurement of grassland vegetation and animal production. 1978

Includes bibliographical references



This book discusses methods in the field and laboartory for grassland and animal production research.


1: Grassland Vegetation and its Measurement, L t'Mannetje and R M Jones 2: Pattern Analysis in Grassland and Animal Production Systems, M Kelly, Toowoomba, Australia, and K E Basford, Department of Agriculture, University of Queensland, Australia 3: Modelling Pasture and Animal Production, K G Rickert, University of Queensland, Australia, J W Stuth, Texas A& M University, USA and G M McKeon, Queensland Centre for Climate Applications, Australia 4: Measuring Botanical Composition of Grasslands, R D B Whalley, University of New England, Australia, and M B Hardy, Cedara Agricultural Development Institute, South Africa 5: Measuring Sward Structure, E A Laca, University of California, USA, and G Lemaire, INRA, France 6: Plant Population Dynamics in Grasslands, M J M Hay, Ag Research, New Zealand, R M Jones CSIRO, Australia, and D M Orr, Tropical Beef Centre Rockhampton,Australia 7: Measuring Biomass of Grassland Vegetation, L t'Mannetje 8: Evaluation of Species and Cultivars, R Schultze-Kraf, University of Hohenheim, German, and L t'Mannetje 9: Remote Sensing in Vegetation and Animal Studies, M L Roderick, Australian National University, Australia, V Chewings, CSIRO, Australia, and R C G Smith, Department of Land Administration, Australia 10: Assessing Rangeland Condition and Trends, M H Friedel, CSIRO, Australia, W A Laycock, University of Wyoming, USA and G N Bastin, CSIRO, Australia 11: Measuring Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value in Forages, A T Adesogan, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, D I Givens, ADAS, Warwickshire, UK and E Owen, University of Reading, UK 12: Measuring Physical, Chemical and Biological Soil Parameters in Grasslands, J Bouma, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, J P Curry, University College, Dublin, Ireland, and V J G Houba, Wageningen University, The Netherlands 13: Measuring and Monitoring Nitrogen and Phosphorus Flows and Loses in Grassland Systems, S C Jarvis, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Devon, UK and O Oenema, DLO-Plant Research International, The Netherlands 14: Designing Animal Production Studies, D I Bransby, Auburn University, Alabama, USA and A R Maclaurin, University of Zimbabwe 15: Measuring Animal Performance, D B Coates, CSIRO, Australia, and P Penning, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, Devon, UK 16: Development-oriented Socio-economic Methods in Grassland and Animal Production Research, A Waters-Bayer, and W Bayer, Goettingen, Germany

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