High performance computing - HiPC 2000 : 7th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 17-20, 2000 : proceedings
High performance computing - HiPC 2000 : 7th International Conference, Bangalore, India, December 17-20, 2000 : proceedings
(Lecture notes in computer science, 1970)
Springer, c2000
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全35件
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Includes bibliographies and index
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on High Performance Computing, HiPC 2000, held in Bangalore, India in December 2000. The 46 revised papers presented together with five invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 127 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on system software, algorithms, high-performance middleware, applications, cluster computing, architecture, applied parallel processing, networks, wireless and mobile communication systems, and large scale data mining.
System Software.- Charon Message-Passing Toolkit for Scientific Computations.- Dynamic Slicing of Concurrent Programs.- An Efficient Run-Time Scheme for Exploiting Parallelism on Multiprocessor Systems.- Characterization and Enhancement of Static Mapping Heuristics for Heterogeneous Systems.- Algorithms.- Optimal Segmented Scan and Simulation of Reconfigurable Architectures on Fixed Connection Networks.- Reducing False Causality in Causal Message Ordering.- Working-Set Based Adaptive Protocol for Software Distributed Shared Memory.- Evaluation of the Optimal Causal Message Ordering Algorithm.- Register Efficient Mergesorting.- High-Performance Middleware.- Applying Patterns to Improve the Performance of Fault Tolerant CORBA.- Design, Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a High Performance CORBA Group Membership Protocol.- Analyzing the Behavior of Event Dispatching Systems through Simulation.- ParAgent: A Domain-Specific Semi-automatic Parallelization Tool.- Practical Experiences with Java Compilation.- Applications.- Performance Prediction and Analysis of Parallel Out-of-Core Matrix Factorization.- Integration of Task and Data Parallelism: A Coordination-Based Approach.- Parallel and Distributed Computational Fluid Dynamics: Experimental Results and Challenges.- Parallel Congruent Regions on a Mesh-Connected Computer.- Can Scatter Communication Take Advantage of Multidestination Message Passing?.- INVITED SESSION.- Power: A First Class Design Constraint for Future Architectures.- Embedded Computing: New Directions in Architecture and Automation.- Instruction Level Distributed Processing.- Speculative Multithreaded Processors.- Cluster Computing and Its Applications.- A Fast Tree-Based Barrier Synchronization on Switch-Based Irregular Networks.- Experiments with the CHIME Parallel Processing System.- Meta-data Management System for High-Performance Large-Scale Scientific Data Access.- Parallel Sorting Algorithms with Sampling Techniques on Clusters with Processors Running at Different Speeds.- Evaluation of an Adaptive Scheduling Strategy for Master-Worker Applications on Clusters of Workstations.- Architecture.- Multi-dimensional Selection Techniques for Minimizing Memory Bandwidth in High-Throughput Embedded Systems.- Energy-Aware Instruction Scheduling.- On Message-Dependent Deadlocks in Multiprocessor/Multicomputer Systems.- Memory Consistency and Process Coordination for SPARC Multiprocessors.- Improving Offset Assignment on Embedded Processors Using Transformations.- Applied Parallel Processing.- Improving Parallelism in Asynchronous Reading of an Entire Database.- A Parallel Framework for Explicit FEM.- Analyzing the Parallel Scalability of an Implicit Unstructured Mesh CFD Code.- Process Interconnection Structures in Dynamically Changing Topologies.- Conservative Circuit Simulation on Multiprocessor Machines.- Networks.- Exact Evaluation of Multi-traffic for Wireless PCS Networks with Multi-channel.- Distributed Quality of Service Routing.- Partitioning PCS Networks for Distributed Simulation.- Providing Differentiated Reliable Connections for Real Time Communication in Multihop Networks.- A Multicast Synchronization Protocol for Multiple Distributed Multimedia Streams.- Wireless and Mobile Communciation Systems.- Improving Mobile Computing Performance by Using an Adaptive Distribution Framework.- Optimal Algorithms for Routing in LEO Satellite Networks with ISL.- Data Organization and Retrieval on Parallel Air Channels.- A Weight Based Distributed Clustering Algorithm for Mobile ad hoc Networks.- Large-Scale Data Mining.- A Scalable Approach to Balanced, High-Dimensional Clustering of Market-Baskets.- Dynamic Integration of Decision Committees.- Incremental Mining of Constrained Associations.- Scalable, Distributed and Dynamic Mining of Association Rules.
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