Computational science - ICCS 2001 : International Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 28-30, 2001 : proceedings


Computational science - ICCS 2001 : International Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 28-30, 2001 : proceedings

Vassil N. Alexandrov ... [et al.] (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 2073-2074)

Springer, c2001

  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27



Includes bibliographies and index



pt. 1 ISBN 9783540422327


LNCS volumes 2073 and 2074 contain the proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2001, held in San Francisco, California, May 27 -31, 2001. The two volumes consist of more than 230 contributed and invited papers that reflect the aims of the conference to bring together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering advanced application of computational methods to sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, arts and humanitarian fields, along with software developers and vendors, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research, as well as to help industrial users apply various advanced computational techniques.


Invited Paper.- Exploiting OpenMP to Provide Scalable SMP BLAS and LAPACK Routines.- Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing.- Quantification of Uncertainty for Numerical Simulatons with Confidence Intervals.- Large-Scale Simulation and Visualization in Medicine: Applications to Cardiology, Neuroscience, and MedicaL Imaging.- Can Parallel Programming Be Made Easy for Scientists.- Software Support for High Performance Problem-Solving on Computational Grids.- Lattice Rules and Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo.- Blue Gene: A Massively Parallel System.- Dynamic Grid Computing.- Robust Geometric Computation Based on Topological Consistency.- Metacomputing with the Harness and IceT Systems.- Computational Biology: IT Challenges and Opportunities.- Architecture-Specific Automatic Performance Tuning.- A Data Broker for Distributed Computing Environments.- Towards an Accurate Model for Collective Communications.- A Family of High-Performance Matrix Multiplication Algorithms.- Performance Evaluation of Heuristics for Scheduling Pipelined Multiprocessor Tasks.- Automatic Performance Tuning in the UHFFT Library.- A Modal Model of Memory.- Fast Automatic Generation of DSP Algorithms.- Cache-Efficient Multigrid Algorithms.- Statistical Models for Automatic Performance Tuning.- Optimizing Sparse Matrix Computations for Register Reuse in SPARSITY.- Rescheduling for Locality in Sparse Matrix Computations.- Climate Modeling.- The DOE Parallel Climate Model (PCM): The Computational Highway and Backroads.- Conceptualizing a Collaborative Problem Solving Environment for Regional Climate Modeling and Assessment of Climate Impacts.- Computational Design and Performance of the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model, Version One.- The Model Coupling Toolkit.- Parallelization of a Subgrid Orographic Precipitation Scheme in an MM5-Based Regional Climate Model.- Resolution Dependence in Modeling Extreme Weather Events.- Visualizing High-Resolution Climate Data.- Global Computing - Internals and Usage.- Improving Java Server Performance with Interruptlets.- Protocols and Software for Exploiting Myrinet Clusters.- Cluster Configuration Aided by Simulation.- Application Monitoring in the Grid with GRM and PROVE.- Extension of Macrostep Debugging Methodology Towards Metacomputing Applications.- Capacity and Capability Computing Using Legion.- Component Object Based Single System Image Middleware for Metacomputer Implementation of Genetic Programming on Clusters.- The Prioritized and Distributed Synchronization in Distributed Groups.- Collaborative Computing.- On Group Communication Systems: Insight, a Primer and a Snapshot.- Overview of the InterGroup Protocols.- Introducing Fault-Tolerant Group Membership Into The Collaborative Computing Transport Layer.- A Modular Collaborative Parallel CFD Workbench.- Distributed Name Service in Harness.- Fault Tolerant MPI for the HARNESS Meta-computing System.- A Harness Control Application for Hand-Held Devices.- Flexible Class Loader Framework: Sharing Java Resources in Harness System.- Mobile Wide Area Wireless Fault-Tolerance.- Tools for Collaboration in Metropolitan Wireless Networks.- A Repository System with Secure File Access for Collaborative Environments.- Authentication Service Model Supporting Multiple Domains in Distributed Computing.- Performance and Stability Analysis of a Message Oriented Reliable Multicast for Distributed Virtual Environments in Java.- A Secure and Efficient Key Escrow Protocol for Mobile Communications.- Complex Physical System Simulation.- High-Performance Algorithms for Quantum Systems Evolution.- Complex Situations Simultation When Testing Intelligence System Knowledge Base.- Peculiarities of Computer Simulation and Statistical Representation of Time-Spatial Metocean Fields.- Numerical Investigation of Quantum Chaos in the Problem of Multichannel Scattering in Three Body System.- Distributed Simulation of Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon Films: Numerical Experiments on a Linux Based Computing Environment.- Performance Prediction for Parallel Local Weather Forecast Programs.- The NORMA Language Application to Solution of Strong Nonequilibrium Transfer Processes Problem with Condensation of Mixtures on the Multiprocessor System.- Adaptive High-Performance Method for Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Complex Flows with Number of Strong and Weak Discontinuities.- Cellular Automata as a Mesoscopic Approach to Model and Simulate Complex Systems.- Computational Chemistry.- Ab-Initio Kinetics of Heterogeneous Catalysis: NO+N+O/Rh(111).- Interpolating Wavelets in Kohn-Sham Electronic Structure Calculations.- Simulations of Surfactant-Enhanced Spreading.- Supporting Car-Parrinello Molecular Dynamics with UNICORE.- Parallel Methods in Time Dependent Approaches to Reactive Scattering Calculations.- Computational Finance.- Construction of Multinomial Lattice Random Walks for Optimal Hedges.- On Parallel Pseudo-Random Number Generation.- A General Framework for Trinomial Trees.- On the Use of Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Computational Finance.- Computational Geometry and Applications.- An Efficient Algorithm to Calculate the Minkowski Sum of Convex 3D Polyhedra.- REGTET: A Program for Computing Regular Tetrahedralizations.- Fast Maintenance of Rectilinear Centers.- Exploring an Unknown Polygonal Environment with Bounded Visibility.- Parallel Optimal Weighted Links.- Robustness Issues in Surface Reconstruction.- On a Nearest-Neighbour Problem in Minkowski and Power Metrics.- On Dynamic Generalized Voronoi Diagrams in the Euclidean Metric.- Computing Optimal Hatching Directions in Layered Manufacturing.- Discrete Local Fairing of B-Spline Surfaces.- Computational Methods for Geometric Processing. Applications to Industry.- Graph Voronoi Regions for Interfacing Planar Graphs.- Robust and Fast Algorithm for a Circle Set Voronoi Diagram in a Plane.- Apollonius Tenth Problem as a Point Location Problem.- Crystal Voronoi Diagram and Its Applications to Collision-Free Paths.- The Voronoi-Delaunay Approach for Modeling the Packing of Balls in a Cylindrical Container.- Multiply Guarded Guards in Orthogonal Art Galleries.- Reachability on a region bounded by two attached squares.- Illuminating Polygons with Vertex ?-Floodlights.- Computational Methods.- Performance Tradeoffs in Multi-tier Formulation of a Finite Difference Method.- On the Use of a Differentiated Finite Element Package for Sensitivity Analysis.- Parallel Factorizations with Algorithmic Blocking.- Bayesian Parameter Estimation: A Monte Carlo Approach.- Recent Progress in General Sparse Direct Solvers.- On Efficient Application of Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods to Large-Scale Systems of Index 1 Differential-Algebraic Equations.- On the Efficiency of Nearest Neighbor Searching with Data Clustered in Lower Dimensions.- A Spectral Element Method for Oldroyd-B Fluid in a Contraction Channel.- SSE Based Parallel Solution for Power Systems Network Equations.- Implementation of Symmetric Nonstationary Phase-Shift Wavefield Extrapolator on an Alpha Cluster.- Generalized High-Level Synthesis of Wavelet-Based Digital Systems via Nonlinear I/O Data Space Transformations.- Solvable Map Method for Integrating Nonlinear Hamiltonian Systems.- A Parallel ADI Method for a Nonlinear Equation Describing Gravitational Flow of Ground Water.- The Effect of the Cusp on the Rate of Convergence of the Rayleigh-Ritz Method.- The AGEB Algorithm for Solving the Heat Equation in Three Space Dimensions and Its Parallelization Using PVM.- A Pollution Adaptive Mesh Generation Algorithm in r-h Version of the Finite Element Method.- An Information Model for the Representation of Multiple Biological Classifications.- A Precise Integration Algorithm for Matrix Riccati Differential Equations.- Computational Models of Natural Language Arguments.- GEA: A Complete, Modular System for Generating Evaluative Arguments.- Argumentation in Explanations to Logical Problems.- Analysis of the Argumentative Effect of Evaluative Semantics in Natural Language.- Getting Good Value Facts, Values, and Goals in Computational Linguistics.- Computational Models of Natural Language Argument.- An Empirical Study of Multimedia Argumentation.- Exploiting Uncertainty and Incomplete Knowledge in Deceptive Argumentation.- Computational Physics in the Undergraduate Curriculum.- Integrating Computation into the Physics Curriculum.- Musical Acoustics and Computational Science.- Developing Components and Curricula for a Research-Rich Undergraduate Degree in Computational Physics.- Physlets: Java Tools for a Web-Based Physics Curriculum.- Computation in Undergraduate Physics: The Lawrence Approach.- Computational Science Applications and Case Studies.- Recent Developments of a Coupled CFD/CSD Methodology.- Towards a Coupled Environmental Prediction System.- New Materials Design.- Parallelization of an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Low Mach Number Combustion.- Combustion Dynamics of Swirling Turbulent Flames.- Parallel CFD Computing Using Shared Memory OpenMP.- Plasma Modeling of Ignition for Combustion Simulations.- Computational Science Education: Standards, Learning Outcomes and Assesment Techniques.- Computational Science Education: Standards, Learning Outcomes, and Assessment.- Learning Computational Methods for Partial Differential Equations from the Web.- Computational Engineering and Science Program at the University of Utah.- High Performance and Parallel Computing in Manufacturing and Testing Environments.- Influences on the Solution Process for Large, Numeric-Intensive Automotive Simulations.- Scalable Large Scale Process Modeling and Simulations in Liquid Composite Molding.- An Object-Oriented Software Framework for Execution of Real-Time, Parallel Algorithms.- A Multiagent Architecture Addresses the Complexity of Industry Process Re-engineering.- Diagnosis Algorithms for a Symbolically Modeled Manufacturing Process.- Time-Accurate Turbine Engine Simultation in a Parallel Computing Environment Part II - Software Alpha Test.- Monte Carlo Numerical Methods.- Finding Steady State of Safety Systems Using the Monte Carlo Method.- Parallel High-Dimensional Integration: Quasi-Monte Carlo versus Adaptive Cubature Rules.- Path Integral Monte Carlo Simulations and Analytical Approximations for High-Temperature Plasmas.- A Feynman-Kac Path-Integral Implementation for Poisson's Equation.- Relaxed Monte Carlo Linear Solver.

pt. 2 ISBN 9783540422334


LNCS volumes 2073 and 2074 contain the proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2001, held in San Francisco, California, May 27-31, 2001. The two volumes consist of more than 230 contributed and invited papers that reflect the aims of the conference to bring together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering advanced application of computational methods to sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, arts and humanitarian fields, along with software developers and vendors, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research, as well as to help industrial users apply various advanced computational techniques.


  • Digital Imaging Applications.- Densification of Digital Terrain Elevations Using Shape from Shading with Single Satellite Imagery.- PC-Based System for Calibration, Reconstruction, Processing, and Visualization of 3D Ultrasound Data Based on a Magnetic-Field Position and Orientation Sensing System.- Automatic Real-Time XRII Local Distortion Correction Method for Digital Linear Tomography.- Meeting the Computational Demands of Nuclear Medical Imaging Using Commodity Clusters.- An Image Registration Algorithm Based on Cylindrical Prototype Model.- An Area-Based Stereo Matching Using Adaptive Search Range and Window Size.- Environmental Modeling.- Methods of Sensitivity Theory and Inverse Modeling for Estimation of Source Term and Risk/Vulnerability Areas.- The Simulation of Photochemical Smog Episodes in Hungary and Central Europe Using Adaptive Gridding Models.- Numerical Solution of the Aerosol Condensation/Evaporation Equation.- Efficient Treatment of Large-Scale Air Pollution Models on Supercomputers.- High Performance Computational Tools and Environments.- Pattern Search Methods for Use-Provided Points.- In-situ Bioremediation: Advantages of Parallel Computing and Graphical Investigating Techniques.- Adaptive Load Balancing for MPI Programs.- Performance and Irregular Behavior of Adaptive Task Partitioning.- Optimizing Register Spills for Eager Functional Languages.- A Protocol for Multi-threaded Processes with Choice in ?-Calculus.- Mapping Parallel Programs onto Distributed Computer Systems with Faulty Elements.- Enabling Interoperation of High Performance, Scientific Computing Applications: Modeling Scientific Data with the Sets and Fields (SAF) Modeling System.- Intelligent Systems Design and Applications.- ALEC: An Adaptive Learning Framework for Optimizing Artificial Neural Networks.- Solving Nonlinear Differential Equations by a Neural Network Method.- Fuzzy Object Blending in 2D.- An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Systems.- The Match Fit Algorithm - A Testbed for Computational Motivation of Attention.- Automatic Implementation and Simulation of Qualitative Cognitive Maps.- Inclusion-Based Approximate Reasoning.- Attractor Density Models with Application to Analyzing the Stability of Biological Neural Networks.- MARS: Still an Alien Planet in Soft Computing?.- Data Reduction Based on Spatial Partitioning.- Alternate Methods in Reservoir Simulation.- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets in Intelligent Data Analysis for Medical Diagnosis.- Design of a Fuzzy Controller Using a Genetic Algorithm for Stator Flux Estimation.- Object Based Image Ranking Using Neural Networks.- A Genetic Approach for Two Dimensional Packing with Constraints.- Task Environments for the Dynamic Development of Behavior.- Wavelet Packet Multi-layer Perceptron for Chaotic Time Series Prediction: Effects of Weight Initialization.- Genetic Line Search.- HARPIC, an Hybrid Architecture Based on Representations, Perceptions, and Intelligent Control: A Way to Provide Autonomy to Robots.- Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Stock Market Analysis.- On the Emulation of Kohonen's Self-Organization via Single-Map Metropolis-Hastings Algorithms.- Quasi Analog Formal Neuron and Its Learning Algorithm Hardware.- Producing Non-verbal Output for an Embodied Agent in an Intelligent Tutoring System.- Co-evolving a Neural-Net Evaluation Function for Othello by Combining Genetic Algorithms and Reinforcement Learning.- Modeling the Effect of Premium Changes on Motor Insurance Customer Retention Rates Using Neural Networks.- On the Predictability of Rainfall in Kerala - An Application of ABF Neural Network.- A Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with Fuzzy Processing Times.- Speech Synthesis Using Neural Networks Trained by an Evolutionary Algorithm.- A Two-Phase Fuzzy Mining and Learning Algorithm for Adaptive Learning Environment.- Applying Genetic Algorithms and Other Heuristic Methods to Handle PC Configuration Problems.- Forecasting Stock Market Performance Using Hybrid Intelligent System.- Multimedia.- The MultiMedia Maintenance Management (M4) System.- Visualisations
  • Functionality and Interaction.- DMEFS Web Portal: A METOC Application.- The Validation Web Site: A Combustion Collaboratory over the Internet.- The Policy Machine for Security Policy Management.- Multi-spectral Scene Generation and Projection.- The Javelin Integrated Flight Simulation.- A Multi-spectral Test and Simulation Facility to Support Missile Development, Production, and Surveillance Programs.- Correlated, Real Time Multi-spectral Sensor Test and Evaluation (T&E) in an Installed Systems Test Facility (ISTF) Using High Performance Computing.- Infrared Scene Projector Digital Model Development.- Infrared Scene Projector Digital Model Mathematical Description.- Distributed Test Capability Using Infrared Scene Projector Technology.- Development of Infrared and Millimeter Wave Scene Generators for the P3I BAT High Fidelity Flight Simulation.- Novel Models for Parallel Computation.- A Cache Simulator for Shared Memory Systems.- On the Effectiveness of D-BSP as a Bridging Model of Parallel Computation.- Coarse Grained Parallel On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) for Data Mining.- Architecture Independent Analysis of Parallel Programs.- Strong Fault-Tolerance: Parallel Routing in Networks with Faults.- Parallel Algorithm Design with Coarse-Grained Synchronization.- Parallel Bridging Models and Their Impact on Algorithm Design.- A Coarse-Grained Parallel Algorithm for Maximal Cliques in Circle Graphs.- Parallel Models and Job Characterization for System Scheduling.- Optimization.- Heuristic Solutions for the Multiple-Choice Multi-dimension Knapsack Problem.- Tuned Annealing for Optimization.- A Hybrid Global Optimization Algorithm Involving Simplex and Inductive Search.- Applying Evolutionary Algorithms to Combinatorial Optimization Problems.- Program and Visualization.- Exploratory Study of Scientific Visualization Techniques for Program Visualization.- Immersive Visualization Using AVS/Express.- VisBench: A Framework for Remote Data Visualization and Analysis.- The Problem of Time Scales in Computer Visualization.- Making Movies: Watching Software Evolve through Visualisation.- Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Programming.- Performance Optimization for Large Scale Computing: The Scalable VAMPIR Approach.- TRaDe: Data Race Detection for Java.- Automation of Data Traffic Control on DSM Architectures.- The Monitoring and Steering Environment.- Token Finding Using Mobile Agents.- Load Balancing for the Electronic Structure Program GREMLIN in a Very Heterogenous SSH-Connected WAN-Cluster of UNIX-Type Hosts.- DeWiz - Modular Debugging for Supercomputers and Computational Grids.- Fiddle: A Flexible Distributed Debugger Architecture.- Visualization of Distributed Applications for Performance Debugging.- Achieving Performance Portability with SKaMPI for High-Performance MPI Programs.- Cyclic Debugging Using Execution Replay.- Visualizing the Memory Access Behavior of Shared Memory Applications on NUMA Architectures.- CUMULVS Viewers for the ImmersaDesk.- Simulation.- N-Body Simulation on Hybrid Architectures.- Quantum Mechanical Simulation of Vibration-Torsion-Rotation Levels of Methanol.- Simulation-Visualization Complexes as Generic Exploration Environment.- Efficient Random Process Generation for Reliable Simulation of Complex Systems.- Replicators & Complementarity: Solving the Simplest Complex System without Simulation.- Soft Computing: Systems and Applications.- More Autonomous Hybrid Models in Bang2.- Model Generation of Neural Network Ensembles Using Two-Level Cross-Validation.- A Comparison of Neural Networks and Classical Discriminant Analysis in Predicting Students' Mathematics Placement Examination Scores.- Neural Belief Propagation without Multiplication.- Fuzzy Logic Basis in High Performance Decision Support Systems.- Scaling of Knowledge in Random Conceptual Networks.- Implementation of Kolmogorov Learning Algorithm for Feedforward Neural Networks.- Noise-Induced Signal Enhancement in Heterogeneous Neural Networks.- Phylogenetic Inference for Genome Rearrangement Data.- Evolutionary Puzzles: An Introduction to Genome Rearrangement.- High-Performance Algorithmic Engineering for Computationa Phylogenetics.- Phylogenetic Inference from Mitochondrial Genome Arrangement Data.- Late Submissions.- Genetic Programming: A Review of Some Concerns.- Numerical Simulation of Quantum Distributions: Instability and Quantum Chaos.- Identification of MIMO Systems by Input-Output Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models.- Control of Black Carbon, the Most Effective Means of Slowing Global Warming.- Comparison of Two Schemes for the Redistribution of Moments for Modal Aerosol Model Application.- A Scale-Dependent Dynamic Model for Scalar Transport in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer.- Advances in Molecular Algorithms.- MDT - The Molecular Dynamics Test Set.- Numerical Methods for the Approximation of Path Integrals Arising in Quantum Statistical Mechanics.- The Multigrid N-Body Solver.- Do Your Hard-Spheres Have Tails? A Molecular Dynamics Integration Algorithm for Systems with Mixed Hard-Core/Continuous Potentials.- An Improved Dynamical Formulation for Constant Temperature and Pressure Dynamics, with Application to Particle Fluid Models.

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