High Performance Computing - HiPC 2001 : 8th International Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 17-20, 2001 : proceedings


High Performance Computing - HiPC 2001 : 8th International Conference, Hyderabad, India, December 17-20, 2001 : proceedings

Burkhard Monien, Viktor K. Prasanna, Sriram Vajapeyam (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 2228)

Springer, c2001

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 26



Includes bibliographies and index



MessagefromtheGeneralCo-Chairs It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Eighth International Conference on High Performance Computing and to Hyderabad, a leading center for Infor- tionTechnologyinIndia.Thismessagepaystributetomanyvolunteerswho made this meeting possible. We are indebted to Professor Burkhard Monien for his superb e?orts as p- gramchairinorganizinganexcellenttechnicalprogram.Wewouldliketothank the vice chairs, Guang Gao, Allan Gottlieb, Bruce Maggs, Cauligi Raghavendra, and Horst Simon, for their e?orts in putting together a strong program comm- tee, who in turn reviewed the submissions and composed an excellent technical program.WewouldliketothankCauligiRaghavendraforhise?ortsinorga- zing the invited session on networks. Many volunteers have been associated with HiPC over the years, and they have continued their excellent service in organizing the meeting: Vipin Kumar invited the keynote speakers and coordinated the keynotes, Sartaj Sahni handled the poster/presentation session, Sandhya Dwarkadas and Tulika Mitra handled - blicity, Nalini Venkatasubramanian and her assistant Mario Espinoza interfaced with the authors and Springer-Verlag in bringing out these proceedings, Manav Misra put together the tutorials, Ajay Gupta did a ?ne job in handling inter- tional ?nancial matters, Dheeraj Sanghi administered scholarships for students from Indian academia, Sudheendra Hangal handled the exhibits with inputs from R.Govindarajan,SajalDasactedasvicegeneralchair,C.P.Ravikumarand Vinod Sanjay, though not listed in the announcements, managed publicity w- hin India. We would like to thank all of them for their time and e?orts. OurspecialthanksgotoA.K.P.Nambiarforhiscontinuede?ortsinhandling ?nancial matters as well as coordinating the activities within India.


Keynote Address.- Stability Issues in Heterogeneous and FIFO Networks under the Adversarial Queueing Model.- Algorithms.- Mesh Algorithms for Multiplication and Division.- Compact Routing in Directed Networks with Stretch Factor of Two.- Parametric Scheduling - Algorithms and Complexity.- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Lower Bounds on Time and Processors for Scheduling Precedence Graphs on Multicomputer Systems.- On Job Scheduling for HPC-Clusters and the dynP Scheduler.- An Adaptive Scheme for Fault-Tolerant Scheduling of Soft Real-Time Tasks in Multiprocessor Systems.- Keynote Address.- Learning from the Success of MPI.- Applications.- Gyrokinetic Simulations of Plasma Turbulence on Massively Parallel Computers.- A Parallel Krylov-Type Method for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems.- Evolving Cellular Automata Based Associative Memory for Pattern Recognition.- Efficient Parallel Algorithms and Software for Compressed Octrees with Applications to Hierarchical Methods.- A Case Study of Improving Memory Locality in Polygonal Model Simplification: Metrics and Performance.- Keynote Address.- High-Performance Scalable Java Virtual Machines.- Architecture.- Shared Virtual Memory Clusters with Next-Generation Interconnection Networks and Wide Compute Nodes.- Stream-Packing: Resource Allocation in Web Server Farms with a QoS Guarantee.- Weld: A Multithreading Technique Towards Latency-tolerant VLIW Processors.- Putting Data Value Predictors to Work in Fine-Grain Parallel Processors.- Confidence Estimation for Branch Prediction Reversal.- Retargetable Program Profiling Using High Level Processor Models.- Systems Software.- Towards Automatic Synthesis of High-Performance Codes for Electronic Structure Calculations: Data Locality Optimization.- Block Asynchronous I/O:A Flexible Infrastructure for User-Level Filesystems.- TWLinuX: Operating System Support for Optimistic Parallel Discrete Event Simulation.- Low-Cost Garbage Collection for Causal Message Logging.- Improving the Precise Interrupt Mechanism of Software- Managed TLB Miss Handlers.- Hidden Costs in Avoiding False Sharing in Software DSMs.- Keynote Address.- Heterogeneous Computing: Goals, Methods, and Open Problems.- Communication Networks.- Maximum Achievable Capacity Gain through Traffic Load Balancing in Cellular Radio Networks: A Practical Perspective.- Performance Evaluation of Mobile Agents for E-commerce Applications.- Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Communication Services on High-Speed LANs under Topology Changes.- Wavelength Conversion Placement and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Optical Networks.- Identifying Long-Term High-Bandwidth Flows at a Router.- Variable Length Packet Switches: Input Queued Fabrics with Finite Buffers, Speedup, and Parallelism.- Keynote Address.- Web Mining Is Parallel.- Advances and Research Challenges in Networking.- An Optical Booster for Internet Routers.- Intelligent Traffic Engineering of Internets: Towards a Model-Based Approach.- Performance Analysis of Data Services over GPRS.

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