Connections : the geometric bridge between art and science
Connections : the geometric bridge between art and science
(Series on knots and everything, v. 25)
World Scientific, c2001
2nd ed
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全25件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Bibliography: p. [455]-461, [487]
Includes index
The first edition of Connections was chosen by the National Association of Publishers (USA) as the best book in "Mathematics, Chemistry, and Astronomy - Professional and Reference" in 1991. It has been a comprehensive reference in design science, bringing together in a single volume material from the areas of proportion in architecture and design, tilings and patterns, polyhedra, and symmetry. The book presents both theory and practice and has more than 750 illustrations. It is suitable for research in a variety of fields and as an aid to teaching a course in the mathematics of design. It has been influential in stimulating the burgeoning interest in the relationship between mathematics and design. In the second edition there are five new sections, supplementary, as well as a new preface describing the advances in design science since the publication of the first edition.
- Proportion in architecture
- similarity
- the golden mean
- graphs
- tilings with polygons
- two-dimensional networks and lattices
- polyhedra - platonic solids
- transformation of the platonic solids I
- transformation of the platonic solids II
- polyhedra - space filling
- isometries and mirrors
- symmetry of the plane.
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