Computational Science - ICCS 2002 : International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002 : proceedings


Computational Science - ICCS 2002 : International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 21-24, 2002 : proceedings

Peter M.A. Sloot ... [et al.] (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 2329-2331)

Springer, c2002

  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2
  • pt. 3

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 29



Includes bibliographies and index



pt. 1 ISBN 9783540435914


Computational Science is the scienti?c discipline that aims at the development and understanding of new computational methods and techniques to model and simulate complex systems. The area of application includes natural systems - such as biology, envir- mental and geo-sciences, physics, and chemistry - and synthetic systems such as electronics and ?nancial and economic systems. The discipline is a bridge b- ween 'classical' computer science - logic, complexity, architecture, algorithms - mathematics, and the use of computers in the aforementioned areas. The relevance for society stems from the numerous challenges that exist in the various science and engineering disciplines, which can be tackled by advances made in this ?eld. For instance new models and methods to study environmental issues like the quality of air, water, and soil, and weather and climate predictions through simulations, as well as the simulation-supported development of cars, airplanes, and medical and transport systems etc. Paraphrasing R. Kenway (R.D. Kenway, Contemporary Physics. 1994): 'There is an important message to scientists, politicians, and industrialists: in the future science, the best industrial design and manufacture, the greatest medical progress, and the most accurate environmental monitoring and forecasting will be done by countries that most rapidly exploit the full potential ofcomputational science'. Nowadays we have access to high-end computer architectures and a large range of computing environments, mainly as a consequence of the enormous s- mulus from the various international programs on advanced computing, e.g.


Keynote Papers.- The UK e-Science Core Programme and the Grid.- Community Grids.- Conference Papers.- A Conceptual Model for Surveillance Video Content and Event-Based Indexing and Retrieval.- Comparison of Overlap Detection Techniques.- Using a Passage Retrieval System to Support Question Answering Process.- XML Design Patterns Used in the EnterTheGrid Portal.- Modeling Metadata-Enabled Information Retrieval.- Conference Papers.- Spontaneous Branching in a Polyp Oriented Model of Stony Coral Growth.- Local Minimization Paradigm in Numerical Modelling of Foraminiferal Shells.- Using PDES to Simulate Individual-Oriented Models in Ecology: A Case Study.- In Silico Modelling of the Human Intestinal Microflora.- A Mesoscopic Approach to Modeling Immunological Memory.- Conference Papers.- A New Method for Ordering Binary States Probabilities in Reliability and Risk Analysis.- Reliability Evaluation Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Support Vector Machine.- On Models for Time-Sensitive Interactive Computing.- Induction of Decision Multi-trees Using Levin Search.- A Versatile Simulation Model for Hierarchical Treecodes.- Conference Papers.- Computational Processes in Iterative Stochastic Control Design.- An Efficient Approach to Deal with the Curse of Dimensionality in Sensitivity Analysis Computations.- Birge and Qi Method for Three-Stage Stochastic Programs Using IPM.- Multivariate Stochastic Models of Metocean Fields: Computational Aspects and Applications.- Conference Papers.- Simulation of Gender Artificial Society: Multi-agent Models of Subject-Object Interactions.- Memory Functioning in Psychopathology.- Investigating e-Market Evolution.- Markets as Global Scheduling Mechanisms: The Current State.- Numerical Simulations of Combined Effects of Terrain Orography and Thermal Stratification on Pollutant Distribution in a Town Valley.- Conference Papers.- The Differentiated Call Processing Based on the Simple Priority-Scheduling Algorithm in SIP6.- A Fuzzy Approach for the Network Congestion Problem.- Performance Evaluation of Fast Ethernet, Giganet and Myrinet on a Cluster.- Basic Operations on a Partitioned Optical Passive Stars Network with Large Group Size.- Conference Papers.- 3D Mesh Generation for the Results of Anisotropic Etch Simulation.- A Fractional Splitting Algorithm for Non-overlapping Domain Decomposition.- Tetrahedral Mesh Generation for Environmental Problems over Complex Terrains.- Domain Decomposition and Multigrid Methods for Obstacle Problems.- Domain Decomposition Coupled with Delaunay Mesh Generation.- Conference Papers.- Accuracy of 2D Pulsatile Flow in the Lattice Boltzmann BGK Method.- Towards a Microscopic Traffic Simulation of All of Switzerland.- Modeling Traffic Flow at an Urban Unsignalized Intersection.- A Discrete Model of Oil Recovery.- Virtual Phase Dynamics for Constrained Geometries in a Soap Froth.- Conference Papers.- A Correction Method for Parallel Loop Execution.- A Case Study for Automatic Code Generation on a Coupled Ocean- Atmosphere Model.- Data- Flow Oriented Visual Programming Libraries for Scientific Computing.- Conference Papers.- One Dilemma - Different Points of View.- Business Agent.- On the Use of Longitudinal Data Techniques for Modeling the Behavior of a Complex System.- Problem of Inconsistent and Contradictory Judgements in Pairwise Comparison Method in Sense of AHP.- Conference Papers.- An Integration Platform for Metacomputing Applications.- Large-Scale Scientific Irregular Computing on Clusters and Grids.- High Level Trigger System for the LHC ALICE Experiment.- The Gateway Computational Web Portal: Developing Web Services for High Performance Computing.- Evolutionary Optimization Techniques on Computational Grids.- Conference Papers.- Eclipse and Ellipse: PSEs for EHL Solutions using IRIS Explorer and SCIRun.- Parallel Newton-Krylov-Schwarz Method for Solving the Anisotropic Bidomain Equations from the Excitation of the Heart Model.- Parallel Flood Modeling Systems.- Web Based Real Time System for Wavepacket Dynamics.- The Taylor Center for PCs: Exploring, Graphing and Integrating ODEs with the Ultimate Accuracy.- Conference Papers.- Classification Rules + Time = Temporal Rules.- Parametric Optimization in Data Mining Incorporated with GA-Based Search.- Implementing Scalable Parallel Search Algorithms for Data-Intensive Applications.- Techniques for Estimating the Computation and Communication Costs of Distributed Data Mining.- Conference Papers.- Distributed Resource Allocation in Ad Hoc Networks.- The Average Diffusion Method for the Load Balancing Problem.- Remote Access and Scheduling for Parallel Applications on Distributed Systems.- Workload Scheduler with Fault Tolerance for MMSC.- A Simulation Environment for Job Scheduling on Distributed Systems.- Conference Papers.- ICT Environment for Multi-disciplinary Design and Multi-objective Optimisation: A Case Study.- A Web-Based Problem Solving Environment for Solution of Option Pricing Problems and Comparison of Methods.- Cognitive computer graphics for information interpretation in real time intelligence systems.- AG-IVE: An Agent Based Solution to Constructing Interactive Simulation Systems.- Computer-Assisted Learning of Chemical Experiments through a 3D Virtual Lab.- Conference Papers.- Lattice-Boltzmann Based Large-Eddy Simulations Applied to Industrial Flows.- Computational Study of the Pyrolysis Reactions and Coke Deposition in Industrial Naphtha Cracking.- An Accurate and Efficient Frontal Solver for Fully-Coupled Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Problems.- Utilising Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for the Modelling of Granular Material in Large-Scale Engineering Processes.- Parallel Implementation of the INM Atmospheric General Circulation Model on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors.- Conference Papers.- A realistic simulation for Highway Traffic by the use of Cellular Automata.- Application of Cellular Automata Simulations to Modelling of Dynamic Recrystallization.- A Distributed Cellular Automata simulations on cluster of PCs.- Evolving One Dimensional Cellular Automata to Perform a Non-Trivial Collective Behavior Task: One Case Study.- Conference Papers.- New Unconditionally Stable Algorithms to Solve the Time-Dependent Maxwell Equations.- Coupled 3-D Finite Difference Time Domain and Finite Volume Methods for Solving Microwave Heating in Porous Media.- Numerical Solution of Reynolds Equations for Forest Fire Spread.- FEM-based Structural Optimization with Respect to Shakedown Constraints.- Tight Bounds on Capacity Misses for 3D Stencil Codes.- Conference Papers.- A Distributed Co-operative Problem Solving Environment.- The Software Architecture of a Problem Solving Environment for Enterprise Computing.- Semi-automatic Generation of Web-Based Computing Environments for Soft ware Libraries.- The Development of a Grid Based Engineering Design Problem Solving Environment.- TOPAS - Parallel Programming Environment for Distributed Computing.- Conference Papers.- Parallel Implementation of a Least-Squares Spectral Element Solver for Incompressible Flow Problems.- Smooth Interfaces for Spectral Element Approximations of Navier-Stokes Equations.- Simulation of a Compressible Flow by the Finite Element Method Using a General Parallel Computing Approach.- A Class of the Relaxation Schemes for Two-Dimensional Euler Systems of Gas Dynamics.- OpenMP Parallelism for Multi-dimensional Grid-Adaptive Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations.- Conference Papers.- Parameter Estimation in a Three-dimensional Wind Field Model Using Genetic Algorithms.- Minimizing Interference in Mobile Communications Using Genetic Algorithms.- KERNEL: A Matlab Toolbox for Knowledge Extraction and Refinement by NEural Learning.- Damages Recognition on Crates of Beverages by Artificial Neural Networks Trained with Data Obtained from Numerical Simulation.- Simulation Monitoring System Using AVS.- Conference Papers.- ODEs and Redefining the Concept of Elementary Functions.- Contour Dynamics Simulations with a Parallel Hierarchical-Element Method.- A Parallel Algorithm for the Dynamic Partitioning of Particle-Mesh Computational Systems.- Stable Symplectic Integrators for Power Systems.- A Collection of Java Class Libraries for Stochastic Modeling and Simulation.- Conference Papers.- Task-Oriented Petri Net Models for Discrete Event Simulation.- A Subspace Semidefinite Programming for Spectral Graph Partitioning.- A Study on the Pollution Error in r-h Methods Using Singular Shape Functions.- Device Space Design for Efficient Scale-Space Edge Detection.

pt. 2 ISBN 9783540435938


Computational Science is the scienti?c discipline that aims at the development and understanding of new computational methods and techniques to model and simulate complex systems. The area of application includes natural systems - such as biology, envir- mental and geo-sciences, physics, and chemistry - and synthetic systems such as electronics and ?nancial and economic systems. The discipline is a bridge b- ween 'classical' computer science - logic, complexity, architecture, algorithms - mathematics, and the use of computers in the aforementioned areas. The relevance for society stems from the numerous challenges that exist in the various science and engineering disciplines, which can be tackled by advances made in this ?eld. For instance new models and methods to study environmental issues like the quality of air, water, and soil, and weather and climate predictions through simulations, as well as the simulation-supported development of cars, airplanes, and medical and transport systems etc. Paraphrasing R. Kenway (R.D. Kenway, Contemporary Physics. 1994): 'There is an important message to scientists, politicians, and industrialists: in the future science, the best industrial design and manufacture, the greatest medical progress, and the most accurate environmental monitoring and forecasting will be done by countries that most rapidly exploit the full potential ofcomputational science'. Nowadays we have access to high-end computer architectures and a large range of computing environments, mainly as a consequence of the enormous s- mulus from the various international programs on advanced computing, e.g.


Workshop Papers I.- Inverse Direct Lighting with a Monte Carlo Method and Declarative Modelling.- Light Meshes-Original Approach to Produce Soft Shadows in Ray Tracing.- Adding Synthetic Detail to Natural Terrain Using a Wavelet Approach.- The New Area Subdivision Methods for Producing Shapes of Colored Paper Mosaic.- Fast Algorithm for Triangular Mesh Simplification Based on Vertex Decimation.- Geometric Determination of the Spheres which Are Tangent to Four Given Ones.- Metamorphosis of Non-homeomorphic Objects.- Bezier surfaces of minimal area.- Transformation of a Dynamic B-spline Curve Into Piecewise Power Basis Representation.- Rapid Generation of C 2 Continuous Blending Surfaces.- Interactive Multi-volume Visualization.- Efficient Implementation of Multiresolution Triangle Strips.- The Hybrid Octree: Towards the Definition of a Multiresolution Hybrid Framework.- Interactive Hairstyle Modeling Using a Sketching Interface.- Orthogonal Cross Cylinder Using Segmentation Based Environment Modeling.- Helping the Designer in Solution Selection: Applications in CAD.- Polar Isodistance Curves on Parametric Surfaces.- Total Variation Regularization for Edge Preserving 3D SPECT Imaging in High Performance Computing Environments.- Computer Graphics Techniques for Realistic Modeling, Rendering and Animation of Water. Part I: 1980-88.- Computer Graphics Techniques for Realistic Modeling, Rendering and Animation of Water. Part II: 1989-1997.- A Case Study in Geometric Constructions.- Interactive versus Symbolic Approaches to Plane Loci Generation in Dynamic Geometry Environments.- Deformations Expressed as Displacement Maps An Easy Way to Combine Deformations.- A Property on Singularities of NURBS Curves.- Interactive Deformation of Irregular Surface Models.- Bandwidth Reduction Techniques for Remote Navigation Systems.- OSCONVR: An Interactive Virtual Reality Interface to an Object-Oriented Database System for Construction Architectural Design.- Internet Client Graphics Generation Using XML Formats.- The Compression of the Normal Vectors of 3D Mesh Models Using Clustering.- Semi-metric Formal 3D Reconstruction from Perspective Sketches.- Reconstruction of Surfaces from Scan Paths.- Extending Neural Networks for B-Spline Surface Reconstruction.- Computational Geometry and Spatial Meshes.- Workshop Papers I.- A Combinatorial Scheme for Developing Efficient Composite Solvers.- Parallel and Fully Recursive Multifrontal Supernodal Sparse Cholesky.- Parallel Iterative Methods in Modern Physical Applications.- Solving Unsymmetric Sparse Systems of Linear Equations with PARDISO.- A Multipole Approach for Preconditioners.- Orthogonal Method for Linear Systems. Preconditioning.- Antithetic Monte Carlo Linear Solver.- Restarted Simpler GMRES Augmented with Harmonic Ritz Vectors.- A Projection Method for a Rational Eigenvalue Problem in Fluid-Structure Interaction.- On Implementation of Vector Gauss Method for Solving Large-Scale Systems of Index 1 Differential-Algebraic Equations.- One Class of Splitting Iterative Schemes.- Filtration-Convection Problem: Spectral-Difference Method and Preservation of Cosymmetry.- A Comparative Study of Dirichlet and Neumann Conditions for Path Planning through Harmonic Functions.- Adaptation and Assessment of a High Resolution Semi-Discrete Numerical Scheme for Hyperbolic Systems with Source Terms and Stiffness.- The Computational Modeling of Crystalline Materials Using a Stochastic Variational Principle.- Realization of the Finite Mass Method.- Domain Decomposition Using a 2- Level Correction Scheme.- Computational Models for Materials with Shape Memory: Towards a Systematic Description of Coupled Phenomena.- Calculation of Thermal State of Bodies with Multilayer Coatings.- An Irregular Grid Method for Solving High- Dimensional Problems in Finance.- On Polynomial and Polynomial Matrix Interpolation.- Comparing the Performance of Solvers for a Bioelectric Field Problem.- Iteration Revisited Examples From a General Theory.- A New Prime Edge Length Crystallographic FFT.- Workshop Papers I.- TopoMon: A Monitoring Tool for Grid Network Topology.- Logistical Storage Resources for the Grid.- Towards the Design of an Active Grid.- An Active Reliable Multicast Framework for the Grids.- Workshop Papers I.- A Parallel Quasi-Monte Carlo Method for Solving Systems of Linear Equations.- Mixed Monte Carlo Parallel Algorithms for Matrix Computation.- Numerical Experiments with Monte Carlo Methods and SPAI Preconditioner for Solving System of Linear Equations.- Measuring the Performance of a Power PC Cluster.- Monte Carlo Techniques for Estimating the Fiedler Vector in Graph Applications.- Workshop Papers I.- Peer-to-Peer Computing Enabled Collaboration.- Working Towards Strong Wireless Group Communications: The Janus Architecture.- Towards Mobile Computational Application Steering: Visualizing The Spatial Characteristics of Metropolitan Area Wireless Networks.- Hungarian Supercomputing Grid.- The Construction of a Reliable Multipeer Communication Protocol for Distributed Virtual Environments..- Process Oriented Design for Java: Concurrency for All.- Collaborative Computing and E-learning.- CSP Networking for Java ( The MICROBE Benchmarking Toolkit for Java: a Component-Based Approach.- Distributed Peer-to-Peer Control in Harness.- A Comparison of Conventional Distributed Computing Environments and Computational Grids.- Workshop Papers I.- Developing Grid Based Infrastructure for Climate Modeling.- A Real Application of the Model Coupling Toolkit.- Simplifying the Task of Generating Climate Simulations and Visualizations.- On the Computation of Mass Fluxes for Eulerian Transport Models from Spectral Meteorological Fields.- Designing a Flexible Grid Enabled Scientific Modeling Interface.- Workshop Papers I.- Parallel Contact Detection Strategies for Cable and Membrane Structures.- A Parallel Domain Decomposition Algorithm for the Adaptive Finite Element Solution of 3-D Convection-Diffusion Problems.- Parallel Performance in Multi-physics Simulation.- A Parallel Finite Volume Method for Aerodynamic Flows.- Workshop Papers I.- An Extensible Compiler for Creating Scriptable Scientific Software.- Guard: A Tool for Migrating Scientific Applications to the .NET Framework.- Lithium: A Structured Parallel Programming Environment inJa va.- Using the TrustME Tool Suite for Automatic Component Protocol Adaptation.- Integrating CUMULVS into AVS/Express.- Monitoring System for Distributed Java Applications.- A Concept of Portable Monitoring of Multithreaded Programs.- dproc - Extensible Run-Time Resource Monitoring for Cluster Applications.- A Comparison of Counting and Sampling Modes of Using Performance Monitoring Hardware.- Debugging Large-Scale, Long-Running Parallel Programs.- Performance Prediction for Parallel Iterative Solvers.- Improving Data Locality Using Dynamic Page Migration Based on Memory Access Histograms.- Multiphase Mesh Partitioning for Parallel Computational Mechanics Codes.- The Shared Memory Parallelisation of an Ocean Modelling Code Using an Interactive Parallelisation Toolkit.- Dynamic Load Equilibration for Cyclic Applications in Distributed Systems.- 3G Medicine - The Integration of Technologies.- Architecture of Secure Portable and Interoperable Electronic Health Records.- Designing for change and reusability - Using XML, XSL, and MPEG-7 for developing professional health Information systems.- Personal LocationMessaging.- The E-CARE Project - Removing the Wires.- Workshop Papers I.- Automatic Generation of Efficient Adjoint Code for a Parallel Navier-Stokes Solver.- Switchback: Profile-Driven Recomputation for Reverse Mode.- Reducing the Memory Requirement in Reverse Mode Automatic Differentiation by Solving TBR Flow Equations.- The Implementation and Testing of Time-minimal and Resource-optimal Parallel Reversal Schedules.- Automatic Differentiation for Nonlinear Controller Design.- Computation of Sensitivity Information for Aircraft Design by Automatic Differentiation.- Performance Issues for Vertex Elimination Methods in Computing Jacobians using Automatic Differentiation.- Making Automatic Differentiation Truly Automatic: Coupling PETSc with ADIC.- Improved Interval Constraint Propagation for Constraints on Partial Derivatives.

pt. 3 ISBN 9783540435945


Computational Science is the scientific discipline that aims at the development and understanding of new computational methods and techniques to model and simulate complex systems. The area of application includes natural systems - such as biology environ mental and geo-sciences, physics, and chemistry - and synthetic systems such as electronics and financial and economic systems. The discipline is a bridge bet ween 'classical' computer science - logic, complexity, architecture, algorithm- mathematics, and the use of computers in the aforementioned areas. The relevance for society stems from the numerous challenges that exist in the various science and engineering disciplines, which can be tackled by advances made in this field. For instance new models and methods to study environmental issues like the quality of air, water, and soil, and weather and climate predictions through simulations, as well as the simulation-supported development of cars, airplanes, and medical and transport systems etc. Paraphrasing R. Kenway (R.D. Kenway, Contemporary Physics. 1994): 'There is an important message to scientists, politicians, and industrialists: in the future science, the best industrial design and manufacture, the greatest medical progress, and the most accurate environmental monitoring and forecasting will be done by countries that most rapidly exploit the full potential of computational science'. Nowadays we have access to high-end computer architectures and a large range of computing environments, mainly as a consequence of the enormous sti mulus from the various international programs on advanced computing, e.g.


Workshop Papers II.- Recent Developments in Motion Planning.- Extreme Distances in Multicolored Point Sets.- Balanced Partition of Minimum Spanning Trees.- On the Quality of Partitions Based on Space-Filling Curves.- The Largest Empty Annulus Problem.- Mapping Graphs on the Sphere to the Finite Plane.- Impro ved Optimal Weighted Links Algorithms.- A Linear Time Heuristics for Trapezoidation of GIS Polygons.- The Morphology of Building Structures.- Voronoi and Radical Tessellations of Packings of Spheres.- Collision Detection Optimization in a Multi-particle System.- Optimization Techniques in an Event-Driven Simulation of a Shaker Ball Mill.- Modified DAG Location for Delaunay Triangulation.- TIN Meets CAD - Extending the TIN Concept in GIS.- Extracting Meaningful Slopes from Terrain Contours.- Duality in Disk Induced Flows.- Improvement of Digital Terrain Model Interpolation Using SFS Techniques with Single Satellite Imagery.- Implementing an Augmented Scene Delivery System.- Inspection Strategies for Complex Curved Surfaces Using CMM.- The Free Form Deformation of Phytoplankton Models.- Curvature Based Registration with Applications to MR-Mammography.- Full Scale Nonlinear Electromagnetic Inversion for Biological Objects.- Propagation of Excitation Waves and Their Mutual Interactions in the Surface Layer of the Ball with Fast Accessory Paths and the Pacemaker.- Computing Optimal Trajectories for Medical Treatmen t Planning and Optimization.- CAD Recognition Using Three Mathematical Models.- 3D Quantification Visualization of Vascular Structures in Magnetic Resonance Angiographic Images.- Quantitative Methods for Comparisons between Velocity Encoded MR-Measurements and Finite Element Modeling in Phantom Models.- High Performance Distributed Simulation for Interactive Simulated Vascular Reconstruction.- Fluid-Structure Interaction Modelling of Left Ventricular Filling.- Motion Decoupling and Registration for 3D Magnetic Resonance Myocardial Perfusion Imaging.- A Comparison of Factorization-Free Eigensolvers with Application to Cavity Resonators.- Direct Axisymmetric Vlasov Simulations of Space Charge Dominated Beams.- Fast Poisson Solver for Space Charge Dominated Beam Simulation Based on the Template Potential Technique.- Parallel Algorithms for Collective Processes in High Intensity Rings.- VORPAL as a Tool for the Study of Laser Pulse Propagation in LWFA.- OSIRIS: A Three-Dimensional, Fully Relativistic Particle in Cell Code for Modeling Plasma Based Accelerators.- Interactive Visualization of Particle Beams for Accelerator Design.- Generic Large Scale 3D Visualization of Accelerators and Beam Lines.- Tracking Particles In Accelerator Optics With Crystal Elements.- Precision Dynamic Aperture Tracking in Rings.- Numerical Simulation of Hydro- and Magnetohydrodynamic Processes in the Muon Collider Target.- Superconducting RF Accelerating Cavity Developments.- CEA Saclay Codes Review for High Intensities Linacs Computations.- Diagonalization of Time Varying Symmetric Matrices.- Conservation Properties of Symmetric BVMs Applied to Linear Hamiltonian Problems.- A Fixed Point Homotopy Method for Efficient Time-Domain Simulation of Power Electronic Circuits.- A Fortran90 Routine for the Solution of Orthogonal Differential Problems.- Two Step Runge-Kutta-Nystroem Methods for y? = f(x,y) and P-Stability.- Some Remarks on Numerical Methods for Second Order Differential Equations on the Orthogonal Matrix Group.- Numerical Comparison between Different Lie-Group Methods for Solving Linear Oscillatory ODEs.- Multisymplectic Spectral Methods for the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation.- Solving Orthogonal Matrix Differential Systems in Mathematica.- Symplectic Methods for Separable Hamiltonian Systems.- Numerical Treatment of the Rotation Number for the Forced Pendulum.- Symplectic Methods Based on the Matrix Variational Equation for Hamiltonian System.- Variants of Learning Algorithm Based on Kolmogorov Theorem.- Genetic Neighborhood Search.- Application of Neural Networks Optimized by Genetic Algorithms to Higgs Boson Search.- Complex Situation Recognition on the Basis of Neural Networks in Shipboard Intelligence System.- Dynamic Model of the Machining Process on the Basis of Neural Networks: from Simulation to Real Time Application.- Incremental Structure Learning of Three-Layered Gaussian RBF Networks.- Hybrid Learning of RBF Networks.- Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems.- Fuzzy Control System Using Nonlinear Friction Observer for the Mobile Robot.- Efficient Implementation of Operators on Semi-Unstructured Grids.- hypre: A Library of High Performance Preconditioners.- Data Layout Optimizations for Variable Coefficient Multigrid.- gridlib: Flexible and Efficient Grid Management for Simulation and Visualization.- Space Tree Structures for PDE Software.- The Design of a Parallel Adaptive Multi-level Code in Fortran 90.- OpenMP versus MPI for PDE Solvers Based on Regular Sparse Numerical Operators.- High-Level Scientific Programming with Python.- Using CORBA Middleware in Finite Element Software.- On Software Support for Finite Difference Schemes Based on Index Notation.- A Component-based Architecture for Parallel Multi-Physics PDE Simulation.- Using Design Patterns and XML to Construct an Extensible Finite Element System.- GrAL- The Grid Algorithms Library.- A Software Strategy Towards Putting Domain Decomposition at the Centre of a Mesh-Based Simulation Process.- A Software Framework for Mixed Finite Element Programming.- Fast, Adaptively Refined Computational Elements in 3D.- Preconditioning Methods for Linear Systems with Saddle Point Matrices.- Mixed-hybrid FEM Discrete Fracture Network Model of the Fracture Flow.- Parallel Realization of Difference Schemes of Filtration Problem in a Multilayer System.- Stokes Problem for the Generalized Navier-Stokes Equations.- Domain Decomposition Algorithm for Solving Contact of Elastic Bodies.- Parallel High-Performance Computing in Geomechanics with Inner/Outer Iterative Procedures.- Reliable Solution of a Unilateral Frictionless Contact Problem in Quasi-Coupled Thermo-Elasticity with Uncertain Input Data.- Computational Engineering Programs at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.- Teaching Mathematical Modeling: Art or Science?.- CSE Program at ETH Zurich: Are We Doing the Right Thing?.- An Online Environment Supporting High Quality Education in Computational Science.- Computing, Ethics and Social Responsibility: Developing Ethically Responsible Computer Users for the 21st Century.- Teaching Parallel Programming Using Both High-Level and Low-Level Languages.- Computational Science In High School Curricula: The ORESPICS Approach.- Parallel Approaches to the Integration of the Differential Equations for Reactive Scattering.- Fine Grain Parallelism for Discrete Variable Approaches to Wavepacket Calculations.- A Molecular Dynamics Study of the Benzene...Ar2 Complexes.- Beyond Traditional Effective Intermolecular Potentials and Pairwise Interactions in Molecular Simulation.- Density Functional Studies of Halonium Ions of Ethylene and Cyclopentene.- Methodological Problems in the Calculations on Amorphous Hydrogenated Silicon, a-Si:H.- Towards a GRID based Portal for an a priori Molecular Simulation of Chemical Reactivity.- The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Spatial Information Integration in Tourism Industry-Mount Emei for Example.- 3D Visualization of Large Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data Set.- Dynamic Vector and Raster Integrated Data Model Based on Code-Points.- K-Order Neighbor: the Efficient Implementation Strategy for Restricting Cascaded Update in Realm.- A Hierarchical Raster Method for Computing Voronoi Diagrams Based on Quadtrees.- The Dissection of Three-Dimensional Geographic Information Systems.- Genetic Cryptoanalysis of Two Rounds TEA.- Genetic Commerce - Intelligent Share Trading.- Efficient Memory Page Replacement on Web Server Clusters.- Interval Weighted Load Balancing Method for Multiple Application Gateway Firewalls.- Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Multistage Interconnection Networks with Nonuniform Traffic Pattern.- Real-Time Performance Estimation for Dynamic, Distributed Real-Time Systems.- A Load Balancing Algorithm Using the Circulation of A Single Message Token.- A Collaborative Filtering System of Information on the Internet.- Hierarchical Shot Clustering for Video Summarization.- On Detecting Unsteady Demand in Mobile Networking Environment.- Performance Modeling of Location Management Using Multicasting HLR with Forward Pointer in Mobile Networks.- Using Predictive Prefetching to Improve Location Awareness of Mobile Information Service.- Dynamic and Stochastic Properties of Molecular Systems: From Simple Liquids to Enzymes.- Determinism and Chaos in Decay of Metastable States.- Regular and Chaotic Motions of the P arametrically Eorced Pendulum: Theory and Simulations.- Lyapunov Instability and Collective Tangent Space Dynamics of Fluids.- Deterministic Computation Towards Indeterminism.- Splitting Phenomena in Wave Packet Propagation.- An Automated System for Prediction of Icing on the Road.- Neural Network Prediction of Short-Term Dynamics of Futures on Deutsche Mark, Libor and S&P500.- Entropies and Predictability of Nonlinear Processes and Time Series.

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