Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system : foundations for physical rehabilitation
Bibliographic Information
Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system : foundations for physical rehabilitation
Mosby, 2002
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Includes bibliographical references and index
Artwork by Elisabeth E. Rowan
Description and Table of Contents
The link between structure and function of the musculoskeletal system is clarified and explained in this complete guide to clinical kinesiology. "Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System" is the most comprehensive, research-based, reader-friendly text on kinesiology ever published. Beautifully and abundantly illustrated in two-colour, this dynamic, accessible resource presents complex scientific information in an approach designed to draw the reader in and explore the fundamental principles of kinesiology of the trunk and extremities as well as in relation to joints, muscles, and biomechanics.
Table of Contents
Section I: Essential Topics of Kinesiology. Fundamental Principles of Kinesiology. The Structure and Basic Function of Joints. Muscles: The Ultimate Force Generator. Basic Biomechanical Principles of Kinesiology. Appendix 1: Glossary of Key Terms. Section II: The Kinesiology of the Upper Extremity. The Shoulder Complex. The Elbow. The Wrist. The Hand. Appendix 2: Attachments and Innervation of the Musclers of the Upper Extremity. Section III: The Kinesiology of the Axial Skeleton. The Axial Skeleton - Part 1: Osteology and Arthrology. The Axial Skeleton - Part 2: Muscle and Joint Interaction. The Axial Skeleton - Part 3: The Temporomandibular Joint and the Mechanics of Breathing. Appendix 3: Attachments and Innervation of the Muscles of the Axial Skeleton. Section IV: The Kinesiology of the Lower Extremity. The Hip. The Knee. The Ankle and Foot. The Kinesiology of the Human Gait. Appendix 4: Attachments and Innervation of the Muscles of the Lower Extremity. Index.
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