Medical law and ethics


Medical law and ethics

edited by Sheila McLean

(The international library of essays in law and legal theory, 2nd ser.)

Ashgate/Dartmouth, c2002

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 52



Facsimile reprint of articles

Includes bibliographical references and index



Over the last 20 or 30 years of the 20th century the discipline of medical law has become an acknowledged area of specialism in law schools and medical faculties throughout the world. The medical lawyer is required to engage with philosophy, medicine, law, nursing, and social and political policy. As medicines progress, so the opportunity - even need - to use human subjects in research expands. Although a practice with a long history, the treatment of human research subjects has long been controversial and remains so. Few subjects can be so emotive as the decisions made by individuals at the end of life. Although this text covers many aspects of medical law, it is confined to four broad areas, from the traditional issues in medical law, such as negligence, to the specifically "modern" problems - issues at the beginning and end of life.


  • Part 1 Negligence/consent: from informed consent to patient choice - a new protected interest, M.M. Schultz
  • informed consent to medical treatment, G. Robertson
  • historical evolution and modern implications of concepts of consent to, and refusal of, medical treatment in the law of trespass, D. Mendelson
  • medical paternalism, A. Buchanan. Part 2 Reproduction: the morality of abortion, R. Dworkin
  • abortion law - is consensual reform possible?, S.A.M. McLean
  • compulsory sterilization and castration, D. Meyers
  • regulating the reproduction business?, M. Brazier
  • the maternal-foetal dyad - exploring the two-patient model, S.S. Mattingly
  • the creation of foetal rights - conflicts with women's constitutional rights to liberty, privacy and equal protection, D. Johnsen
  • she's going to die - the case of Angela C., G. Annas
  • unwanted pregnancy - a case of retroversion?, J.K. Mason. Part 3 Human experimentation and research: ethics and clinical research, H. Beecher
  • an unfortunate experiment, A. Campbell
  • research and experimentation, I. Kennedy. Part 4 Death and dying: some reflections on the problem of advance directives, personhood and personal identity, H. Kuhse
  • second thoughts on living wills, J.A. Robertson
  • after the patient self-determination act - the need for empirical research on advance directives, J. Lynn and J. Teno
  • decisions at the end of life - guided by communities of patients, L.L. Emanuel and E.J. Emanuel
  • are advance directives really the answer? and what was the question?, A. Somerville
  • euthanasia in the Netherlands - sliding down the slippery slope?, J. Keown
  • assisted suicide in the Netherlands - the Chabot case, J. Griffiths
  • causing death and saving lives, J. Glover.

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