
International handbook of earthquake and engineering seismology

edited by William H.K. Lee ... [et al.]

(International geophysics series : a series of monographs and textbooks / edited by Renata Dmowska and James R. Holton, v. 81 ; pt. A, B)

Academic Press, c2002-2003

  • pt. A
  • pt. A : CD-ROM
  • pt. B
  • CD-ROM 2
  • CD-ROM 3


International handbook of earthquake & engineering seismology


"A project of the Committee on Education, International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, in collaboration with International Association for Earthquake Engineering"

"Published by Academic Press for International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior"

Includes bibliographical references and index


pt. A ISBN 9780124406520


Modern scientific investigations of earthquakes began in the 1880s, and the International Association of Seismology was organized in 1901 to promote collaboration of scientists and engineers in studying earthquakes. The International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, under the auspices of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI), was prepared by leading experts under a distinguished international advisory board and team of editors.The content is organized into 56 chapters and includes over 430 figures, 24 of which are in color. This large-format, comprehensive reference summarizes well-established facts, reviews relevant theories, surveys useful methods and techniques, and documents and archives basic seismic data. It will be the authoritative reference for scientists and engineers and a quick and handy reference for seismologists.Also available is The International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, Part B.


PART A PART I. History and Prefatory Essays 01. History of Seismology (D. C. Agnew) 02. Historical View of Earthquake Engineering (G. W. Housner) 03. The Jesuit Contribution to Seismology (A. Udias and W. Stauder) 04. International Seismology (R. D. Adams) 05. Synthesis of Earthquake Science Information and Its Public Transfer: a history of the Southern California Earthquake Center (K. Aki) 06. Continental Drift, Sea-floor Spreading, and Plate/Plume Tectonics (S. Uyeda) 07. Earthquake Mechanisms and Plate Tectonics (S. Stein and E. Klosko) PART II. Theoretical Seismology 08. Theoretical Seismology: An introduction (A. Udias). 09. Seismic Ray Theory and Finite Frequency Extensions (C. H. Chapman) 10. Normal Modes of the Earth and Planets (P. Lognonne and E. Clevede) 11. Inversion of Surface Waves: A review (B. Romanowicz) 12. Earthquake Dynamics (R. Madariaga and K. B. Olsen) 13. Scattering and Attenuation of Seismic Waves in the Lithosphere (H. Sato, M. Fehler, and R. S. Wu) 14. Earthquakes as a Complex System (D. L. Turcotte and B. D. Malamud) 15. Physics of Earthquakes (R. Teisseyre and E. Majewski) 16. Probabilistic Approach to Inverse Problems (K. Mosegaard and A. Tarantola) PART III. Observational Seismology 17. Seismic Monitoring: a personal overview (W. H. K. Lee) 18. Seismometry (E. Wielandt) 19. Seismic Noise on Land and on the Seafloor (S. C. Webb) 20. U. S. Contribution to Digital Global Seismograph Networks (C. R. Hutt, H. F. Bolton, and L. G. Holcomb) 21. The Structure and Interpretation of Seismograms (O. Kulhanek) 22. Analysis of Digital Earthquake Signals (F. Scherbaum) 23. Seismometer Arrays -- Their use in earthquake and test ban seismology (A. Douglas) 24. Seismological Methods of Monitoring Compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (P. G. Richards) 25. Volcano Seismology and Monitoring for Eruptions (S. R. McNutt) 26. Three-Dimensional Crustal P-Wave Imaging of Mauna Loa and Kilauea Volcanoes, Hawaii (H. M. Benz, P. Okubo, and A. Villasenor) 27. Marine Seismology (K. Suyehiro and K. Mochizuki) 28. Tsunami (K. Satake) PART IV. Earthquake Geology and Mechanics 29. Geology of the Crustal Earthquake Source (R. H. Sibson) 30. Paleoseismology (L. B. Grant) 31. Using Earthquakes for Continental Tectonic Geology (J. Jackson) 32. Rock Failure and Earthquakes (D. A. Lockner and N. M. Beeler) 33. State of Stress within the Earth (L. J. Ruff) 34. State of Stress in the Earth's Lithosphere (M. D. Zoback and M. L. Zoback) 35. Strength and Energetics of Active Fault Zones (J. N. Brune and W. Thatcher) 36. Implications of Crustal Strain during Conventional, Slow and Silent Earthquakes (M. J. S. Johnston and A. T. Linde) 37. Estimating Earthquake Source Parameters from Geodetic Measurements (K. L. Feigl) 38. Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Earthquakes (M. J. S. Johnston) 39. Earthquake-Related Hydrological and Geochemical Changes (C. Y. King and G. Igarashi) 40. Case Histories of Induced and Triggered Seismicity (A. McGarr, D. Simpson, and L. Seeber) PART V. Seismicity of the Earth 41. Global Seismicity: 1900-1999 (E. R. Engdahl and A. Villasenor) 42. A List of Deadly Earthquakes in the World (1500-2000) (T. Utsu) 43. Statistical Features of Seismicity (T. Utsu) 44. Relationships between Earthquake Magnitude Scales (T. Utsu) 45. Historical Seismicity and Tectonics (N. N. Ambraseys, J. A. Jackson, and C. P. Melville) 46. Earthquakes and Archaeology (A. Nur) 47. Historical Seismology: The long memory of the inhibited world (E. Guidoboni) 48. Earthquake History: some examples * 48.1 Introduction (W. H. K. Lee) * 48.2 California Earthquakes of M =5.5: Their history and the areas damaged (T. Toppozada and D. Branum) * 48.3 The Historical Earthquakes of India (S. P. Satyabala) * 48.4 Historical Earthquakes in Japan (T. Usami) * 48.5 Historical Earthquakes of the British Isles (R. M. W. Musson) 49. Macroseismology (R. M. W. Musson and I. Cecic) 50. USGS Moment Tensor Catalog of Earthquakes (S. A. Sipkin) PART VI. Earth's Structure 51. The Earth's Interior (T. Lay) 52. Probing the Earth's Interior with Seismic Tomography (A. Curtis and R. Snieder) 53. Seismic Anisotropy (M. Cara) 54. Seismic Structure of the Continental Lithosphere from Controlled Source Data (W. D. Mooney, C. Prodehl, and N. I. Pavlenkova) 55. Seismic Structure of the Oceanic Crust and Passive Continental Margins (T. A. Minshull) 56. The Earth's Core (X. Song)

pt. B ISBN 9780124406582


The two volume International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology represents the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior's (IASPEI) ambition to provide a comprehensive overview of our present knowledge of earthquakes and seismology. This state-of-the-art work is the only reference to cover all aspects of seismology--a "resource library" for civil and structural engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and seismologists in academia and industry around the globe. Part B, by more than 100 leading researchers from major institutions of science around the globe, features 34 chapters detailing strong-motion seismology, earthquake engineering, quake prediction and hazards mitigation, as well as detailed reports from more than 40 nations. Also available is The International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, Part A.


PART VII. Strong-Motion Seismology 57. Strong-Motion Seismology (J. G. Anderson) 58. Strong-Motion Data Processing (A. F. Shakal, M. J. Huang, and V. M. Graizer) 59. Estimation of Strong Seismic Ground Motions (B. A. Bolt and N. A. Abrahamson) 60. Strong-Motion Attenuation Relations (K. W. Campbell) 61. Site Effects of Strong Ground Motions (H. Kawase) 62. Use of Engineering Seismology Tools in Ground Shaking Scenarios (E. Faccioli and V. Pessina) 63. Kyoshin Net (K-NET), Japan (S. Kinoshita) 64. Strong-motion Instrumentation Programs in Taiwan (T. C. Shin, Y. B. Tsai, Y. T. Yeh, C. C. Liu and Y. M. Wu) PART VIII. Selected Topics in Earthquake Engineering 65. Seismic Hazards and Risk Assessment in Engineering Practice (P. Somerville and Y. Moriwaki) 66. Advances in Seismology with Impact on Earthquake Engineering (S. K. Singh, M. Ordaz, and J. F. Pacheco) 67. An Introduction to the Earthquake Response of Structures (P. C. Jennings) 68. Seismic Design Provisions and Guidelines in the United States: a prologue (R. D. Borcherdt, R. O. Hamburger, and C. A. Kircher) 69. Finite Element Analysis in Earthquake Engineering (J. F. Hall) 70. Liquefaction Mechanisms and Induced Ground Failure (T. L. Youd) 71. Advances in Analysis of Soil Liquefaction during Earthquakes (J-P Bardet) PART IX. Earthquake Prediction and Hazards Mitigation 72. Earthquake Prediction: an overview (H. Kanamori) 73. Stress Triggers, Stress Shadows, and Seismic Hazard (R. A. Harris) 74. The GSHAP Global Seismic Hazard Map (D. Giardini, G. Gruenthal, K. Shedlock, and P. Zhang) 75. The Sociological Dimensions of Earthquake Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery (P. W. O'Brien and D. S. Mileti) 76. The Seismic Alert System of Mexico City (J. M. Espinosa-Aranda) 77. The Rapid Earthquake Data Integration Project (L. Gee, D. Neuhauser, D. Dreger, M. Pasyanos, R. Uhrhammer, and B. Romanowicz) 78. TriNet: a modern ground motion seismic network (E. Hauksson, L. M. Jones, A. F. Shakal) PART X. National and International Reports to IASPEI 79. Centennial National and Institutional Reports: Seismology (edited by C. Kisslinger) 80. Centennial National and Institutional Reports: Earthquake Engineering (edited by S. Cherry) 81. International Reports to IASPI (edited by C. Kisslinger) PART XI. General Information and Miscellaneous Data 82. Statistical Principles for Seismologists (D. Vere-Jones and Y. Ogata) 83. Seismic Velocities and Densities of Rocks (N. I. Christensen and D. Stanley) 84. Worldwide Nuclear Explosions (X. Yang, R. North, C. Romney, and P. G. Richards) 85. Seismological Software (edited by A. Snoke and M. Garcia-Fernandez) * 85.1 Earthquake Seismology Software: Overview (J. A. Snoke and M. Garcia-Fernandez) * 85.2 The IASPEI Software Library (W. H. K. Lee) * 85.3 The IASPEI PC Shareware Library (M. Garcia-Fernandez) * 85.4 ORFEUS Seismological Software Library (T. van Eck, B. Dost, and M. Baer) * 85.5 SAC2000: Signal Processing and Analysis Tools for Seismologists and Engineers (P. Goldstein, D. Dodge, and M. Firpo) * 85.6 SEISAN Earthquake Analysis Software and SEISNET Network Automation Software (J. Havskov and L. Ottemoeller) * 85.7 The HYPOELLIPSE Earthquake Location Program (J. Lahr and J. A. Snoke) * 85.8 The HYPOINVESE2000 Earthquake Location Program (F. Klein) * 85.9 Software for Joint Hypocenter Determination Using Local Events (J. Pujol) * 85.10 Synthetic Seismogram Calculation Using the Reflectivity Method (B. Kennett) * 85.11 TDMT_INV: Time Domain Seismic Moment Tensor Inversion (D. Dreger) * 85.12 FOCMEC: FOcal MEChanism Determinations (J. A. Snoke) * 85.13 SMSIM: Stochastic Method SIMulation of Ground Motion from Earthquakes (D. Boore) * 85.14 Software for Calculating Earthquake Ground Motions from Finite Faults in Vertically Varying Media (P. Spudich and L. Xu) * 85.15 Nonlinear Inversion by Direct Search Using the Neighbourhood Algorithm (M. Sambridge) 86. The FDSN and IRIS Data Management System: providing easy access to terabytes of Information (T. K. Ahern) 87. An Inventory of Data from Seismographic Networks of the World (edited by J. C. Lahr) 88. Old Seismic Bulletins: a collective heritage from early seismologists (J. Schweitzer and W. H. K. Lee) 89. Biographies of Notable Earthquake Scientists and Engineers (edited by B. F. Howell) 90. Digital Imagery of Faults and Volcanoes (compiled by M. J. Rymer and D. E. Wieprecht) User Guide to the IASPEI Handbook CD-ROMs (M. F. Diggles and W. H. K. Lee) Technical Glossary of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology (edited by K. Aki) Subject Index Author Index Attached CDs

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関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示
  • ISBN
    • 0124406521
    • 012440653X
    • 0124406580
    • 0124406548
    • 0124406599
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Amsterdam ; Tokyo
  • ページ数/冊数
    2 v.
  • 大きさ
    29 cm.
  • 付属資料
    3 CD-ROMs
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID