Soft matter physics : an introduction



Soft matter physics : an introduction

Maurice Kleman, Oleg D. Lavrentovich ; foreword by J. Friedel

(Partially ordered systems)

Springer-Verlag, c2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 32



Includes bibliographical references and index



The study of "soft matter" materials with complex properties has raised a number of interesting problems in basic physics, biology, and materials science, all of which promise new and important technological applications. After a review of chemical bonds and phase transitions, the authors treat topics such as surface phenomena, stability of colloidal systems, structural properties of polymers, and topological defects. The monograph's emphasis on underlying physical principles offers a coherent treatment of the great variety of research in the field.


CHAPTER 1 Condensed Matter: General Characters, The Chemical Bond, Particle Interactions. / CHAPTER 2 Atomic and Molecular Arrangements. / CHAPTER 3 The Order Parameter: Amplitude and Phase. / CHAPTER 4 Phase Transitions. / CHAPTER 5 Elasticity of Mesomorphic Phases. / CHAPTER 6 Dynamics of Isotropic and Anisotropic Fluids. / CHAPTER 7 Fractals and Growth Phenomena. / CHAPTER 8 Dislocations in Solids. Plastic Relaxation. / CHAPTER 9 Dislocations in Smectic and Columnar Phases. / CHAPTER 10 Curvature Defects in Smectics and Columnar Phases. / CHAPTER 11 Disclinations and Topological Point Defects. Fluid Relaxation. / CHAPTER 12 Topological Theory of Defects. / CHAPTER 13 Surface Phenomena. / CHAPTER 14 Stability of Colloidal Systems. / CHAPTER 15 Polymers: Structural Properties.

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