Computational science - ICCS 2003 : International Conference, Melbourne, Australia and St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2-4, 2003 : proceedings



Computational science - ICCS 2003 : International Conference, Melbourne, Australia and St. Petersburg, Russia, June 2-4, 2003 : proceedings

Peter M.A. Sloot ... [et al.] (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 2657-2660)

Springer, c2003

  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2
  • pt. 3
  • pt. 4

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24



Includes bibliographies and index

Other editors: David Abramson, Alexander V. Bogdanov, Jack J. Dongarra, Albert Y. Zomaya, Yuriy E. Gorbachev



pt. 1 ISBN 9783540401940


Some of the most challenging problems in science and engineering are being addressed by the integration of computation and science, a research ?eld known as computational science. Computational science plays a vital role in fundamental advances in biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and a host of other disciplines. This is through the coordination of computation, data management, access to instrumentation, knowledge synthesis, and the use of new devices. It has an impact on researchers and practitioners in the sciences and beyond. The sheer size of many challenges in computational science dictates the use of supercomputing, parallel and distri- ted processing, grid-based processing, advanced visualization and sophisticated algorithms. At the dawn of the 21st century the series of International Conferences on Computational Science (ICCS) was initiated with a ?rst meeting in May 2001 in San Francisco. The success of that meeting motivated the organization of the - cond meeting held in Amsterdam April 21-24, 2002, where over 500 participants pushed the research ?eld further. The International Conference on Computational Science 2003 (ICCS 2003) is the follow-up to these earlier conferences. ICCS 2003 is unique, in that it was a single event held at two di?erent sites almost opposite each other on the globe - Melbourne, Australia and St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The conference ran on the same dates at both locations and all the presented work was published in a single set of proceedings, which you hold in your hands right now.


Russian Track.- Industrial Challenges for Numerical Simulation of Crystal Growth.- Three-Way Decomposition and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.- Semi-lagrangian Semi-implicit Fully Splitted Hydrostatic Atmospheric Model.- Object-Oriented Framework for Modelling of Pollutant Transport in River Network.- Heat Transfer, Newton's Law of Cooling and the Law of Entropy Increase Simulated by the Real-Time Computer Experiment in Java.- Parallel Solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann Equation for Proteins.- Monte Carlo Method for Calculating the Electrostatic Energy of a Molecule.- A Model of Immune Suppression and Repertoire Evolution.- Julia Sets and Yang-Lee Zeros of the Potts Model on Bethe Lattices.- Dynamic Mean Semi-variance Portfolio Selection.- Computer Simulations of Multiparticle-Contacts Dynamics.- Studying System Properties with Rough Sets.- Stochastic Modeling of Temporal Variability of HIV-1 Population.- Modeling Traffic of Information Packets on Graphs with Complex Topology.- An Efficient Load Balancing Algorithm Employing a Symmetric Balanced Incomplete Block Design.- A Parallel Virtual Machine for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.- ParoC++: A Requirement-driven Parallel Object-oriented Programming Language.- Parallelization Scheme for an Approximate Solution to Time Constraint Problems.- About the Relationship between Election Problem and Failure Detector in Asynchronous Distributed Systems.- Two Phases Based Cluster Formation Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.- Architecture of the Grid for Interactive Applications.- Monitoring and Performance Analysis of Grid Applications.- A Parallel Programming Environment on Grid.- Software Development in the Grid: The DAMIEN Tool-Set.- An XML-Based Framework for Loosely Coupled Applications on Grid Environments.- Grid Service Provider: How to Improve Flexibility of Grid User Interfaces?.- The NorduGrid Architecture and Middleware for Scientific Applications.- Efficient Synchronization of Replicated Data in Distributed Systems.- Experimental Grid Access for Dynamic Discovery and Data Transfer in Distributed Interactive Simulation Systems.- The Uniform Posture Map Algorithm for the Real-Time Interactive Motion Transitions of an Articulated Body.- The Inductive Inverse Kinematics Algorithm to Manipulate the Posture of an Articulated Body.- On the Extraction of the Valid Speech-Sound by the Merging Algorithm with the Discrete Wavelet Transform.- Higher Order Temporal Rules.- A Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Pyroclastic Flows and First Application to 1991 Pinatubo Eruption.- Properties of the Genetic Code under Directional, Asymmetric Mutational Pressure.- Nonlinear Internal Model Control Using Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic: Application to an Electromechanical Process.- Computer Simulation of Stochastic Models with SDE-Solver Software Package.- Hierarchical Neural Network Based Compression of ECG Signals.- A Nonlinear Model for Predicting ECG R-R Interval Variation Based on the Evolutionary Computation Approach.- An Efficient Election Protocol in a Mobile Computing Environment.- Very Large Bayesian Networks in Text Classification.- Stochastic Simulation of Time Series by Using the Spatial-Temporal Weierstrass Function.- Nonlinear Time Series Prediction by Weighted Vector Quantization.- Simulation and Modelling of Computer Networks.- A Parallel 3D Piecewise Constant Reconstruction Algorithm for Asymmetric Virus Structures.- Computational Challenges in Multiple Wavetable Interpolation Synthesis.- Segment Self-Guide Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Object-Oriented Quantization.- Analytical Approach for Channel Assignments in Cellular Networks.- An Analysis of the Reliability Overhead Generated by the JRM-Protocol.- A New Reduced Rank Square Root Kalman Filter for Data Assimilation in Mathematical Models.- A Synchronization Problem on 1-Bit Communication Cellular Automata.- A New Approach to Survivability of Connection Oriented Networks.- Creativity and Delusions: The Dopaminergic Modulation of Cortical Maps.- Some Notes on Numerical Convergence of the Stochastic Perturbation Method.- Transforming Pseudo-Triangulations.- Extrapolated Multistep Methods and Local-Global Step Size Control.- Robust Multigrid Technique.- Comparison of 3D Flow Fields Arising in Mixed and Standard Unstructured Finite Elements.- Improved Objective Functions for Tetrahedral Mesh Optimisation.- A Flexible Infrastructure for the Support of Distributed Learning.- Maximum Disparity Threshold Estimation for Stereo Imaging Systems via Variogram Analysis.- A Fuzzy Artificial World: Zamin II.- Fast Parallel Algorithm for Volume Rendering and Its Experiment on Computational Grid.- A Hand Tracking for a Human Computer Interaction System by the Modified Block Matching Algorithm.- Flexible Component Architecture for Information WEB Portals.- A Problem Solving Environment for Modelling Stony Coral Morphogenesis.- Component Software Systems for Surface Water Simulation.- A Web Services Broker for E-learning.- 2D and 3D Numerical Models of the Growth of Foraminiferal Shells.- ISS-Studio: A Prototype for a User-Friendly Tool for Designing Interactive Experiments in Problem Solving Environments.- Romberg Integration: A Symbolic Approach with Mathematica.- Numerical Continuation of Fold Bifurcations of Limit Cycles in MATCONT.- Computer Algebra System Maple: A New Software Library.- Computer Aided Symbolic Linear Algebra.- Computing Maximal Tori Using LiE and Mathematica.- Error Correcting Codes with Mathematica.- Computer Algebra for Analyzing the Vibrations of Nonlinear Structures.- A webMathematica Application for Mathematics Learning.- Checking the Four-Valued Boolean Algebra by the Use PLANNER.- An Application with webMathematica.- CAS Mathematica in Random Studies.- Strategies for the Interactive Resolution of Calculus Problems.- A Web-Based Intelligent System for Geometric Discovery.- Computer Algebra for Fingerprint Matching.- Basic Calculus on Time Scale with Mathematica.- SyNRAC: A Maple-Package for Solving Real Algebraic Constraints.- Symbolic Computation of High-Order Exact Picard Iterates for Systems of Linear Differential Equations with Time-Periodic Coefficients.- Binary Distillation Column Design Using Mathematica.- Symbolic Solution of Kepler's Generalized Equation.- Approximation Algorithms to Minimum Vertex Cover Problems on Polygons and Terrains.- Automatic Determination of Algebraic Surfaces as Loci of Points.- Probability Distribution of Index Distances in Normal Index Array for Normal Vector Compression.- A New Differential Approach for Parametric-Implicit Surface Intersection.- Accelerate Volume Splatting by Using Run Length Encoding.- A Fragment Culling Technique for Rendering Arbitrary Portals.- Efficient Representation of Triangle Meshes for Simultaneous Modification and Rendering.- A New Architecture for Simulating the Behavior of Virtual Agents.- Lattice Boltzmann Method to Study Hydrodynamic Properties of 2D Fractal Aggregates.- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Thermal Microflows with Heterogenuous Catalysis.- Flow Interference in Bluff Body Wakes.- Boundary Conditions for Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Simulations.- A Reduced-Storage Implementation of the Lattice Boltzmann Equation.- Lattice BGK Simulations of Unsteady Flow in a 2D Elastic Tube.- A Three-Parameter Non-linear Lattice-Boltzmann Model for Ideal Miscible Fluids.- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Bubble Flows.- Droplet Spreading on Heterogeneous Surfaces Using a Three-Dimensional Lattice Boltzmann Model.- Lattice Boltzmann, a Robust and Accurate Solver for Interactive Computational Hemodynamics.- Lattice Boltzmann Analysis of the Flow Reduction Mechanism in Stented Cerebral Aneurysms for the Endovascular Treatment.- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation and Visualisation of Adsorption Processes in Complex Geometries.- Virtual Fires Experiences with Developing a LBGK Based Real Time Tunnel fire Simulator for Virtual Environments.- Lattice Boltzmann Scheme for Diffusion on Triangular Grids.

pt. 2 ISBN 9783540401957


The four-volume set LNCS 2657, LNCS 2658, LNCS 2659, and LNCS 2660 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2003, held concurrently in Melbourne, Australia and in St. Petersburg, Russia in June 2003. The four volumes present more than 460 reviewed contributed and invited papers and span the whole range of computational science, from foundational issues in computer science and algorithmic mathematics to advanced applications in virtually all application fields making use of computational techniques. These proceedings give a unique account of recent results in the field.


Workshop on Computational Finance and Economics.- Parallel Computing Method of Valuing for Multi-asset European Option.- A Fuzzy Approach to Portfolio Rebalancing with Transaction Costs.- Mining Investment Venture Rules from Insurance Data Based on Decision Tree.- Market-Based Interest Rates: Deterministic Volatility Case.- Double Auction in Two-Level Markets.- Community Network with Integrated Services.- A Set of Data Mining Models to Classify Credit Cardholder Behavior.- Continuous Time Markov Decision Processes with Expected Discounted Total Rewards.- Core Equivalence in Economy for Modal Logic.- Model on Analysis of Industrial Relation Based on the Binary Relation Theory.- Has Chinese Stock Market Become Efficient? Evidence from a New Approach.- Workshop on Numerical Methods for Structured Systems.- Multi-symplectic Spectral Methods for the Sine-Gordon Equation.- A Survey on Methods for Computing Matrix Exponentials in Numerical Schemes for ODEs.- A Discrete Approach for the Inverse Singular Value Problem in Some Quadratic Group.- Two Step Runge-Kutta-Nystroem Methods for Oscillatory Problems Based on Mixed Polynomials.- A Symplectic Lanczos-Type Algorithm to Compute the Eigenvalues of Positive Definite Hamiltonian Matrices.- Applying Stabilization Techniques to Orthogonal Gradient Flows.- Workshop on High-Performance Environmental Computations.- Coupling General Circulation Models on a Meta-computer.- Numerical Simulation of Cloud Dynamics and Microphysics.- Optimal Numerical Realization of the Energy Balance Equation for Wind Wave Models.- Dynamic Modelling of Environment-Industry Systems.- Simulation of Water Exchange in Enclosed Water Bodies.- A Baroclinic Three Dimensional Numerical Model Applied to Coastal Lagoons.- Stochastic Simulation of Inhomogeneous Metocean Fields. Part I: Annual Variability.- Stochastic Simulation of Inhomogeneous Metocean Fields. Part II: Synoptic Variability and Rare Events.- Stochastic Simulation of Inhomogeneous Metocean Fields. Part III: High-Performance Parallel Algorithms.- Workshop on Grid Computing for Computational Science.- Performance Comparison of Process Allocation Schemes Depending upon Resource Availability on Grid Computing Environment.- Efficient Load Balancing by Adaptive Bypasses for the Migration on the Internet.- A Distributed Data Storage Architecture for Event Processing by Using the Globus Grid Toolkit.- Generalization of the Fast Consistency Algorithm to a Grid with Multiple High Demand Zones.- Performance Analysis of a Parallel Application in the GRID.- Workshop on Computational Chemistry and Molecular Dynamics.- Linear Algebra Computation Benchmarks on a Model Grid Platform.- Uniform Access to the Distributed Resources for the Computational Chemistry Using UNICORE.- Common Data Format for Program Sharing and Integration.- A Multiscale Virtual Reality Approach to Chemical Experiments.- Theoretical Analysis on Mechanisms Implied in Hybrid Integrated Circuit Building.- Parallel Models for a Discrete Variable Wavepacket Propagation.- Calculation of Displacement Matrix Elements for Morse Oscillators.- Initial Value Semiclassical Approaches to Reactive and Non Reactive Transition Probabilities.- Theoretical Investigations on the Reactions of C6H5 + and C10H7 + with D2.- Density Functional Investigations on the C-C Bond Formation and Cleavage in Molecular Batteries.- Violation of Covalent Bonding in Fullerenes.- Workshop on Recursive and Adaptive Signal/Image Processing (RASIP).- Jointly Performed Computational Tasks in the Multi-mode System Identification.- Fault Point Detection with the Bank of Competitive Kalman Filters.- On Effective Computation of the Logarithm of the Likelihood Ratio Function for Gaussian Signals.- Developing a Simulation Tool Box in MATLAB and Using It for Non-linear Adaptive Filtering Investigation.- Comparative Analysis of Stochastic Identification Methods and Fault Diagnosis for Multi-mode Discrete Systems.- Computational Expenditure Reduction in Pseudo-Gradient Image Parameter Estimation.- Estimates Conformity Principle in the Problems of Identification.- The ARM-Approach Based Local Modelling of the Gravitational Field.- Workshop on Numerical Methods for Singular Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations.- The Parameterization Method in Singular Differential-Algebraic Equations.- Development of the Normal Spline Method for Linear Integro-Differential Equations.- To Numerical Solution of Singular Perturbed Equations Transformed to the Best Argument.- The Best Parameterization of Initial Value Problem for Mixed Difference-Differential Equation.- Numerical Solution of Differential-Algebraic Equations by Block Methods.- Generalized Jordan Sets in the Theory of Singular Partial Differential-Operator Equations.- Invariant Manifolds and Grobman-Hartman Theorem for Equations with Degenerate Operator at the Derivative.- Poster Papers.- Modeling of the Potential Energy Surface of Regrouping Reaction in Collinear Three-Atom Collision System Using Nonlinear Optimization.- Workflow for Simulators Based on Finite Element Method.- Parallel Implementation of the DSMC Method Coupled with a Continuum Solution: Simulation of a Lubrication Problem in Magnetic Disc Storage.- Markowitz-Type Heuristics for Computing Jacobian Matrices Efficiently.- Propagation of the Hydraulic Head in an Elastic Pipeline.- Numerical Revelation of the Molecular Structure for Reaction Effective Stimulator or Inhibitor by the Method of Hamiltonean Systematization of Chemical Reaction System Kinetic Models.- Numerical Revelation of Kinetic Significance for Steps and Species in Complex Chemical Reaction Mechanisms by Hamiltonian Systematization Method.- Optimization of Computations in Global Geopotential Field Applications.- Data Assimilation for 2-D Advection-Dispersion Equations.- Mathematical Modelling the Ethnic System.- Simulations for Thermal Analysis of MOSFET IPM Using IMS Substrate.- Dynamic simulations for Thermal Analysis of MOSFET IPM on IMS Substrate.- Correlation between Mutation Pressure, Selection Pressure, and Occurrence of Amino Acids.- Intoducing CEES: Complex Economic Environments Simulator.- Structure of Bilayer Membranes of Gemini Surfactants with Rigid and Flexible Spacers from MD Simulations.- Algorithms for All-Pairs Reliable Quickest Paths.- The Unified Design Methodology for Application Based on XML Schema.- Automatic Recognition of Alzheimer's Disease Using Genetic Algorithms and Neural Network.- Traffic Characterization of the Web Server Attacks of Worm Viruses.- An Object-Oriented Software Platform for Examination of Algorithms for Image Processing and Compression.- Combined Detector of Locally-Oriented Structures and Corners in Images Based on a Scale-Space Tensor Representation of Local Neighborhoods of Pixels.- Telecommunication Jitter Measurement in the Transmultipexer Systems Method Based on the Wavelet Pattern Correlation.- Self-Organizing Compact Modeling Methodology for High-Speed Passive Electrical Interconnection Structures.- Specification and Automated Recognition of Algorithmic Concepts with ALCOR.- Modelling of Complex Systems Given as a Mealy Machine with Linear Decision Diagrams.- Empirical Evaluation of the Difficulty of Finding a Good Value of k for the Nearest Neighbor.- Replicated Ambient Petri Nets.- Neural Networks for Event Detection from Time Series: A BP Algorithm Approach.- Data Loss Reparation Due to Indeterminate Fine-Grained Parallel Computation.- Measurement Models for Survivability and Competitiveness of Very Large E-marketplace.- Embedded Fuzzy Control System: Application to an Electromechanical System.- A Dynamically Grouped Multi-multicast Stream Scheduling Strategy for Video-on-Demand Systems.- Multilevel System as Multigraph.- Fast Exponentiaion over GF(2m) Based on Cellular Automata.- Interacting Automata for Modelling Distributed Systems.- The Reachability Problem in a Concave Region: A New Context.- Generalized Coordinates for Cellular Automata Grids.- On Generating Random Network Structures: Trees.- Sensitivities for a Single Drop Simulation.- A Simple Model of Drive with Friction for Control System Simulation.- Research on Fuzzy Inventory Control under Supply Chain Management Environment.- Independent Zone Setup Scheme for Re-configurable Wireless Network.- Finding Synchronization-Free Parallelism for Non-uniform Loops.- A Transformation to Provide Deadlock-Free Programs.- Building the Program Parallelization System Based on a Very Wide Spectrum Program Transformation System.- Performance Evaluation of the Striped Checkpointing Algorithm on the Distributed RAID for Cluster Computer.- An Evaluation of Globus and Legion Software Environments.- An Agent Model for Managing Distributed Software Resources in Grid Environment.- Parallel DNA Sequence Alignment Using a DSM System in a Cluster of Workstations.- CSA&S/PV: Parallel Framework for Complex Systems Simulation.- A Parallel Framework for Computational Science.- Application Controlled IPC Synchrony - An Event Driven Multithreaded Approach.- ToCL: A Thread Oriented Communication Library to Interface VIA and GM Protocols.- A Multi Dimensional Visualization and Analysis Toolkit for Astrophysics.- Error Correcting Codes with Mathematica.- Mobile Work Environment for Grid Users. Grid Applications' Framework.- EC Transactions Use Different Web-Based Platforms.- MOIRAE - An Innovative Component Architecture with Distributed Control Features.- Applying Computational Science Techniques to Support Adaptive Learning.- The Use of the Cooperative Solver SibCalc in Modelin of Complex Problems.- Computational and Soft Skills Development through the Project Based Learning.- XML-Based Interface Model for Socially Adaptive Web-Based Systems User Interfaces.

pt. 3 ISBN 9783540401964


Some of the most challenging problems in science and engineering are being addressed by the integration of computation and science, a research ?eld known as computational science. Computational science plays a vital role in fundamental advances in biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and a host of other disciplines. This is through the coordination of computation, data management, access to instrumentation, knowledge synthesis, and the use of new devices. It has an impact on researchers and practitioners in the sciences and beyond. The sheer size of many challenges in computational science dictates the use of supercomputing, parallel and distri- ted processing, grid-based processing, advanced visualization and sophisticated algorithms. At the dawn of the 21st century the series of International Conferences on Computational Science (ICCS) was initiated with a ?rst meeting in May 2001 in San Francisco. The success of that meeting motivated the organization of the - cond meeting held in Amsterdam April 21-24, 2002, where over 500 participants pushed the research ?eld further. The International Conference on Computational Science 2003 (ICCS 2003) is the follow-up to these earlier conferences. ICCS 2003 is unique, in that it was a single event held at two di?erent sites almost opposite each other on the globe - Melbourne, Australia and St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The conference ran on the same dates at both locations and all the presented work was published in a single set of proceedings, which you hold in your hands right now.


Track on Applications.- A Bayes Algorithm for the Multitask Pattern Recognition Problem - Direct Approach.- The Development of a Virtual Reality Environment to Model the Experience of Schizophrenia.- An Optimization-Based Approach to Patient Grouping for Acute Healthcare in Australia.- Dynamic Parameterization to Simulate DIN Export Due to Gypsy Moth Defoliation.- Multi-model Simulations of Chicken Limb Morphogenesis.- ProtoMcol: A Molecular Dynamics Research Framework for Algorithmic Development.- An Efficient Navigation Method for Virtual Endoscopy Using Volume Ray Casting.- Constructing a Near-Minimal-Volume Computational Box for Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Periodic Boundary Conditions.- Recast of the Outputs of a Deterministic Model to Get a Better Estimate of Water Quality for Decision Makings.- A Fuzzy Approach for Overcurrent Relays Simulation.- A Knowledge-Based Technique for Constraints Satisfaction in Manpower Allocation.- A Symbolic Approach to Vagueness Management.- Development of Multiple Job Execution and Visualization System on ITBL System Infrastructure Software and Its Utilization for Parametric Studies in Environmental Modeling.- A Genetic Algorithm for Predicting RNA Pseudoknot Structures.- Computational Approach to Structural Analysis of Protein-RNA Complexes.- Improved Web Searching through Neural Network Based Index Generation.- Neural Network For Modeling Nonlinear Time Series: A New Approach.- Export Behaviour Modeling Using EvoNF Approach.- Simulation Studies of a Multi-priority Dual Queue (MPDQ) with Preemptive and Non-preemptive Scheduling.- Visualization of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks Using Force-Directed Layout.- Track on Clusters and Grids.- Counting Polyominoes: A Parallel Implementation for Cluster Computing.- Hyper-BLAST: A Parallelized BLAST on Cluster System.- Parallel Superposition for Bulk Synchronous Parallel ML.- visPerf: Monitoring Tool for Grid Computing.- Design and Implementation of Intelligent Scheduler for Gaussian Portal on Quantum Chemistry Grid.- Extensions to Web Service Techniques for Integrating Jini into a Service-Oriented Architecture for the Grid.- Multiple-Level Grid Algorithm for Getting 2D Road Map in 3D Virtual Scene.- Parallelisation of Nonequilibrium Molecular Dynamics Code for Polymer Melts Using OpenMP.- A Fault Tolerance Service for QoS in Grid Computing.- Performing Grid Computation with Enhanced Web Service and Service Invocation Technologies.- Software Architecture and Performance Comparison of MPI/Pro and MPICH.- Virtual and Dynamic Hierarchical Architecture for E-science Grid.- Track on Models and Algorithms.- Algorithmic Entropy, Phase Transition, and Smart Systems.- Computations of Coupled Electronic States in Quantum Dot/Wetting Layer Cylindrical Structures.- Deadlock Free Specification Based on Local Process Properties.- On the Reconfiguration Algorithm for Fault-Tolerant VLSI Arrays.- Automated Generation of Kinetic Chemical Mechanisms Using Rewriting.- Contraction versus Relaxation: A Comparison of Two Approaches for the Negative Cost Cycle Detection Problem.- Direct Method for Solving a Transmission Problem with a Discontinuous Coefficient and the Dirac Distribution.- Track on Web Engineering.- CORBA Based Real-Time Object-Group Platform in Distributed Computing Environments.- Structural Similarity between XML Documents and DTDs.- Web Personalisation with the Cover Coefficient Algorithm.- Infrastructure of an Agile Supply Chain System: A Virtual Agent Modeling Approach.- Track on Networking.- Performance Improvement of Deflection Routing in Optical Burst Switching Networks.- A Performance Evaluation on Qos-Supporting Multicast Protocol over Conventional Multicast Protocol.- Improving the Performance of Multistage Interconnection Networks under Nonuniform Traffic Pattern on Shorter Cycles.- Symmetric Tree Replication Protocol for Efficient Distributed Storage System.- A Group Key Management Supporting Individual Batch Rekeying and Fault Tolerance for Secure Multicast.- Architecture for Internal Communication in Multi-gigabit IP Routers.- Low-Cost Fault-Tolerance Protocol for Large-Scale Network Monitoring.- Telecommunication Network Modeling and Planning Tool on ASP Clusters.- Track on Parallel Methods and Systems.- Fault-Tolerant Routing in Mesh-Connected 2D Tori.- Network-Tree Model and Shortest Path Algorithm.- Parallel Genetic Algorithm for a Flow-Shop Problem with Multiprocessor Tasks.- Performance Variability of Highly Parallel Architectures.- JDOS: A Jini Based Distributed Operating System.- Parallel Blocked Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication with Dynamic Parameter Selection Method.- Parallelization of the Discrete Gradient Method of Non-smooth Optimization and Its Applications.- A Parallel Prime Edge-Length Crystallographic FFT.- A Service-Oriented Framework for Parallel Medical Image Reconstruction.- Parallel Implicit Solution of Full Navier-Stokes Equations.- Track on Data Mining.- Application of the Confidence Measure in Knowledge Acquisition Process.- Computational Science and Data Mining.- Data Sharing Model for Sequence Alignment to Reduce Database Retrieve.- Workshop on Parallel Linear Algebra (WoPLA03).- Self-Adapting Software for Numerical Linear Algebra Library Routines on Clusters.- V-Invariant Methods for Generalised Least Squares Problems.- Parallelisation of Sparse Grids for Large Scale Data Analysis.- An Augmented Lanczos Algorithm for the Efficient Computation of a Dot-Product of a Function of a Large Sparse Symmetric Matrix.- Memory Hierarchy Optimizations and Performance Bounds for Sparse A T Ax.- Issues in the Design of Scalable Out-of-Core Dense Symmetric Indefinite Factorization Algorithms.- Application of the Multi-level Parallelism (MLP) Software to a Finite Element Groundwater Program Using Iterative Solvers with Comparison to MPI.- Workshop on Java in Computational Science.- Visual Parameteric Modeler for Rapid Composition of Parameter-Sweep Applications for Processing on Global Grids.- Method Call Acceleration in Embedded Java Virtual Machines.- Jade: A Parallel Message-Driven Java.- Workshop on Computational Earthquake Physics and Solid Earth System Simulation.- Parallel Finite Element Analysis Platform for the Earth Simulator: GeoFEM.- Mantle Convection Modeling with Viscoelastic/Brittle Lithosphere: Numerical and Computational Methodology.- Anisotropic Convection Model for the Earth's Mantle.- Finite Element Simulation of Stress Evolution in a Frictional Contact System.- Transparent Boundary Conditions for Wave Propagation on Unbounded Domains.- A 2D Numerical Model for Simulating the Physics of Fault Systems.- Strategies for the Detection and Analysis of Space-Time Patterns of Earthquakes on Complex Fault Systems.- Texture Alignment in Simple Shear.- Mechanical Properties of the Earth's Crust with Self-Similar Distribution of Faults.- Performance Modeling Codes for the QuakeSim Problem Solving Environment.- Interacting Data Services for Distributed Earthquake Modeling.- Apparent Strain Localization and Shear Wave Dispersion in Elastic Fault Gouge with Microrotations.- Efficient Implementation of Complex Particle Shapes in the Lattice Solid Model.- A Method of Hidden Markov Model Optimization for Use with Geophysical Data Sets.- Workshop on Performance Evalution, Modeling, and Analysis of Scientific Applications on Large-Scale Systems.- A Performance Model of Non-deterministic Particle Transport on Large-Scale Systems.- A Compiler Approach to Performance Prediction Using Empirical-Based Modeling.- A Performance Prediction Framework for Scientific Applications.- Identification of Performance Characteristics from Multi-view Trace Analysis.- Compiler Directed Parallelization of Loops in Scale for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors.- A New Data Compression Technique for Event Based Program Traces.- Exploiting Stability to Reduce Time-Space Cost for Memory Tracing.- Workshop on Scientific Visualization and Human-Machine Interaction in a Problem Solving Environment.- Oh Behave! Agents-Based Behavioral Representations in Problem Solving Environments.- JBeanStudio: A Component-Oriented Visual Software Authoring System for a Problem Solving Environment - Supporting Exploratory Visualization -.- Multi-agent Approach for Visualisation of Fuzzy Systems.- Towards Biomedical Problem Solving in a Game Environment.- Learning Surgical Interventions by Navigating in Virtual Reality Case Spaces.- Virtual Reality and Desktop as a Combined Interaction-Visualisation Medium for a Problem-Solving Environment.- Online Trajectory Classification.- Trajectory Mapping for Landmine Detection Training.- A Low-Cost Model Acquisition System for Computer Graphics Applications.- How Many Pixels Do We Need to See Things?.- Bio-Feedback Based Simulator for Mission Critical Training.- Workshop on Innovative Solutions for Grid Computing.- Proposing and Evaluating Allocation Algorithms in a Grid Environment.- Hierarchical Addressing and Routing Mechanisms for Distributed Applications over Heterogeneous Networks.- Active Network Approach to Grid Management.- The PAGIS Grid Application Environment.- Visual Modeler for Grid Modeling and Simulation (GridSim) Toolkit.- Layered Resource Representation in Grid Environment: An Example from VEGA Grid.- TCM-Grid: Weaving a Medical Grid for Traditional Chinese Medicine.

pt. 4 ISBN 9783540401971


The four-volume set LNCS 2657, LNCS 2658, LNCS 2659, and LNCS 2660 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2003, held concurrently in Melbourne, Australia and in St. Petersburg, Russia in June 2003. The four volumes present more than 460 reviewed contributed and invited papers and span the whole range of computational science, from foundational issues in computer science and algorithmic mathematics to advanced applications in virtually all application fields making use of computational techniques. These proceedings give a unique account of recent results in the field.


Australian Track.- A Model for Predicting the Optimum Checkpoint Interval for Restart Dumps.- Terascale I/O Solutions.- Scaling Molecular Dynamics to 3000 Processors with Projections: A Performance Analysis Case Study.- Real-time Terascale Implementation of Tele-immersion.- Performance Analysis of PHASTA on NCSA Intel IA-64 Linux Cluster.- Performance Instrumentation and Measurement for Terascale Systems.- Logging Kernel Events on Clusters.- Recent Advances in QM and QM/MM Methods.- UTChem - A Program for ab initio Quantum Chemistry.- Local Correlation Models.- Multiresolution Quantum Chemistry in Multiwavelet Bases.- Management of Web and Associated Grid Technologies for Quantum Chemistry Computation.- The Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment: A Problem Solving Environment for High Performance Theoretical Chemistry.- Computational Quantum Chemistry Experiments via the Web.- Tonto: A Fortran Based Object-Oriented System for Quantum Chemistry and Crystallography.- Explicitly Correlated Second Order Perturbation Theory with Frozen Gaussian-Type Geminals.- Molecular Potential Energy Surfaces by Interpolation.- NWChem: New Functionality.- Interfacing Computer Aided Parallelization and Performance Analysis.- Dynamic Performance Tuning of Distributed Programming Libraries.- Parallel Program Debugging with MAD - A Practical Approach.- Enhancing Prediction Accuracy in PCM-Based File Prefetch by Constained Pattern Replacement Algorithm.- Parallel I/O Scheduling in Multiprogrammed Cluster Computing Systems.- Design and Evaluation of Distributed Smart Disk Architecture for I/O-Intensive Workloads.- An Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm for Large Data Parallel Processing with Communication Delay.- A Flexible Multiagent Parallel File System for Clusters.- A New Proportional-Share Disk Scheduling Algorithm: Trading-Off I/O Throughput and QoS Guarantee.- Computational Aspects of Chemical Data Assimilation into Atmospheric Models.- Virtual Telemetry for Dynamic Data-Driven Application Simulations.- Tornado Detection with Support Vector Machines.- Computational Science Simulations Based on Web Services.- DDEMA: A Data Driven Environment for Multiphysics Applications.- Discrete Event Solution of Gas Dynamics within the EVS Framework.- Data Driven Design Optimization Methodology A Dynamic Data Driven Application System.- Derivation of Natural Stimulus Feature Set Using a Data-Driven Model.- Performance Evaluation of Generalized Polynomial Chaos.- Driving Scientific Applications by Data in Distributed Environments.- Simulating Sellers' Behavior in a Reverse Auction B2B Exchange.- Rapid Real-Time Interdisciplinary Ocean Forecasting Using Adaptive Sampling and Adaptive Modeling and Legacy Codes: Component Encapsulation Using XML.- A Computational Infrastructure for Reliable Computer Simulations.- Automating Metadata Web Service Deployment for Problem Solving Environments.- Building Problem Solving Environments with Application Web Service Toolkits.- GSF: A Problems Solving Environment Supporting Multi-models Parallel Grid Programming.- Implementation of a Grid-Enabled Problem Solving Environment in Matlab.- GSiB: PSE Infrastructure for Dynamic Service-Oriented Grid Applications.- Partial Dual Unicasting Based Handoff For Real-Time Traffic in MIPv6 Networks.- Simulations on Batching in Video-on-Demand Transmissions.- The Design of XML-Based Internet Security Integrated System Architecture.- Performance Analysis of a Mobility Support Scheme between Subnetworks in Differentiated Services.- Performance Analysis for Real-Time Grid Systems on COTS Operating Systems.- Scalable Keyframe Extraction Using One-Class Support Vector Machine.- A Design and Performance Evaluation of 2-Level Call Admission Control Scheme in Mobile Multimedia Networks.- Performance Evaluation of a Relocation Method for Mobile Computing Maintaining Data Consistency.- Reliability Problem on All Pairs Quickest Paths.- A Concurrency Control Algorithm for Firm Real-Time Database Systems.- Secure Firewall Traversal in Mobile IP Network.- Buffering Management Scheme for Multimedia Synchronization in Mobile Information System.- Resource Reservation and Allocation Based on Direction Prediction for Handoff in Mobile Multimedia Networks.- Petri-Net Model of Multimedia Synchronization in Mobile Environment.- New Mobility Scheme for Reducing Location Traffic in Mobile Networks.- Mobile Animation Algorithm for Cyber Museum.- Certificate Management Client System for E-transactions on Internet.- Threat Description for the PP by Using the Concept of the Assets Protected by TOE.- Real-Time Data Management for Network Information System.- Efficient Migration Algorithm for Mobile Agents in Wired/Wireless Internets.- OpenMP in the Field: Anecdotes from Practice.- OpenMP and NUMA Architectures I: Investigating Memory Placement on the SGI Origin 3000.- Poor Scalability of Parallel Shared Memory Model: Myth or Reality?.- Asynchronous Execution of OpenMP Code.- Virtual Reef: A Visualisation Framework for Marine Simulation Models.- Modelling Developmental Regulatory Networks.- A Biomechanical Imitative Model for Pulsatile Morphogenesis.- Using Computational Plant Science Tools to Investigate Morphological Aspects of Compensatory Growth.- 3D Visualization of Complex Surfaces Using Dynamic Delaunay Tessellation.- CODELAB: A Developers' Tool for Efficient Code Generation and Optimization.- A Knowledge Discovery Methodology for Behavior Analysis of Large-Scale Applications on Parallel Architectures.- Performance Modeling for Dynamic Algorithm Selection.- Self-Adapting Numerical Software and Automatic Tuning of Heuristics.- Computer Simulation of Multi-dimensional Bone Deformity Correction and Lengthening by Unilateral External Fixator.- Problems and Prospects for Quantum Computational Speed-up.- A Configuration Algorithm for Provisioning of Cell-Based MPLS Network.- Exact and Approximate Algorithms for Topological Design of Wide Area Networks with Non-simultaneous Single Commodity Flows.- Modeling and Simulation of Distributed Security Models.- An Efficient Collective Communication Method for Grid Scale Networks.- Reliability Theory Model and Expected Life Shortest Path in Stochastic and Time-Dependent Networks.- Using a GA Adaptor in Multi-applications.- Automated Debugging in Java Programs Using HDM.- Pattern Based Approaches to Pre-processing Structured Text: A Newsfeed Example.- Evolutionary Rule Generation Classification and Its Application to Multi-class Data.- Self-Organizing Hybrid Neurofuzzy Networks.- FOM: A Framework for Metaheuristic Optimization.- ClassdescMP: Easy MPI Programming in C++.- A Novel Evolutionary Approach to Linear Time-Series Forecasting Model.- Design and Implementation of XML DBMS Based on Generic Data Model.- Developing a Unified Design Methodology Based on Extended Entity-Relationship Model for XML.- Investigating Neural Network Modeling Decisions for the Australian All-Ordinaries Index.- Rapid Prototyping Methodology and Environments for Fuzzy Applications.- Multiple Correlation Analysis of Fuzzy Sets.- An Efficient Dispersal and Encryption Scheme for Secure Distributed Information Storage.- A DTD for an XML-Based Mathematical Modeling Language.- A Compress-Based Association Mining Algorithm for Large Dataset.- Engineering Persistent Queue System for a Unified Stock Transaction Platform.- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Inverses in GF(2m) Using Dual Bases.- Object Oriented Parallel Programming Model on a Network of Workstations.- Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Prediction Application Using Genetic Algorithms.- A Metadata Tool for Retrieval from Heterogeneous Distributed XML Documents.- Effective Similarity Search Methods for Large Video Data Streams.- A New Method for Locating the Global Optimum: Application of the Cutting Angle Method to Molecular Structure Prediction.- Performance Characteristics of a Cost-Effective Medium-Sized Beowulf Cluster Supercomputer.- A Novel Approach to Role-Based Access Control.- Designated Verification of Digital Watermark for Network Based Image Distribution.- A Parallel Loop Self-Scheduling on Extremely Heterogeneous PC Clusters.- Robust Reference Point Detection Using Gradient of Fingerprint Direction and Feature Extraction Method.- GPD-Based State Modification by Weighted Linear Loss Function.- Spectral Subtraction Using Spectral Harmonics for Robust Speech Recognition in Car Environments.- A Workflow Management and Grid Computing Approach to Molecular Simulation-based Bio/Nano Experiments.- Simulation Infrastructure for Modeling Large Scale Neural Systems.- Monotone Iterative Methods and Schwarz Methods for Nonlinear Parabolic PDE with Time Delay.

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