Dithiolene chemistry : synthesis, properties, and applications
Dithiolene chemistry : synthesis, properties, and applications
(Progress in inorganic chemistry / edited by Stephen J. Lippard, v. 52)
Wiley, c2004
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全18件
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The Progress in Inorganic Chemistry series provides inorganic chemistry with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Volume 52, Dithiolene Chemistry: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications continues this forum with a focus on dithiolene chemistry and a significant, up-to-date selection of papers by internationally recognized researchers. Dithiolene complexes have a remarkable set of properties, a fact which has made them the object of intense study for new materials and sensors.
Chapter 1: Synthesis of Transition Metal Dithiolenes (T. B. Rauchfuss). Chapter 2: Structures and Structural Trends in Homoleptic Dithiolene Complexes (C. L. Beswick, J. M. Schulman, and E. I. Stiefel).
Chapter 3: The Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy of Metallo-Dithiolene Complexes (M. L. Kirk, R. L. McNaughton, and M. E. Helton).
Chapter 4: Vibrational Spectra of Dithiolene Complexes (M. K. Johnson).
Chapter 5: Electrochemical and Chemical Reactivity of Dithiolene Complexes (K. Wang).
Chapter 6: Luminescence and Photochemistry of Metal Dithiolene Complexes (S. D. Cummings and R. Eisenberg).
Chapter 7: Metal Dithiolene Complexes in Detection: Past, Present, and Future (K. A. Van Houten and R. S. Pilato).
Chapter 8: Solid-State Properties (Electronic, Magnetic, Optical) of Dithiolene Complex-Based Compunds (C. Faulmann and P. Cassoux).
Chapter 9: Dithiolenes in Biology (S. J. N. Burgmayer).
Chapter 10: Chemical Analogues of the Catalytic Centers of Molybdenum and Tungsten Ditholene-Containing Enzymes (J. McMaster, J. M. Tunney, and C. D. Garner).
Chapter 11: Dithiolenes in More Complex Ligands (D. Sellmann and J. Sutter).
Subject Index.
Cumulative Index, Volumes 1-52.
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