Combinatorics, geometry, and probability : a tribute to Paul Erdős


Combinatorics, geometry, and probability : a tribute to Paul Erdős

edited by Bela Bollobas, Andrew Thomason

Cambridge University Press, 2004

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



"Papers from a conference held at Trinity College, Cambridge, Mar. 26, 1993"--pref

Includes bibliographical references



Paul Erdoes was one of the greatest mathematicians of this century, known the world over for his brilliant ideas and stimulating questions. On the date of his 80th birthday a conference was held in his honour at Trinity College, Cambridge. Many leading combinatorialists attended. Their subsequent contributions are collected here. The areas represented range from set theory and geometry, through graph theory, group theory and combinatorial probability, to randomised algorithms and statistical physics. Erdoes himself was able to give a survey of recent progress made on his favourite problems. Consequently this volume, consisting of in-depth studies at the frontier of research, provides a valuable panorama across the breadth of combinatorics as it is today.


  • 1. Some unsolved problems Paul Erdoes
  • 2. Menger's theorem for a countable source set R. Aharoni and R. Diestel
  • 3. On extremal set partitions in Cartesian product spaces R. Ahlswede and N. Cai
  • 4. Matchings in lattice graphs and Hamming graphs M. Aigner and R. Klimmek
  • 5. Reconstructing a graph from its neighbourhood lists M. Aigner and E. Triesch
  • 6. Threshold functions for H-factors N. Alon and R. Yuster
  • 7. A rate for the Erdoes-Turan law A. D. Barbour and S. Tavare
  • 8. Deterministic graph games and a probabilistic intuition J. Beck
  • 9. On oriented embedding of the binary tree into the hypercube S. L. Bezrukov
  • 10. Potential theory on distance-regular graphs N. L. Biggs
  • 11. On the length of the longest increasing subsequence in a random permutation B. Bollobas and S. Janson
  • 12. On Richardson's model on the hypercube B. Bollobas and Y. Kohayakawa
  • 13. Random permutations: some group-theoretic aspects P. J. Cameron and W. M. Kantor
  • 14. Ramsey problems with bounded degree spread G. Chen and R. H. Schelp
  • 15. Hamilton cycles in random regular digraphs C. Cooper, A. Frieze and M. Molloy
  • 16. On triangle contact graphs H. de Fraysseix, P. Ossona de Mendez and P. Rosenstiehl
  • 17. A combinatorial approach to complexity theory via ordinal hierarchies W. A. Deuber and W. Thumser
  • 18. Lattice points of cut cones M. Deza and V. Grishukin
  • 19. The growth of infinite graphs: boundedness and finite spreading R. Diestel and I. Leader
  • 20. Amalgamated factorizations of complete graphs J. K. Dugdale and A. J. W. Hilton
  • 21. Ramsey size linear graphs Paul Erdoes, R. J. Faudree, C. C. Rousseau and R. H. Schelp
  • 22. Turan-Ramsey theorems and Kp independence numbers Paul Erdoes, A. Hajnal, M. Simonovits, V. T. Sos and E. Szemeredi
  • 23. Nearly equal distances in the plane Paul Erdoes, E. Makai and J. Pach
  • 24. Clique partitions of chordal graphs Paul Erdoes, E. T. Ordman and Y. Zalcstein
  • 25. On intersecting chains in Boolean algebras Peter L. Erdoes, A. Seress and L. A. Szekely
  • 26. On the maximum number of triangles in wheel-free graphs Z. Furedi, M.X. Goemans and D. J. Kleitman
  • 27. Blocking sets in SQS(2v) M. Gionfriddo, S. Milici and Zs. Tuza
  • 28. (1,2)-factorisations of general Eulerian nearly regular graphs R. Haggkvist and A. Johansson
  • 29. Oriented Hamilton cycles in digraphs R. Haggkvist and A. Thomason
  • 30. Minimization problems for infinite n-connected graphs R. Halin
  • 31. On universal threshold graphs P. L. Hammer and A. K. Kelmans
  • 32. Image partition regularity of matrices N. Hindman and I. Leader
  • 33. Extremal graph problems for graphs with a color-critical vertex C. Hundack, H. J. Proemel and A. Steger
  • 34. A note on W1-to-W1 functions P. Komjath
  • 35. Topological cliques in graphs J. Komlos and E. Szemeredi
  • 36. Local-global phenomena in graphs N. Linial
  • 37. On random generation of the symmetric group T. Luczak and L. Pyber
  • 38. On vertex-edge-critically n-connected graphs W. Mader
  • 39. On a conjecture of Erdoes and Cudakov A. R. D. Mathias
  • 40. A random recolouring method for graphs and hypergraphs C. McDiarmid
  • 41. Obstructions for the disk and the cylinder embedding extension problems B. Mohar
  • 42. A Ramsey-type theorem in the plane J. Nesetril and P. Valtr
  • 43. The enumeration of self-avoiding walks and domains on a lattice H. N. V. Temperley
  • 44. An extension of Foster's network theorem P. Tetali
  • 45. Randomised approximation in the Tutte plane D. J. A. Welsh
  • 46. On crossing numbers, and some unsolved problems H. S. Wilf.

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