Advances in multimedia information processing - PCM 2004 : 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, November 30 - December 3, 2004 : proceedings


Advances in multimedia information processing - PCM 2004 : 5th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Tokyo, Japan, November 30 - December 3, 2004 : proceedings

Kiyoharu Aizawa, Yuichi Nakamura, Shin'ichi Satoh (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 3331-3333)

Springer, c2004

  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2
  • pt. 3

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references and author index

There is a case in which the CD-ROM is included in the pt1.



pt. 1 ISBN 9783540239741


Welcome to the proceedings of the 5th Paci?c Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2004) held in Tokyo Waterfront City, Japan, November 30-December 3, 2004. Following the success of the preceding conferences, PCM 2000 in Sydney, PCM 2001 in Beijing, PCM 2002 in Hsinchu, and PCM 2003 in Singapore, the ?fth PCM brought together the researchers, developers, practitioners, and educators in the ?eld of multimedia. Theoretical breakthroughs and practical systems were presented at this conference, thanks to the support of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE Region 10 and IEEE Japan Council, ACM SIGMM, IEICE and ITE. PCM2004featuredacomprehensiveprogramincludingkeynotetalks,regular paperpresentations,posters,demos,andspecialsessions.Wereceived385papers andthenumberofsubmissionswasthelargestamongrecentPCMs.Amongsuch a large number of submissions, we accepted only 94 oral presentations and 176 poster presentations. Seven special sessions were also organized by world-leading researchers. We kindly acknowledge the great support provided in the reviewing of submissions by the program committee members, as well as the additional reviewers who generously gave their time. The many useful comments provided by the reviewing process must have been very valuable for the authors' work. Thisconferencewouldneverhavehappenedwithoutthehelpofmanypeople. We greatly appreciate the support of our strong organizing committee chairs and advisory chairs. Among the chairs, special thanks go to Dr. Ichiro Ide and Dr. Takeshi Naemura who smoothly handled publication of the proceedings with Springer. Dr. Kazuya Kodama did a fabulous job as our Web master.


Art.- Categorizing Traditional Chinese Painting Images.- A Knowledge-Driven Approach for Korean Traditional Costume (Hanbok) Modeling.- Retrieval of Chinese Calligraphic Character Image.- Network (I).- Random Channel Allocation Scheme in HIPERLAN/2.- A Two-Stage Queuing Approach to Support Real-Time QoS Guarantee for Multimedia Services in TDMA Wireless Networks.- Performance Evaluation of Adaptive Rate Control (ARC) for Multimedia Traffic.- Sports (I).- A Tennis Video Indexing Approach Through Pattern Discovery in Interactive Process.- Online Play Segmentation for Broadcasted American Football TV Programs.- Semantic Analysis of Basketball Video Using Motion Information.- Immersive Conferencing: Novel Interfaces and Paradigms for Remote Collaboration.- Reach-Through-the-Screen: A New Metaphor for Remote Collaboration.- Working Documents.- Immersive Meeting Point.- EnhancedTable: Supporting a Small Meeting in Ubiquitous and Augmented Environment.- Remote Collaboration on Physical Whiteboards.- Network (II).- Aggressive Traffic Smoothing for Delivery of Online Multimedia.- Distributed Video Streaming Using Multicast (DVSM).- Centralized Peer-to-Peer Streaming with PFGS Video Codec.- Buffer Level Estimation for Seamless Media Streaming in Mobile IPv6 Networks.- Dynamic Walks for Searching Streaming Media in Peer-to-Peer Networks.- Image Retrieval.- An Image Retrieval Scheme Using Multi-instance and Pseudo Image Concepts.- Representation of Clipart Image Using Shape and Color with Spatial Relationship.- Automatic Categorization for WWW Images with Applications for Retrieval Navigation.- Region-Based Image Retrieval with Scale and Orientation Invariant Features.- SOM-Based Sample Learning Algorithm for Relevance Feedback in CBIR.- Classification of Digital Photos Taken by Photographers or Home Users.- Image Analysis (I).- Background Modeling Using Phase Space for Day and Night Video Surveillance Systems.- Sequential Robust Direct Motion Estimation with Equal Projective Basis.- Generation of 3D Urban Model Using Cooperative Hybrid Stereo Matching.- Segmentation of Interest Objects Using the Hierarchical Mesh Structure.- A Rapid Scheme for Slow-Motion Replay Segment Detection.- Recognition of Very Low-Resolution Characters from Motion Images Captured by a Portable Digital Camera.- An Effective Anchorperson Shot Extraction Method Robust to False Alarms.- A Region Based Image Matching Method with Regularized SAR Model.- Shot Classification and Scene Segmentation Based on MPEG Compressed Movie Analysis.- Moving Object Segmentation: A Block-Based Moving Region Detection Approach.- A Multi-view Camera Tracking for Modeling of Indoor Environment.- Image Registration Using Triangular Mesh.- Online Learning Objectionable Image Filter Based on SVM.- Motion Objects Segmentation Using a New Level Set Based Method.- 3-D Shape Analysis of Anatomical Structures Based on an Interactive Multiresolution Approach.- Integrating Color, Texture, and Spatial Features for Image Interpretation.- Automatic Video Genre Detection for Content-Based Authoring.- Face, Gesture, and Behavior (I).- Face Appeal Model Based on Statistics.- A Novel Gabor-LDA Based Face Recognition Method.- Gesture-Based User Interfaces for Handheld Devices Using Accelerometer.- Face and Gesture Recognition Using Subspace Method for Human-Robot Interaction.- Spatial Histogram Features for Face Detection in Color Images.- Correlation Filters for Facial Recognition Login Access Control.- Easy and Convincing Ear Modeling for Virtual Human.- Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics.- A Polyhedral Object Recognition Algorithm for Augmented Reality.- Spectral Coding of Three-Dimensional Mesh Geometry Information Using Dual Graph.- Real-Time Free-Viewpoint Video Generation Using Multiple Cameras and a PC-Cluster.- Framework for Smooth Optical Interaction Using Adaptive Subdivision in Virtual Production.- Projection-Based Registration Using Color and Texture Information for Virtual Environment Generation.- Enhanced Synergistic Image Creator: An NPR Method with Natural Curly Brushstrokes.- Content Production (I).- An XMT Authoring System Supporting Various Presentation Environments.- An Adaptive Scene Compositor Model in MPEG-4 Player for Mobile Device.- JPEG2000 Image Adaptation for MPEG-21 Digital Items.- An Annotation Method and Application for Video Contents Based on a Semantic Graph.- An Annotated-Objects Assist Method for Extraction of Ordinary-Objects in a Video Content Generation Support System.- Intelligent Media Integration for Social Information Infrastructure.- Free-Viewpoint TV (FTV) System.- In-Car Speech Recognition Using Distributed Multiple Microphones.- Development of Advanced Image Processing Technology and Its Application to Computer Assisted Diagnosis and Surgery.- Discussion Mining: Annotation-Based Knowledge Discovery from Real World Activities.- Determining Correspondences Between Sensory and Motor Signals.- Approaches or Methods of Security Engineering.- Architecture of Authentication Mechanism for Emerging T-commerce Environments.- Threat Description for Developing Security Countermeasure.- RPS: An Extension of Reference Monitor to Prevent Race-Attacks.- SITIS: Scalable Intrusion Tolerance Middleware for Internet Service Survivability.- On Minimizing Distortion in Secure Data-Hiding for Binary Images.- Software Design Method Enhanced by Appended Security Requirements.- Multimedia Servers.- On the Disk Layout for Periodical Video Broadcast Services.- Paged Segment Striping Scheme for the Dynamic Scheduling of Continuous Media Servers.- A Heuristic Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Media Streaming with Server Diversity.- Proxy Caching Scheme Based on the Characteristics of Streaming Media Contents on the Internet.- A Distributed VOD Server Based on VIA and Interval Cache.- Video Retrieval.- Clustering of Video Packets Using Interactive Refinement by Relevance Feedback.- Semantic Video Indexing and Summarization Using Subtitles.- Audio Visual Cues for Video Indexing and Retrieval.- Key Image Extraction from a News Video Archive for Visualizing Its Semantic Structure.

pt. 2 ISBN 9783540239772


Welcome to the proceedings of the 5th Paci?c Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2004) held in Tokyo Waterfront City, Japan, November 30-December 3, 2004. Following the success of the preceding conferences, PCM 2000 in Sydney, PCM 2001 in Beijing, PCM 2002 in Hsinchu, and PCM 2003 in Singapore, the ?fth PCM brought together the researchers, developers, practitioners, and educators in the ?eld of multimedia. Theoretical breakthroughs and practical systems were presented at this conference, thanks to the support of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE Region 10 and IEEE Japan Council, ACM SIGMM, IEICE and ITE. PCM2004featuredacomprehensiveprogramincludingkeynotetalks,regular paperpresentations,posters,demos,andspecialsessions.Wereceived385papers andthenumberofsubmissionswasthelargestamongrecentPCMs.Amongsuch a large number of submissions, we accepted only 94 oral presentations and 176 poster presentations. Seven special sessions were also organized by world-leading researchers. We kindly acknowledge the great support provided in the reviewing of submissions by the program committee members, as well as the additional reviewers who generously gave their time. The many useful comments provided by the reviewing process must have been very valuable for the authors' work. Thisconferencewouldneverhavehappenedwithoutthehelpofmanypeople. We greatly appreciate the support of our strong organizing committee chairs and advisory chairs. Among the chairs, special thanks go to Dr. Ichiro Ide and Dr. Takeshi Naemura who smoothly handled publication of the proceedings with Springer. Dr. Kazuya Kodama did a fabulous job as our Web master.


Application of Video Browsing to Consumer Video Browsing Products.- Generic Summarization Technology for Consumer Video.- Movie-in-a-Minute: Automatically Generated Video Previews.- Automatic Sports Highlights Extraction with Content Augmentation.- Audio-Assisted Video Browsing for DVD Recorders.- Watermarking (I).- A Robust Image Watermarking Technique for JPEG Images Using QuadTrees.- A Fragile Watermarking Technique for Image Authentication Using Singular Value Decomposition.- Visual Cryptography for Digital Watermarking in Still Images.- A New Object-Based Image Watermarking Robust to Geometrical Attacks.- A Selective Image Encryption Scheme Based on JPEG2000 Codec.- VQ-Based Gray Watermark Hiding Scheme and Genetic Index Assignment.- User Interface (I).- Advanced Paper Document in a Projection Display.- Improving Web Browsing on Small Devices Based on Table Classification.- A Java-Based Collaborative Authoring System for Multimedia Presentation.- Object Tracking and Object Change Detection in Desktop Manipulation for Video-Based Interactive Manuals.- Design of an Integrated Wearable Multimedia Interface for In-Vehicle Telematics.- Content-Based Image Retrieval.- Video Scene Retrieval with Sign Sequence Matching Based on Audio Features.- Architecture and Analysis of Color Structure Descriptor for Real-Time Video Indexing and Retrieval.- Automatic Salient-Object Extraction Using the Contrast Map and Salient Points.- Shape-Based Image Retrieval Using Invariant Features.- Visual Trigger Templates for Knowledge-Based Indexing.- Browsing and Similarity Search of Videos Based on Cluster Extraction from Graphs.- Correlation Learning Method Based on Image Internal Semantic Model for CBIR.- Controlling Concurrent Accesses in Multimedia Databases for Decision Support.- Image Retrieval by Categorization Using LVQ Network with Wavelet Domain Perceptual Features.- A Content-Based News Video Browsing and Retrieval System: NewsBR.- A News Video Browser Using Identical Video Segment Detection.- Pseudo Relevance Feedback Based on Iterative Probabilistic One-Class SVMs in Web Image Retrieval.- Robust Video Similarity Retrieval Using Temporal MIMB Moments.- Complete Performance Graphs in Probabilistic Information Retrieval.- A New MPEG-7 Standard: Perceptual 3-D Shape Descriptor.- News Video Summarization Based on Spatial and Motion Feature Analysis.- Sports (II).- SketchIt: Basketball Video Retrieval Using Ball Motion Similarity.- Implanting Virtual Advertisement into Broadcast Soccer Video.- Automatic Video Summarization of Sports Videos Using Metadata.- Classification of Frames from Broadcasted Soccer Video and Applications.- An Online Learning Framework for Sports Video View Classification.- A Semantic Description Scheme of Soccer Video Based on MPEG-7.- Spatio-temporal Pattern Mining in Sports Video.- Archiving Tennis Video Clips Based on Tactics Information.- Network (III).- Performance Evaluation of High-Speed TCP Protocols with Pacing.- Time-Triggered and Message-Triggered Object Architecture for Distributed Real-Time Multimedia Services.- A Novel Multiple Time Scale Congestion Control Scheme for Multimedia Traffic.- Dynamic Programming Based Adaptation of Multimedia Contents in UMA.- Performance Analysis of MAC Protocol for EPON Using OPNET.- Adaptive FEC Control for Reliable High-Speed UDP-Based Media Transport.- Efficient Overlay Network for P2P Content Sharing Based on Network Identifier.- A Forward-Backward Voice Packet Loss Concealment Algorithm for Multimedia over IP Network Services.- A Delay-Based End-to-End Congestion Avoidance Scheme for Multimedia Networks.- Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Internet Telephony.- Streaming (I).- A Broadcasting Technique for Holographic 3D Movie Using Network Streaming.- Coping with Unreliable Peers for Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming.- Evaluation of Token Bucket Parameters for VBR MPEG Video.- Perceptual Video Streaming by Adaptive Spatial-temporal Scalability.- A Proxy Caching System Based on Multimedia Streaming Service over the Internet.- Simulation and Development of Event-Driven Multimedia Session.- Applying Linux High-Availability and Load Balancing Servers for Video-on-Demand (VOD) Systems.- Visual Content Mining in Multimedia Documents.- Indexing Issues in Supporting Similarity Searching.- Efficient Visual Content Retrieval and Mining in Videos.- Fast and Robust Short Video Clip Search for Copy Detection.- Mining Large-Scale Broadcast Video Archives Towards Inter-video Structuring.- Sample Selection Strategies for Relevance Feedback in Region-Based Image Retrieval.- Compression (I).- Comparison of Two Different Approaches to Detect Perceptual Noise for MPEG-4 AAC.- Optimum End-to-End Distortion Estimation for Error Resilient Video Coding.- Enhanced Stochastic Bit Reshuffling for Fine Granular Scalable Video Coding.- High-Performance Motion-JPEG2000 Encoder Using Overlapped Block Transferring and Pipelined Processing.- Low-Power Video Decoding for Mobile Multimedia Applications.- Adaptive Macro Motion Vector Quantization.- Face, Gesture, and Behavior (II).- Automatic, Effective, and Efficient 3D Face Reconstruction from Arbitrary View Image.- Recognition and Retrieval of Face Images by Semi-supervised Learning.- 3-D Facial Expression Recognition-Synthesis on PDA Incorporating Emotional Timing.- Probabilistic Face Tracking Using Boosted Multi-view Detector.- Face Samples Re-lighting for Detection Based on the Harmonic Images.- A Dictionary Registration Method for Reducing Lighting Fluctuations in Subspace Face Recognition.- Applications (I).- A 3D-Dialogue System Between Game Characters to Improve Reality in MMORPG.- A Hybrid Approach to Detect Adult Web Images.- A Hierarchical Dynamic Bayesian Network Approach to Visual Tracking.- A Hybrid Architectural Framework for Digital Home Multimedia Multi-modal Collaboration Services.- E-learning as Computer Games: Designing Immersive and Experiential Learning.- Event-Based Surveillance System for Efficient Monitoring.- A Collaborative Multimedia Authoring System Based on the Conceptual Temporal Relations.- Multimedia Integration for Cooking Video Indexing.- Teleconference System with a Shared Working Space and Face Mouse Interaction.- User Interface (II).- Performance Analysis for Serially Concatenated FEC in IEEE802.16a over Wireless Channels.- Successive Interference Cancellation for CDMA Wireless Multimedia Services.- SCORM-Based Contents Collecting Using Mobile Agent in M-Learning.- Improved Bit-by-Bit Binary Tree Algorithm in Ubiquitous ID System.- Automatic Synchronized Browsing of Images Across Multiple Devices.- An Intelligent Handoff Protocol for Adaptive Multimedia Streaming Service in Mobile Computing Environment.- Platform Architecture for Seamless MMS Service over WLAN and CDMA2000 Networks.- Make Stable QoS in Wireless Multimedia Ad Hoc Network with Transmission Diversity.- Gaze from Motion: Towards Natural User Interfaces.- The Development of MPEG-4 Based RTSP System for Mobile Multimedia Streaming Services.- Seamless Mobile Service for Pervasive Multimedia.- Transformation of MPEG-4 Contents for a PDA Device.- Semantic Retrieval in a Large-Scale Video Database by Using Both Image and Text Feature.- Image Analysis (II).- Performance of Correlation-Based Stereo Algorithm with Respect to the Change of the Window Size.- Consideration of Illuminant Independence in MPEG-7 Color Descriptors.- Improvement on Colorization Accuracy by Partitioning Algorithm in CIELAB Color Space.- Gabor-Kernel Fisher Analysis for Face Recognition.- Film Line Scratch Detection Using Neural Network.- A Simplified Half Pixel Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the Spatial Correlation.- A New Tracking Mechanism for Semi-automatic Video Object Segmentation.- A Visual Model for Estimating the Perceptual Redundancy Inherent in Color Images.- Selective Image Sharpening by Simultaneous Nonlinear-Diffusion Process with Spatially Varying Parameter Presetting.- Directonal Weighting-Based Demosaicking Algorithm.- A New Text Detection Algorithm in Images/Video Frames.- Automatic Video Object Tracking Using a Mosaic-Based Background.- Audio Analysis.- Semantic Region Detection in Acoustic Music Signals.- Audio Classification for Radio Broadcast Indexing: Feature Normalization and Multiple Classifiers Decision.- Dominant Feature Vectors Based Audio Similarity Measure.- Moving from Content to Concept-Based Image/Video Retrieval.- Generative Grammar of Elemental Concepts.- Learning Image Manifold Using Web Data.- Novel Concept for Video Retrieval in Life Log Application.- Content-Based Retrieval of 3D Head Models Using a Single Face View Query.- Region-Based Image Retrieval with Perceptual Colors.- H.264.- Converting DCT Coefficients to H.264/AVC Transform Coefficients.- An Adaptive Hybrid Mode Decision Scheme for H.264/AVC Video.- Workload Characterization of the H.264/AVC Decoder.- An Efficient Traffic Smoothing Method for MPEG-4 Part-10 AVC/H.264 Bitstream over Wireless Network.- An Error Resilience Scheme for Packet Loss Recover of H.264 Video.- Key Techniques of Bit Rate Reduction for H.264 Streams.- Face, Gesture, and Behavior (III).- Salient Region Detection Using Weighted Feature Maps Based on the Human Visual Attention Model.- An Attention-Based Decision Fusion Scheme for Multimedia Information Retrieval.- Approximating Inference on Complex Motion Models Using Multi-model Particle Filter.- Human Activity Recognition in Archaeological Sites by Hidden Markov Models.- An HMM Based Gesture Recognition for Perceptual User Interface.- Vision-Based Sign Language Recognition Using Sign-Wise Tied Mixture HMM.

pt. 3 ISBN 9783540239857


Welcome to the proceedings of the 5th Paci?c Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM 2004) held in Tokyo Waterfront City, Japan, November 30-December 3, 2004. Following the success of the preceding conferences, PCM 2000 in Sydney, PCM 2001 in Beijing, PCM 2002 in Hsinchu, and PCM 2003 in Singapore, the ?fth PCM brought together the researchers, developers, practitioners, and educators in the ?eld of multimedia. Theoretical breakthroughs and practical systems were presented at this conference, thanks to the support of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE Region 10 and IEEE Japan Council, ACM SIGMM, IEICE and ITE. PCM2004featuredacomprehensiveprogramincludingkeynotetalks,regular paperpresentations,posters,demos,andspecialsessions.Wereceived385papers andthenumberofsubmissionswasthelargestamongrecentPCMs.Amongsuch a large number of submissions, we accepted only 94 oral presentations and 176 poster presentations. Seven special sessions were also organized by world-leading researchers. We kindly acknowledge the great support provided in the reviewing of submissions by the program committee members, as well as the additional reviewers who generously gave their time. The many useful comments provided by the reviewing process must have been very valuable for the authors' work. Thisconferencewouldneverhavehappenedwithoutthehelpofmanypeople. We greatly appreciate the support of our strong organizing committee chairs and advisory chairs. Among the chairs, special thanks go to Dr. Ichiro Ide and Dr. Takeshi Naemura who smoothly handled publication of the proceedings with Springer. Dr. Kazuya Kodama did a fabulous job as our Web master.


Human-Scale Virtual Reality and Interaction.- WARAJI: Foot-Driven Navigation Interfaces for Virtual Reality Applications.- Time Space Interface Using DV (Digital Video) and GPS (Global Positioning System) Technology - A Study with an Art Project "Field-Work@Alsace".- Action Generation from Natural Language.- Human-Scale Interaction with a Multi-projector Display and Multimodal Interfaces.- Entertainment Applications of Human-Scale Virtual Reality Systems.- Analysis and Synthesis of Latin Dance Using Motion Capture Data.- Surveillance and Tracking.- Web-Based Telepresence System Using Omni-directional Video Streams.- Wide View Surveillance System with Multiple Smart Image Sensors and Mirrors.- Object Tracking and Identification in Video Streams with Snakes and Points.- Optical Flow-Based Tracking of Deformable Objects Using a Non-prior Training Active Feature Model.- An Immunological Approach to Raising Alarms in Video Surveillance.- Sat-Cam: Personal Satellite Virtual Camera.- Image Analysis (III).- A Linear Approximation Based Method for Noise-Robust and Illumination-Invariant Image Change Detection.- 3D Model Similarity Measurement with Geometric Feature Map Based on Phase-Encoded Range Image.- Automatic Peak Number Detection in Image Symmetry Analysis.- Image Matching Based on Singular Value Decomposition.- Image Matching Based on Scale Invariant Regions.- Compression (II).- A Method for Blocking Effect Reduction Based on Optimal Filtering.- Novel Video Error Concealment Using Shot Boundary Detection.- Using Only Long Windows in MPEG-2/4 AAC Encoding.- Frequency Weighting and Selective Enhancement for MPEG-4 Scalable Video Coding.- Efficient Multiview Video Coding Based on MPEG-4.- Block Matching Using Integral Frame Attributes.- Impact of Similarity Threshold on Arbitrary Shaped Pattern Selection Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding Algorithm.- A Study on the Quantization Scheme in H.264/AVC and Its Application to Rate Control.- An Efficient VLSI Implementation for MC Interpolation of AVS Standard.- Fast Fractal Image Encoder Using Non-overlapped Block Classification and Simplified Isometry Testing Scheme.- A Fast Downsizing Video Transcoder Based on H.264/AVC Standard.- Temporal Error Concealment with Block Boundary Smoothing.- Spatio-temporally Adaptive Regularization for Enhancement of Motion Compensated Wavelet Coded Video.- ROI and FOI Algorithms for Wavelet-Based Video Compression.- Adaptive Distributed Source Coding for Multi-view Images.- Hybrid Multiple Description Video Coding Using SD/MD Switching.- Streaming (II).- Clusters-Based Distributed Streaming Services with Fault-Tolerant Schemes.- Towards SMIL Document Analysis Using an Algebraic Time Net.- MULTFRC-LERD: An Improved Rate Control Scheme for Video Streaming over Wireless.- Multi-source Media Streaming for the Contents Distribution in a P2P Network.- A New Feature for TV Programs: Viewer Participation Through Videoconferencing.- Application Layer Multicast with Proactive Route Maintenance over Redundant Overlay Trees.- Real-Time Rate Control Via Variable Frame Rate and Quantization Parameters.- The Structure of Logically Hierarchical Cluster for the Distributed Multimedia on Demand.- Watermarking (II).- Image Forensics Technology for Digital Camera.- Lossless Data Hiding Based on Histogram Modification of Difference Images.- A Robust Image Watermarking Scheme to Geometrical Attacks for Embedment of Multibit Information.- Combined Encryption and Watermarking Approaches for Scalable Multimedia Coding.- Digital Image Watermarking Using Independent Component Analysis.- Clustering-Based Image Retrieval Using Fast Exhaustive Multi-resolution Search Algorithm.- Robust Watermarking for Copyright Protection of 3D Polygonal Model.- Digital Video Scrambling Method Using Intra Prediction Mode.- Watermark Re-synchronization Using Sinusoidal Signals in DT-CWT Domain.- The Undeniable Multi-signature Scheme Suitable for Joint Copyright Protection on Digital Contents.- A Digital Watermarking Scheme for Personal Image Authentication Using Eigenface.- Cryptanalysis of a Chaotic Neural Network Based Multimedia Encryption Scheme.- A Secure Steganographic Method on Wavelet Domain of Palette-Based Images.- Mapping Energy Video Watermarking Algorithm Based on Compressed Domain.- A Fragile Image Watermarking Based on Mass and Centroid.- Content Production (II).- MPEG-21 DIA Testbed for Stereoscopic Adaptation of Digital Items.- An MPEG-4 Authoring System with Temporal Constraints for Interactive Scene.- A Method of Digital Camera Work Focused on Players and a Ball.- Real-Time Rendering of Watercolor Effects for Virtual Environments.- Haptic Interaction in Realistic Multimedia Broadcasting.- Object-Based Stereoscopic Conversion of MPEG-4 Encoded Data.- Applications (II).- Shared Annotation Database for Networked Wearable Augmented Reality System.- A Study on Image Electronic Money Based on Watermarking Technique.- A Fully Automated Web-Based TV-News System.- An Evolutionary Computing Approach for Mining of Bio-medical Images.- Movie-Based Multimedia Environment for Programming and Algorithms Design.- An Improvement Algorithm for Accessing Patterns Through Clustering in Interactive VRML Environments.- Multimedia Analysis.- MPEG-4 Video Retrieval Using Video-Objects and Edge Potential Functions.- A Unified Framework Using Spatial Color Descriptor and Motion-Based Post Refinement for Shot Boundary Detection.- HMM-Based Audio Keyword Generation.- Video Scene Segmentation Using Sequential Change Detection.- Feature Extraction and Evaluation Using Edge Histogram Descriptor in MPEG-7.- Automatic Synthesis of Background Music Track Data by Analysis of Video Contents.- Compression (III).- Picture Quality Improvement in Low Bit Rate Video Coding Using Block Boundary Classification and Simple Adaptive Filter.- Bit Position Quantization in Scalable Video Coding for Representing Detail of Image.- A Fast Full Search Algorithm for Multiple Reference Images.- Preprocessing of Depth and Color Information for Layered Depth Image Coding.- Selective Motion Estimation for Fast Video Encoding.- An Efficient VLSI Architecture of the Sample Interpolation for MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profile.- Performance Improvement of Vector Quantization by Using Threshold.- An Efficient Object Based Personal Video Coding System.- Multiview Video Coding Based on Global Motion Model.- A Novel Rate-Distortion Model for Leaky Prediction Based FGS Video Coding.- JPEG Quantization Table Design for Photos with Face in Wireless Handset.- Effective Drift Reduction Technique for Reduced Bit-Rate Video Adaptation.- On Implementation of a Scalable Wallet-Size Cluster Computing System for Multimedia Applications.- An Adaptive LS-Based Motion Prediction Algorithm for Video Coding.- Embedded Packetization Framework for Layered Multiple Description Coding.- Watermarking (III).- Semi-fragile Watermarking Based on Dither Modulation.- An Adaptive Steganography for Index-Based Images Using Codeword Grouping.- DH-LZW: Lossless Data Hiding Method in LZW Compression.- Blind Image Data Hiding in the Wavelet Domain.- Image Watermarking Capacity Analysis Using Hopfield Neural Network.- Efficient Algorithms in Determining JPEG-Effective Watermark Coefficients.- A Fragile Watermarking Based on Knapsack Problem.

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