Operator theory, systems theory and scattering theory : multidimensional generalizations


Operator theory, systems theory and scattering theory : multidimensional generalizations

Daniel Alpay, Victor Vinnikov, editors

(Operator theory : advances and applications, v. 157)

Birkhäuser, c2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references



This volume contains a selection of papers, from experts in the area, on multidimensional operator theory. Topics considered include the non-commutative case, function theory in the polydisk, hyponormal operators, hyperanalytic functions, and holomorphic deformations of linear differential equations. Operator Theory, Systems Theory and Scattering Theory will be of interest to a wide audience of pure and applied mathematicians, electrical engineers and theoretical physicists.


Functional Models for Representations of the Cuntz Algebra.- Relations on Non-commutative Variables and Associated Orthogonal Polynomials.- Functions of Several Variables in the Theory of Finite Linear Structures Part I: Analysis.- Operator Method for Solution of PDEs Based on Their Symmetries.- On the Bessmertny? Class of Homogeneous Positive Holomorphic Functions on a Product of Matrix Halfplanes.- Rational Solutions of the Schlesinger System and Isoprincipal Deformations of Rational Matrix Functions II.- Preservation of the Norms of Linear Operators Acting on Some Quaternionic Function Spaces.- Hardy Algebras Associated with W*-Correspondences (Point Evaluation and Schur Class Functions).- Notes on Generalized Lemniscates.- One-Sided Tangential Interpolation for Hilbert-Schmidt Operator Functions with Symmetries on the Bidisk.- Favard's Theorem Modulo an Ideal.

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