Volterra integral and differential equations


Volterra integral and differential equations

T.A. Burton

(Mathematics in science and engineering : a series of monographs and textbooks, v. 202)

Elsevier, 2005

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references(p. 340-348) and indexes



Most mathematicians, engineers, and many other scientists are well-acquainted with theory and application of ordinary differential equations. This book seeks to present Volterra integral and functional differential equations in that same framwork, allowing the readers to parlay their knowledge of ordinary differential equations into theory and application of the more general problems. Thus, the presentation starts slowly with very familiar concepts and shows how these are generalized in a natural way to problems involving a memory. Liapunov's direct method is gently introduced and applied to many particular examples in ordinary differential equations, Volterra integro-differential equations, and functional differential equations. By Chapter 7 the momentum has built until we are looking at problems on the frontier. Chapter 7 is entirely new, dealing with fundamental problems of the resolvent, Floquet theory, and total stability. Chapter 8 presents a solid foundation for the theory of functional differential equations. Many recent results on stability and periodic solutions of functional differential equations are given and unsolved problems are stated.


1. The General Problems2. Linear Equations3. Existence Properties4. History, Examples and Motivation5. Instability, Stability and Perturbations6. Stability and Boundedness7. The Resolvent8. Functional Differential Equations

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