Breastfeeding : a guide for the medical profession
Breastfeeding : a guide for the medical profession
Elsevier Mosby, 2005
6th ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全31件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
The completely revised and updated New Edition of this trusted text delivers complete, authoritative, evidence-based information on all of the scientific and clinical topics related to breastfeeding - from basic data on the anatomical, physiological, biochemical, nutritional, immunological, and psychological aspects of human lactation to guidance on a full range of problems in clinical management. Written by a pioneer in the field of human lactation, the 6th Edition has been revised from cover to cover to include information on new drugs and herbal products, infections, and much more.
1. Breastfeeding in Modern Medicine 2. Anatomy of the Human Breast 3. Physiology of Lactation 4. Biochemistry of Human Milk 5. Host-Resistance factors and Immunologic Significance of Human Milk 6. Psychologic Impact of Breastfeeding 7. Facilitating an Informed Decision About Breastfeeding 8. Practical Management of the Mother-Infant Nursing Couple 9. Problems Associated with the Nipple, Areola, and Breast Itself 10. Maternal Nutrition and Supplement for Mother or Infant 11. Weaning: Timing and Techniques 12. Normal Growth Patterns, Failure-to-Thrive and Obesity in the Breastfed Infant 13. Medications, Herbal Preparations and Natural Products in Breast Milk 14. The Transmission of Infectious Diseases Through Breast Milk and Breastfeeding 15. Breastfeeding the Infant with a Problem or Illness 16. The Premature Infant and Breastfeeding 17. Acute and Chronic Medical Conditions of the Mother 18. Human Milk as a Prophylaxis or Mediator of Allergy 19. Employment and Away From Home Activities While Breastfeeding 20. Reproductive Function, Fertility, Sexuality and Pregnancy During Lactation 21. The Collection and Storage of Human Milk and Human Milk Banks. Pumps and Paraphernalia 22. Breastfeeding Support Groups and Community Resources 23. Educating and Training the Medical Professional
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