New learning challenges : going beyond the industrial age system of school and work
New learning challenges : going beyond the industrial age system of school and work
Kansai University Press, c2005
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全43件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
- 1 School as Collaborative Change Agent
- 2 Expansive Learning as Collaborative Concept Formation at Work
- 3 Studying Professional Learning for Inclusion
- 4 Toward Dialogic Practice through Mediated Activity:Theoretical Foundation for Constructing Learning Community
- 5 The Design Study as a New Culture of the Lesson Study
- 6 Cultural‐historical and Discursive Tools for Analyzing Critical Conflicts in Students’Development
- 7 A Chinese Perspective on Cultural‐historical Activity Theory 197
- 8 An Approach from Discourse to Activity
- 9 Do Nexuses Bring Tolerance for Diversity?:Tolerance as a Result of Social Development in School
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