Intelligent technologies for interactive entertainment : First International Conference, INTETAIN 2005, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, November 30 - December 2, 2005 : proceedings


Intelligent technologies for interactive entertainment : First International Conference, INTETAIN 2005, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, November 30 - December 2, 2005 : proceedings

Mark Maybury, Oliviero Stock, Wolfgang Wahlster (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 3814 . Lecture notes in artificial intelligence)

Springer, c2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



From November 30 to December 2, 2005, INTETAIN 2005 was held in beautiful Madonna di Campiglio, on the majestic mountains of the Province of Trento, Italy.The ideato holdthe?rstinternationalconferencethat wouldhaveas topic "Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment" seemed to be timely. In thepreviouscoupleofyearstherehadbeenothermorespeci?c-ormoregeneric - events where some of the relevant themes had made it to the front stage. With INTETAIN we were aiming at establishing a conference where intelligent computational technologies are at the basis of any interactive application for entertainment. As "intelligent computational technologies" we mean adaptive media pres- tations, recommendation systems in media scalable crossmedia, a?ective user interfaces, intelligent speech interfaces, tele-presence in entertainment, colla- rative user models and group behavior, collaborative and virtual environments, crossdomain user models, animation and virtual characters, holographic int- faces, augmented, virtual and mixed reality, computer graphics and multimedia, pervasive multimedia, creative language environments, computational humor, and so on. We also believe that there is an important role for novel underlying inter- tive device technologies, for example, mobile devices, home entertainment c- ters,haptic devices, wallscreendisplays,holographicdisplays,distributed smart sensors, immersive screens and wearable devices. Interactive applications for entertainment include, but are certainly not l- ited to, intelligent interactive games, intelligent music systems, interactive c- ema, edutainment, interactive art, interactive museum guides, city and tourism explorer assistants, shopping assistants, interactive real TV, interactive social networks,interactive storytelling,personal diaries, websites and blogs, and c- prehensive assisting environments for special groups (challenged, children, the elderly).


Long Papers.- COMPASS2008: Multimodal, Multilingual and Crosslingual Interaction for Mobile Tourist Guide Applications.- Discovering the European Heritage Through the ChiKho Educational Web Game.- Squidball: An Experiment in Large-Scale Motion Capture and Game Design.- Generating Ambient Behaviors in Computer Role-Playing Games.- Telepresence Techniques for Controlling Avatar Motion in First Person Games.- Parallel Presentations for Heterogenous User Groups - An Initial User Study.- Performing Physical Object References with Migrating Virtual Characters.- AI-Mediated Interaction in Virtual Reality Art.- Laughter Abounds in the Mouths of Computers: Investigations in Automatic Humor Recognition.- AmbientBrowser: Web Browser for Everyday Enrichment.- Ambient Intelligence in Edutainment: Tangible Interaction with Life-Like Exhibit Guides.- Drawings as Input for Handheld Game Computers.- Let's Come Together - Social Navigation Behaviors of Virtual and Real Humans.- Interacting with a Virtual Rap Dancer.- Grounding Emotions in Human-Machine Conversational Systems.- Water, Temperature and Proximity Sensing for a Mixed Reality Art Installation.- Geogames: A Conceptual Framework and Tool for the Design of Location-Based Games from Classic Board Games.- Disjunctor Selection for One-Line Jokes.- Multiplayer Gaming with Mobile Phones - Enhancing User Experience with a Public Screen.- Learning Using Augmented Reality Technology: Multiple Means of Interaction for Teaching Children the Theory of Colours.- Presenting in Virtual Worlds: Towards an Architecture for a 3D Presenter Explaining 2D-Presented Information.- Short Papers.- Entertainment Personalization Mechanism Through Cross-Domain User Modeling.- User Interview-Based Progress Evaluation of Two Successive Conversational Agent Prototypes.- Adding Playful Interaction to Public Spaces.- Report on a Museum Tour Report.- A Ubiquitous and Interactive Zoo Guide System.- Styling and Real-Time Simulation of Human Hair.- Motivational Strategies for an Intelligent Chess Tutoring System.- Balancing Narrative Control and Autonomy for Virtual Characters in a Game Scenario.- Web Content Transformed into Humorous Dialogue-Based TV-Program-Like Content.- Content Adaptation for Gradual Web Rendering.- Getting the Story Right: Making Computer-Generated Stories More Entertaining.- Omnipresent Collaborative Virtual Environments for Open Inventor Applications.- SpatiuMedia: Interacting with Locations.- Singing with Your Mobile: From DSP Arrays to Low-Cost Low-Power Chip Sets.- Bringing Hollywood to the Driving School: Dynamic Scenario Generation in Simulations and Games.- Demos.- Webcrow: A Web-Based Crosswords Solver.- COMPASS2008: The Smart Dining Service.- DaFEx: Database of Facial Expressions.- PeaceMaker: A Video Game to Teach Peace.- A Demonstration of the ScriptEase Approach to Ambient and Perceptive NPC Behaviors in Computer Role-Playing Games.- Multi-user Multi-touch Games on DiamondTouch with the DTFlash Toolkit.- Enhancing Social Communication Through Story-Telling Among High-Functioning Children with Autism.- Tagsocratic: Learning Shared Concepts on the Blogosphere.- Delegation Based Multimedia Mobile Guide.- Personalized Multimedia Information System for Museums and Exhibitions.- Lets Come Together - Social Navigation Behaviors of Virtual and Real Humans.- Automatic Creation of Humorous Acronyms.

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