Theory of plasticity
Theory of plasticity
Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006
3rd ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全11件
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Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Plasticity is concerned with the mechanics of materials deformed beyond their elastic limit. A strong knowledge of plasticity is essential for engineers dealing with a wide range of engineering problems, such as those encountered in the forming of metals, the design of pressure vessels, the mechanics of impact, civil and structural engineering, as well as the understanding of fatigue and the economical design of structures. Theory of Plasticity is the most comprehensive reference on the subject as well as the most up to date -- no other significant Plasticity reference has been published recently, making this of great interest to academics and professionals. This new edition presents extensive new material on the use of computational methods, plus coverage of important developments in cyclic plasticity and soil plasticity.
1. Stresses and Strains2. Foundations of Plasticity3. Elastoplastic Bending and Torsion4. Plastic Analysis of Beams and Frames5. Further Solutions of Elastoplastic Problems6. Theory of the Slipline Field7. Steady Problems in Plain Strain8. Nonsteady Problems in Plain Strain9. Computational Analysis of PlasticityAppendix: Fundamentals of Soil Plasticity
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