Galerkin finite element methods for parabolic problems
Galerkin finite element methods for parabolic problems
(Springer series in computational mathematics, 25)
Springer, c2006
2nd ed
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全13件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [355]-368) and index
This book provides insight into the mathematics of Galerkin finite element method as applied to parabolic equations. The revised second edition has been influenced by recent progress in application of semigroup theory to stability and error analysis, particulatly in maximum-norm. Two new chapters have also been added, dealing with problems in polygonal, particularly noncovex, spatial domains, and with time discretization based on using Laplace transformation and quadrature.
The Standard Galerkin Method.- Methods Based on More General Approximations of the Elliptic Problem.- Nonsmooth Data Error Estimates.- More General Parabolic Equations.- Negative Norm Estimates and Superconvergence.- Maximum-Norm Estimates and Analytic Semigroups.- Single Step Fully Discrete Schemes for the Homogeneous Equation.- Single Step Fully Discrete Schemes for the Inhomogeneous Equation.- Single Step Methods and Rational Approximations of Semigroups.- Multistep Backward Difference Methods.- Incomplete Iterative Solution of the Algebraic Systems at the Time Levels.- The Discontinuous Galerkin Time Stepping Method.- A Nonlinear Problem.- Semilinear Parabolic Equations.- The Method of Lumped Masses.- The H1 and H?1 Methods.- A Mixed Method.- A Singular Problem.- Problems in Polygonal Domains.- Time Discretization by Laplace Transformation and Quadrature.
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