Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2006 : 9th International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 1-6, 2006 : proceedings


Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2006 : 9th International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, October 1-6, 2006 : proceedings

Rasmus Larsen, Mads Nielsen, Jon Sporring (eds.)

(Lecture notes in computer science, 4190-4191)

Springer, c2006

  • pt. 1
  • pt. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



pt. 1 ISBN 9783540447078


The two-volume set LNCS 4190 and LNCS 4191 constitute the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2006. The program committee carefully selected 39 revised full papers and 193 revised poster papers for presentation in two volumes. This first volume includes 114 contributions related to bone shape analysis, robotics and tracking, segmentation, analysis of diffusion tensor MRI, and much more.


Bone Shape Analysis.- Quantitative Vertebral Morphometry Using Neighbor-Conditional Shape Models.- Anatomically Constrained Deformation for Design of Cranial Implant: Methodology and Validation.- Open-Curve Shape Correspondence Without Endpoint Correspondence.- Reconstruction of Patient-Specific 3D Bone Surface from 2D Calibrated Fluoroscopic Images and Point Distribution Model.- Robotics and Tracking.- A Pilot Study of Robot-Assisted Cochlear Implant Surgery Using Steerable Electrode Arrays.- Robot-Assisted Prostate Brachytherapy.- Design and Validation of an Image-Guided Robot for Small Animal Research.- GPU Based Real-Time Instrument Tracking with Three Dimensional Ultrasound.- Segmentation.- Shape-Driven 3D Segmentation Using Spherical Wavelets.- Artificially Enlarged Training Set in Image Segmentation.- Segmenting Lung Fields in Serial Chest Radiographs Using Both Population and Patient-Specific Shape Statistics.- 4D Shape Priors for a Level Set Segmentation of the Left Myocardium in SPECT Sequences.- Cell Segmentation Using Coupled Level Sets and Graph-Vertex Coloring.- Analysis of Diffusion Tensor MRI.- 3D Histological Reconstruction of Fiber Tracts and Direct Comparison with Diffusion Tensor MRI Tractography.- Rician Noise Removal in Diffusion Tensor MRI.- Anisotropy Creases Delineate White Matter Structure in Diffusion Tensor MRI.- Shape Analysis and Morphometry.- Evaluation of 3-D Shape Reconstruction of Retinal Fundus.- Comparing the Similarity of Statistical Shape Models Using the Bhattacharya Metric.- Improving Segmentation of the Left Ventricle Using a Two-Component Statistical Model.- An Approach for the Automatic Cephalometric Landmark Detection Using Mathematical Morphology and Active Appearance Models.- Automatic Segmentation of Jaw Tissues in CT Using Active Appearance Models and Semi-automatic Landmarking.- Morphometric Analysis for Pathological Abnormality Detection in the Skull Vaults of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Girls.- A Novel Quantitative Validation of the Cortical Surface Reconstruction Algorithm Using MRI Phantom: Issues on Local Geometric Accuracy and Cortical Thickness.- Multivariate Statistics of the Jacobian Matrices in Tensor Based Morphometry and Their Application to HIV/AIDS.- Highly Accurate Segmentation of Brain Tissue and Subcortical Gray Matter from Newborn MRI.- Transformation Model and Constraints Cause Bias in Statistics on Deformation Fields.- Limits on Estimating the Width of Thin Tubular Structures in 3D Images.- Toward Interactive User Guiding Vessel Axis Extraction from Gray-scale Angiograms: An Optimization Framework.- A Statistical Parts-Based Appearance Model of Inter-subject Variability.- The Entire Regularization Path for the Support Vector Domain Description.- A New Closed-Form Information Metric for Shape Analysis.- Simulation and Interaction.- Feasibility of Patient Specific Aortic Blood Flow CFD Simulation.- A Model Based Approach for Multi-lead ECG Array Layout Selection.- Simulation of Acquisition Artefacts in MR Scans: Effects on Automatic Measures of Brain Atrophy.- Non-rigid 2D-3D Registration with Catheter Tip EM Tracking for Patient Specific Bronchoscope Simulation.- Anatomical Modelling of the Musculoskeletal System from MRI.- Towards a Statistical Atlas of Cardiac Fiber Structure.- A Comparison of Needle Bending Models.- An Inverse Kinematics Model For Post-operative Knee.- Online Parameter Estimation for Surgical Needle Steering Model.- Realistic Simulated MRI and SPECT Databases.- Extrapolating Tumor Invasion Margins for Physiologically Determined Radiotherapy Regions.- Simultaneous Stereoscope Localization and Soft-Tissue Mapping for Minimal Invasive Surgery.- Real-Time Endoscopic Mosaicking.- Depth Perception - A Major Issue in Medical AR: Evaluation Study by Twenty Surgeons.- Hybrid Navigation Interface for Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery.- Virtual Fly-Over: A New Visualization Technique for Virtual Colonoscopy.- Viscoelasticity Modeling of the Prostate Region Using Vibro-elastography.- Simultaneous Reconstruction of Tissue Attenuation and Radioactivity Maps in SPECT.- Statistical Finite Element Model for Bone Shape and Biomechanical Properties.- Robotics and Intervention.- Fetus Support Manipulator with Flexible Balloon-Based Stabilizer for Endoscopic Intrauterine Surgery.- Recovery of Surgical Workflow Without Explicit Models.- Comparison of Control Modes of a Hand-Held Robot for Laparoscopic Surgery.- "Virtual Touch": An Efficient Registration Method for Catheter Navigation in Left Atrium.- Towards Scarless Surgery: An Endoscopic-Ultrasound Navigation System for Transgastric Access Procedures.- New 4-D Imaging for Real-Time Intraoperative MRI: Adaptive 4-D Scan.- The Use of Super Resolution in Robotic Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery.- Modeling the Human Aorta for MR-Driven Real-Time Virtual Endoscopy.- Adaptive Script Based Animations for Intervention Planning.- Towards Optimization of Probe Placement for Radio-Frequency Ablation.- C-arm Tracking and Reconstruction Without an External Tracker.- Rigid-Flexible Outer Sheath Model Using Slider Linkage Locking Mechanism and Air Pressure for Endoscopic Surgery.- Combined Endo- and Exoscopic Semi-robotic Manipulator System for Image Guided Operations.- The Feasibility of MR-Image Guided Prostate Biopsy Using Piezoceramic Motors Inside or Near to the Magnet Isocentre.- The Role of Insertion Points in the Detection and Positioning of Instruments in Laparoscopy for Robotic Tasks.- Automatic Localization of Laparoscopic Instruments for the Visual Servoing of an Endoscopic Camera Holder.- A Novel Robotic Laser Ablation System for Precision Neurosurgery with Intraoperative 5-ALA-Induced PpIX Fluorescence Detection.- Visual Servoing for Intraoperative Positioning and Repositioning of Mobile C-arms.- Navigated Three Dimensional Beta Probe for Optimal Cancer Resection.- Development of Safe Mechanism for Surgical Robots Using Equilibrium Point Control Method.- Real Time Adaptive Filtering for Digital X-Ray Applications.- Cardio-vascular Applications.- Semiautomatic Volume Conductor Modeling Pipeline for Imaging the Cardiac Electrophysiology Noninvasively.- Atrial Septal Defect Tracking in 3D Cardiac Ultrasound.- Intra-operative Volume Imaging of the Left Atrium and Pulmonary Veins with Rotational X-Ray Angiography.- Phase-Based Registration of Multi-view Real-Time Three-Dimensional Echocardiographic Sequences.- Carotid Artery Segmentation Using an Outlier Immune 3D Active Shape Models Framework.- Estimation of Cardiac Hyperelastic Material Properties from MRI Tissue Tagging and Diffusion Tensor Imaging.- Boosting and Nonparametric Based Tracking of Tagged MRI Cardiac Boundaries.- A Region Based Algorithm for Vessel Detection in Retinal Images.- Carotid Artery and Jugular Vein Tracking and Differentiation Using Spatiotemporal Analysis.- Image Analysis in Oncology.- Appearance Models for Robust Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in 3D LDCT Chest Images.- Intensity-Based Volumetric Registration of Contrast-Enhanced MR Breast Images.- Semi-parametric Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Using Bayesian P-Splines.- Brain Atlases and Segmentation.- Segmentation of Brain MRI in Young Children.- A Learning Based Algorithm for Automatic Extraction of the Cortical Sulci.- Probabilistic Brain Atlas Encoding Using Bayesian Inference.- Atlas Stratification.- Cardiac Motion Analysis.- Physiome Model Based State-Space Framework for Cardiac Kinematics Recovery.- Automated Detection of Left Ventricle in 4D MR Images: Experience from a Large Study.- Pairwise Active Appearance Model and Its Application to Echocardiography Tracking.- Cardiac Motion Recovery: Continuous Dynamics, Discrete Measurements, and Optimal Estimation.- Clinical Applications I.- HMM Assessment of Quality of Movement Trajectory in Laparoscopic Surgery.- A Novel MRI Texture Analysis of Demyelination and Inflammation in Relapsing-Remitting Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis.- Comparison of Different Targeting Methods for Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation.- Objective Outcome Evaluation of Breast Surgery.- Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Ground Glass Opacity Nodules.- Imaging of 3D Cardiac Electrical Activity: A Model-Based Recovery Framework.- Segmentation of the Surfaces of the Retinal Layer from OCT Images.- Spinal Crawlers: Deformable Organisms for Spinal Cord Segmentation and Analysis.- Markerless Endoscopic Registration and Referencing.- Real-Time Tracking of Contrast Bolus Propagation in Continuously Moving Table MR Angiography.- Preventing Signal Degradation During Elastic Matching of Noisy DCE-MR Eye Images.- Automated Analysis of the Mitotic Phases of Human Cells in 3D Fluorescence Microscopy Image Sequences.- Registration I.- Spline-Based Probabilistic Model for Anatomical Landmark Detection.- Affine and Deformable Registration Based on Polynomial Expansion.- Simultaneous Multiple Image Registration Method for T 1 Estimation in Breast MRI Images.- New CTA Protocol and 2D-3D Registration Method for Liver Catheterization.- A New Registration/Visualization Paradigm for CT-Fluoroscopy Guided RF Liver Ablation.- A New Method for CT to Fluoroscope Registration Based on Unscented Kalman Filter.- Automated 3D Freehand Ultrasound Calibration with Real-Time Accuracy Control.- Non-rigid Registration of 3D Multi-channel Microscopy Images of Cell Nuclei.- Fast Deformable Registration of 3D-Ultrasound Data Using a Variational Approach.- A Log-Euclidean Framework for Statistics on Diffeomorphisms.- Nonrigid 3D Brain Registration Using Intensity/Feature Information.

pt. 2 ISBN 9783540447276


The two-volume set LNCS 4190 and LNCS 4191 constitute the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2006. The program committee carefully selected 39 revised full papers and 193 revised poster papers for presentation in two volumes. This second volume collects 118 papers related to segmentation, validation and quantitative image analysis, brain image processing, and much more.


Segmentation I.- Robust Active Shape Models: A Robust, Generic and Simple Automatic Segmentation Tool.- Automatic IVUS Segmentation of Atherosclerotic Plaque with Stop & Go Snake.- Prostate Segmentation in 2D Ultrasound Images Using Image Warping and Ellipse Fitting.- Detection of Electrophysiology Catheters in Noisy Fluoroscopy Images.- Fast Non Local Means Denoising for 3D MR Images.- Active Shape Models for a Fully Automated 3D Segmentation of the Liver - An Evaluation on Clinical Data.- Patient Position Detection for SAR Optimization in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.- Symmetric Atlasing and Model Based Segmentation: An Application to the Hippocampus in Older Adults.- Image Diffusion Using Saliency Bilateral Filter.- Data Weighting for Principal Component Noise Reduction in Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound.- Shape Filtering for False Positive Reduction at Computed Tomography Colonography.- Validation and Quantitative Image Analysis.- Evaluation of Texture Features for Analysis of Ovarian Follicular Development.- A Fast Method of Generating Pharmacokinetic Maps from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Images of the Breast.- Investigating Cortical Variability Using a Generic Gyral Model.- Blood Flow and Velocity Estimation Based on Vessel Transit Time by Combining 2D and 3D X-Ray Angiography.- Accurate Airway Wall Estimation Using Phase Congruency.- Generation of Curved Planar Reformations from Magnetic Resonance Images of the Spine.- Automated Analysis of Multi Site MRI Phantom Data for the NIHPD Project.- Performance Evaluation of Grid-Enabled Registration Algorithms Using Bronze-Standards.- Anisotropic Feature Extraction from Endoluminal Images for Detection of Intestinal Contractions.- Symmetric Curvature Patterns for Colonic Polyp Detection.- 3D Reconstruction of Coronary Stents in Vivo Based on Motion Compensated X-Ray Angiograms.- Retina Mosaicing Using Local Features.- Brain Image Processing.- A New Cortical Surface Parcellation Model and Its Automatic Implementation.- A System for Measuring Regional Surface Folding of the Neonatal Brain from MRI.- Atlas Guided Identification of Brain Structures by Combining 3D Segmentation and SVM Classification.- A Nonparametric Bayesian Approach to Detecting Spatial Activation Patterns in fMRI Data.- Fast and Accurate Connectivity Analysis Between Functional Regions Based on DT-MRI.- Riemannian Graph Diffusion for DT-MRI Regularization.- High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas Generation and Group Analysis.- Fiber Bundle Estimation and Parameterization.- Improved Correspondence for DTI Population Studies Via Unbiased Atlas Building.- Diffusion k-tensor Estimation from Q-ball Imaging Using Discretized Principal Axes.- Improved Map-Slice-to-Volume Motion Correction with B0 Inhomogeneity Correction: Validation of Activation Detection Algorithms Using ROC Curve Analyses.- Hippocampus-Specific fMRI Group Activation Analysis with Continuous M-Reps.- Particle Filtering for Nonlinear BOLD Signal Analysis.- Anatomically Informed Convolution Kernels for the Projection of fMRI Data on the Cortical Surface.- A Landmark-Based Brain Conformal Parametrization with Automatic Landmark Tracking Technique.- Automated Topology Correction for Human Brain Segmentation.- A Fast and Automatic Method to Correct Intensity Inhomogeneity in MR Brain Images.- A Digital Pediatric Brain Structure Atlas from T1-Weighted MR Images.- Discriminative Analysis of Early Alzheimer's Disease Based on Two Intrinsically Anti-correlated Networks with Resting-State fMRI.- Motion in Image Formation.- Rawdata-Based Detection of the Optimal Reconstruction Phase in ECG-Gated Cardiac Image Reconstruction.- Sensorless Reconstruction of Freehand 3D Ultrasound Data.- Motion-Compensated MR Valve Imaging with COMB Tag Tracking and Super-Resolution Enhancement.- Recovery of Liver Motion and Deformation Due to Respiration Using Laparoscopic Freehand 3D Ultrasound System.- Image Guided Intervention.- Numerical Simulation of Radio Frequency Ablation with State Dependent Material Parameters in Three Space Dimensions.- Towards a Multi-modal Atlas for Neurosurgical Planning.- Using Registration Uncertainty Visualization in a User Study of a Simple Surgical Task.- Ultrasound Monitoring of Tissue Ablation Via Deformation Model and Shape Priors.- Clinical Applications II.- Assessment of Airway Remodeling in Asthma: Volumetric Versus Surface Quantification Approaches.- Asymmetry of SPECT Perfusion Image Patterns as a Diagnostic Feature for Alzheimer's Disease.- Predicting the Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation with Diffusion Tensor Based Electric Field Models.- CFD Analysis Incorporating the Influence of Wall Motion: Application to Intracranial Aneurysms.- A New CAD System for the Evaluation of Kidney Diseases Using DCE-MRI.- Generation and Application of a Probabilistic Breast Cancer Atlas.- Hierarchical Part-Based Detection of 3D Flexible Tubes: Application to CT Colonoscopy.- Detection of Protrusions in Curved Folded Surfaces Applied to Automated Polyp Detection in CT Colonography.- Part-Based Local Shape Models for Colon Polyp Detection.- An Analysis of Early Studies Released by the Lung Imaging Database Consortium (LIDC).- Detecting Acromegaly: Screening for Disease with a Morphable Model.- A Boosting Cascade for Automated Detection of Prostate Cancer from Digitized Histology.- Optimal Sensor Placement for Predictive Cardiac Motion Modeling.- 4D Shape Registration for Dynamic Electrophysiological Cardiac Mapping.- Estimation of Cardiac Electrical Propagation from Medical Image Sequence.- Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Scaphoid Pinning: Operator Variability and Comparison with Traditional Fluoroscopic Procedure.- Cosmology Inspired Design of Biomimetic Tissue Engineering Templates with Gaussian Random Fields.- Registration of Microscopic Iris Image Sequences Using Probabilistic Mesh.- Tumor Therapeutic Response and Vessel Tortuosity: Preliminary Report in Metastatic Breast Cancer.- Harvesting the Thermal Cardiac Pulse Signal.- On Mobility Analysis of Functional Sites from Time Lapse Microscopic Image Sequences of Living Cell Nucleus.- Tissue Characterization Using Dimensionality Reduction and Fluorescence Imaging.- Registration II.- A Method for Registering Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images.- A High-Order Solution for the Distribution of Target Registration Error in Rigid-Body Point-Based Registration.- Fast Elastic Registration for Adaptive Radiotherapy.- Registering Histological and MR Images of Prostate for Image-Based Cancer Detection.- Affine Registration of Diffusion Tensor MR Images.- Analytic Expressions for Fiducial and Surface Target Registration Error.- Bronchoscope Tracking Based on Image Registration Using Multiple Initial Starting Points Estimated by Motion Prediction.- 2D/3D Registration for Measurement of Implant Alignment After Total Hip Replacement.- 3D/2D Model-to-Image Registration Applied to TIPS Surgery.- Ray-Tracing Based Registration for HRCT Images of the Lungs.- Physics-Based Elastic Image Registration Using Splines and Including Landmark Localization Uncertainties.- Piecewise-Quadrilateral Registration by Optical Flow - Applications in Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of the Breast.- Iconic Feature Registration with Sparse Wavelet Coefficients.- Diffeomorphic Registration Using B-Splines.- Automatic Point Landmark Matching for Regularizing Nonlinear Intensity Registration: Application to Thoracic CT Images.- Biomechanically Based Elastic Breast Registration Using Mass Tensor Simulation.- Intensity Gradient Based Registration and Fusion of Multi-modal Images.- A Novel Approach for Image Alignment Using a Markov-Gibbs Appearance Model.- Evaluation on Similarity Measures of a Surface-to-Image Registration Technique for Ultrasound Images.- Backward-Warping Ultrasound Reconstruction for Improving Diagnostic Value and Registration.- Integrated Four Dimensional Registration and Segmentation of Dynamic Renal MR Images.- Segmentation II.- Fast and Robust Clinical Triple-Region Image Segmentation Using One Level Set Function.- Fast and Robust Semi-automatic Liver Segmentation with Haptic Interaction.- Objective PET Lesion Segmentation Using a Spherical Mean Shift Algorithm.- Multilevel Segmentation and Integrated Bayesian Model Classification with an Application to Brain Tumor Segmentation.- A New Adaptive Probabilistic Model of Blood Vessels for Segmenting MRA Images.- Segmentation of Thalamic Nuclei from DTI Using Spectral Clustering.- Multiclassifier Fusion in Human Brain MR Segmentation: Modelling Convergence.- Active Surface Approach for Extraction of the Human Cerebral Cortex from MRI.- Integrated Graph Cuts for Brain MRI Segmentation.- Validation of Image Segmentation by Estimating Rater Bias and Variance.- A General Framework for Image Segmentation Using Ordered Spatial Dependency.- Constructing a Probabilistic Model for Automated Liver Region Segmentation Using Non-contrast X-Ray Torso CT images.- Modeling of Intensity Priors for Knowledge-Based Level Set Algorithm in Calvarial Tumors Segmentation.- A Comparison of Breast Tissue Classification Techniques.- Analysis of Skeletal Microstructure with Clinical Multislice CT.- An Energy Minimization Approach to the Data Driven Editing of Presegmented Images/Volumes.- Accurate Banded Graph Cut Segmentation of Thin Structures Using Laplacian Pyramids.- Segmentation of Neck Lymph Nodes in CT Datasets with Stable 3D Mass-Spring Models.- Supervised Probabilistic Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in CT Scans.- MR Image Segmentation Using Phase Information and a Novel Multiscale Scheme.- Multi-resolution Vessel Segmentation Using Normalized Cuts in Retinal Images.- Brain Analysis and Registration.- Simulation of Local and Global Atrophy in Alzheimer's Disease Studies.- Brain Surface Conformal Parameterization with Algebraic Functions.- Logarithm Odds Maps for Shape Representation.- Multi-modal Image Registration Using the Generalized Survival Exponential Entropy.

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