A new Dictionary of Saints : east and west
A new Dictionary of Saints : east and west
Burns & Oats, 2007
- : hardback
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全4件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references (p. [ix])
This magnificent new publication distinguishes itself from others by its comprehensiveness, and in its coverage of Eastern, as well as Western, saints. The book contains approximately 7,000 Saints and Blesseds. Entries come in strictly alphabetical order of name: where there are numerous saints with the same name (for example John) these are now listed chronologically. The entries include date and place of birth and death as well as family background, education, activity for which the saints is remembered, and whether he/she is a patron saint. In order to be really comprehensive even possibly mythical saints are included - Barbara, Christopher and Katherine of Alexandria, because their stories have been so important in art, literature and popular devotion. This is the most complete and accurate "Dictionary of Saints" available.
- Extended Introduction
- Saints Listed Alphabetically
- Appendixes and Indexes.
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