What can nanotechnology learn from biotechnology? : social and ethical lessons for nanoscience from the debate over agrifood biotechnology and GMOs
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What can nanotechnology learn from biotechnology? : social and ethical lessons for nanoscience from the debate over agrifood biotechnology and GMOs
(Food science and technology : international series)
Academic Press, 2008
1st ed
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Includes index
Description and Table of Contents
What Can Nanotechnology Learn From Biotechnology? presents diverse perspectives on biotechnology and nanotechnologies. Avoiding extreme perspectives, unwarranted hype and absolute rejection, this book explores the diverse territory of proponents and opponents of challenging but potentially risky technologies. Contributions from recognized experts in their fields represent the perspectives of a diverse range of stakeholders.
This book details the lessons to be learned from the controversy over genetically modified foods, and how those lessons can be applied to developing nanotechnologies, particularly agricultural and other food-related applications. Exploring the environmental, social and ethical impact of nanotechnology in addition to the technical and economical impacts, it an ideal reference for any scientist, engineer, research program administrator, resource allocator, and NGO advocate.
Table of Contents
- Introduction: Putting Nanofears and Nanobenefits in Context
- Learning from mistakes: Missteps in public acceptance issues with GMOs
- Building a new technology business: A framework for translating biotechnology experience to nanotechnology
- Of Hype, Home, and Handles: A Biotechnologiy Activist Looks at Nanotechnology
- Values Matters: Science, Technology, and Social Values
- The Lessons of Biotech Patenting
- The Ethics of Agri-Food Biotechnology: How can an Agricultural Technology be so Important?
- Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Media and Public Opinion
- From Bio to Nano: Learning the Lessons, Interrogating the Comparison
- Nano and Bio: How are they Alike? How are they Different?
- Legal Lessons Learned from Agri-Food Biotechnology and GMOs
- Understanding the Basis for Public Acceptance or Rejection of Technology: The Need for Theoretical Integration
- Nanotechnology as Viewed by a Research Scientist: A Counterpoint Between Technological Development and Public Acceptance
- Conclusions and Reflections for Future Nanotechnologists
- Appendix: Participants in the October 2005 Workshop
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