Quantum information and many body quantum systems : proceedings
Bibliographic Information
Quantum information and many body quantum systems : proceedings
(CRM series, 8)
Edizioni della Normale ; Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, c2008
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Description and Table of Contents
In the last years a growing attention has been dedicated to many body quantum systems from the point of view of quantum information. Indeed, after the initial investigation of simple systems as single or two qubits, the need of understanding the characteristics of a realistic quantum information device leads necessarily to the study of many body quantum systems. These studies are also driven by the very fast development of experiments which in the last years reach the goal of coherent control of a few qubits (ion traps, charge qubits, etc.) with a roadmap for further scaling and improvement of coherent control and manipulation techniques.
This book gives a selection of current research topics in the field of quantum information for many body quantum systems together with open problems.
Table of Contents
Preface.- Entanglement percolation in quantum networks.- Classical simulation of strongly correlated systems.- Quantum information and many body theory.- Electronic Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer for multi-mode entanglement detection.- Energy, entanglement, and information transfer in many body systems.- Infinite spin chains and algebras.- New results on MPS.- A quantum approach to classical statistical mechanics.- Atom-light teleportation.- Lieb Robinson bounds in quantum spin systems and application to quantum information theory.- A metric approach to phase transitions.
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