Globalization of education : an introduction


Globalization of education : an introduction

Joel Spring

(Sociocultural, political, and historical studies in education)

Routledge, 2009

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographical references and index



Continuing Joel Spring's reportage and analysis of the intersection of global forces and education, this text offers a comprehensive overview and synthesis of current research, theories, and models related to the topic. Spring introduces readers to the processes, institutions, and forces by which schooling has been globalized and examines the impact of these forces on schooling in local contexts. Designed for courses on globalization and education, international and comparative education, educational foundations, multicultural education, and educational policy, the text is written in a clear narrative style to engage readers in thoughtful consideration of topics discussed. Each chapter includes "Key Points" that summarize the content and suggest issues and questions for critical analysis, discussion, and debate.


Preface Chapter 1 Globalization of Education Chapter 2 Global Education Networks and Discourses: The World Bank and the Knowledge Economy Chapter 3 The Cyberschoolbus and Sesame Street Meet the Global Knowledge Economy: OECD and the United Nations Chapter 4 The Marketing of Knowledge: Multinational Learning Corporations, Global Assessment and Higher Education Chapter 5 From the Global to the Local: Global Progressive Education Models and INGOs Chapter 6 Religious and Indigenous Education Models: A Clash of Civilizations? Chapter 7 Global Migration and Language Policies Chapter 8 Globalization and Complex Thought: Is There a Theory of Educational Globalization?

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