Linear and complex analysis : dedicated to V. P. Havin on the occasion of his 75th birthday


Linear and complex analysis : dedicated to V. P. Havin on the occasion of his 75th birthday

Alexei Alexandrov, Anton Baranov, Sergey Kislyakov, editors

(American Mathematical Society translations, ser. 2, v. 226 . Advances in the mathematical sciences (formerly advances in Soviet mathematics) ; 63)

American Mathematical Society, c2009


Includes bibliographical references



Includes articles by friends and collaborators of a renowned Russian mathematician V P Havin, prepared on the occasion of Havin's 75th birthday. This book presents articles devoted to areas of analysis where Havin himself worked successfully for many years.

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  • American Mathematical Society translations

    American Mathematical Society 1955-

    Ser. 2, v. 1 , Ser. 2, v. 2 , Ser. 2, v. 3 , Ser. 2, v. 4 , Ser. 2, v. 5 , Ser. 2, v. 6 , Ser. 2, v. 7 , Ser. 2, v. 8 , Ser. 2, v. 9 , Ser. 2, v. 10 , Ser. 2, v. 11 , Ser. 2, v. 12 , Ser. 2, v. 13 , Ser. 2, v. 14 , Ser. 2, v. 15 , Ser. 2, v. 16 , Ser. 2, v. 17 , Ser. 2, v. 18

