Exile and restoration revisited : essays on the Babylonian and Persian periods in memory of Peter R. Ackroyd


Exile and restoration revisited : essays on the Babylonian and Persian periods in memory of Peter R. Ackroyd

edited by Gary N. Knoppers and Lester L. Grabbe with Deirdrie N. Fulton

(Library of Second Temple studies, 73)(T & T Clark library of Biblical studies)

T&T Clark, c2009

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes indexes



This volume had its origins in a session presented to the Society of Biblical Literature in Washington in 2006 in order to examine the legacy of Peter Ackroyd to the field of biblical studies. Ackroyd's work stretched over a wide range of topics within Biblical Studies, notably study of prophetic literature and work on exile and restoration. This volume particularly focuses upon his work on the latter. Whilst the present work is founded upon the papers given at the session it also includes several essays solicited subsequently which further serve to draw the contributions together into a fitting tribute to a pioneer in his field. The contributions take account of Ackroyd's approach to the theme of exile and restoration, focusing largely upon the study of Ezra-Nehemiah and Chronciles. As a brief flavour, Bob Becking examines the epigraphic evidence concerning the mixed marriage crisis Ezra-Nehemiah. Joe Blenkinsopp seeks to find the 'Sons of Aaron' before the 5th Century in a fascinating essay focusing which picks up the work of R.H. Kennett over a century ago. Among the other distinguished contributors are John Bergsma, Eric Myers and Jill Middlemass.


I. INTRODUCTION LESTER L. GRABBE and GARY N. KNOPPERS II. ARTICLES BOB BECKING On the Identity of the 'Foreign' Women in Ezra 9-10 JOHN S. BERGSMA The Persian Period as Penitential Era: The "Exegetical Logic" of Daniel 9.1-27 JOSEPH BLENKINSOPP The Mystery of the Missing "Sons of Aaron" TAMARA COHN ESKENAZI From Exile and Restoration to Exile and Reconstruction DEIRDRE N. FULTON Jeshua's "High Priestly" Lineage? A Reassessment of Nehemiah 12:10-11 LESTER L. GRABBE "They Shall Come Rejoicing to Zion"--or Did They? The Settlement of Yehud in the Early Persian Period LESTER L. GRABBE Was Jerusalem a Persian Fortress? VADIM S. JIGOULOV Administration of Achaemenid Phoenicia: A Case for Managed Autonomy REINHARD G. KRATZ The Relation between History and Thought: Reflections on the Subtitle of Peter Ackroyd's Exile and Restoration ERIC MEYERS Exile and Restoration in Light of Recent Archaeology and Demographic Studies in Memory of Peter Ackroyd JILL A. MIDDLEMAS Going beyond the Myth of the Empty Land: A Reassessment of the Early Persian Period KENNETH A. RISTAU Rebuilding Jerusalem: Zechariah's Vision within Visions

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