The encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity


The encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodox Christianity

edited by John Anthony McGuckin

Wiley-Blackwell, 2011

  • : [set]
  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 31



Includes bibliographical references and index

Vol. 1. A-M -- v. 2. N-Z



With a combination of essay-length and short entries written by a team of leading religious experts, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Eastern Orthodoxy offers the most comprehensive guide to the cultural and intellectual world of Eastern Orthodox Christianity available in English today. An outstanding reference work providing the first English language multi-volume account of the key historical, liturgical, doctrinal features of Eastern Orthodoxy, including the Non-Chalcedonian churches Explores of the major traditions of Eastern Orthodoxy in detail, including the Armenian, Byzantine, Coptic, Ethiopic, Slavic, Romanian, Syriac churches Uniquely comprehensive, it is edited by one of the leading scholars in the field and provides authoritative but accessible articles by a range of top international academics and Orthodox figures Spans the period from Late Antiquity to the present, encompassing subjects including history, theology, liturgy, monasticism, sacramentology, canon law, philosophy, folk culture, architecture, archaeology, martyrology, hagiography, all alongside a large and generously detailed prosopography Structured alphabetically and topically cross-indexed, with entries ranging from 100 to 6,000 words


Africa, Orthodoxy in Akathistos Albania, Orthodox Church of Alexandria, Patriarchate of Ambo Amnos Anagnostes (Reader) Analogion Anaphora Anastasimatarion Angels Anglicanism, Orthodoxy and Anointing of the Sick Antidoron Antimension Antioch, Patriarchate of Apodeipnon Apodosis Apolysis Apolytikion Apophaticism Aposticha Apostolic Succession Archdeacon Architecture, Orthodox Church Arianism Armenian Christianity Artoklasia Artophorion Asceticism Assyrian Apostolic Church of the East Asterisk Australasia, Orthodox Church in Baptism Barlaam of Calabria (ca. 1290-1348) Berdiaev, Nikolai A. (1874-1948) Bible Bioethics, Orthodoxy and Blessing Rituals Bogomils Bulgakov, Sergius (Sergei) (1871-1944) Bulgaria, Patriarchal Orthodox Church of Caerularios, Michael (d. 1059) Calendar Canon (Liturgical) Canon Law Canonization Cappadocian Fathers Catechumens Charity Chastity Cheesefare (Sunday of) Cherubikon China, Autonomous Orthodox Church of Chorepiscopos Chrismation Christ Church (Orthodox Ecclesiology) Communion of Saints Confession Constantinople, Patriarchate of Contemporary Orthodox Theology Coptic Orthodoxy Council of Chalcedon (451) Council of Constantinople I (381) Council of Constantinople II (553) Council of Constantinople III (680-681) Council of Ephesus (431) Council of Nicea I (325) Council of Nicea II (787) Cross Cyprus, Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Cyril Lukaris, Patriarch of Constantinople (1572-1638) Czech Lands and Slovakia, Orthodox Church of Deacon Deaconess Death (and Funeral) Deification Deisis Desert Fathers and Mothers Diakonikon Divine Liturgy, Orthodox Dormition Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881) Doxastikon Eastern Catholic Churches Ecology Ecumenical Councils Ecumenism, Orthodoxy and Education Eiletarion Eileton Ekphonesis Elder (Starets) Eleousa (Umilenie) Eothina Epiclesis Episcopacy Epitrachelion Eschatology Estonia, Orthodox Church in Ethics Eucharist Euchologion Evangelism Evlogitaria Exaposteilarion Exarch Excommunication Exorcism Fasting Fatherhood of God Feasts Filioque Finland, Autonomous Orthodox Church of Florence, Council of (1438-1439) Florensky, Pavel Alexandrovich (1882-1937) Florovsky, Georges V. (1893-1979) Fools, Holy Georgia, Patriarchal Orthodox Church of Glykophilousa Gnosticism Gospel Grace Great Week Greece, Orthodox Church of Hades Hagiography Healing Heirmologion Heresy Hesychasm Hexapsalmoi Hieratikon Hodegitria Holy Spirit Holy Trinity Horologion Humanity Hymnography Hypakoe Iasi (Jassy), Synod of (1642) Iconoclasm Iconography, Styles of Iconostasis Icons Idiomelon Imiaslavie Incarnation (of the Logos) Incense Islam, Orthodoxy and Japan, Autonomous Orthodox Church of Jeremias II, Patriarch (1572-1595) Jerusalem, Patriarchate of Jesus Prayer Judaism, Orthodoxy and Judgment Kalymauchion Katavasia Kathisma Kazakhstan, Orthodoxy in Khomiakov, Aleksey S. (1804-1860) Kollyva Kollyvadic Fathers Kontakion Lance Latvia, Orthodoxy in Lithuania, Orthodoxy in Liturgical Books Logos Theology Lossky, Vladimir (1903-1958) Love Lyons, Council of (1274) Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church Mandorla Maronites Marriage Maximus the Greek (1470-1555) Megalomartyr Saints Men, Alexander (1935-1990) Menaion Mesonyktikon Metanie (Metanoia) Meteora Military Saints Miracles Moghila, Peter (1596-1646) Moldova, Orthodoxy in Monasticism Monophysitism (including Miaphysitism) Monothelitism Mount Athos Music (Sacred) Myrobletes Saints Mystery (Sacrament) Name (Name Day) Nativity of the Lord Nativity of the Theotokos Nestorianism New Martyrs Newly Revealed Saints Niptic Books (Paterika) Non-Possessors (Nil Sorskii) Ode Oktoechos Old Believers Old Testament Optina Ordination Oriental Orthodox Original Sin Orthodoxy and World Religions Orthros (Matins) Ottoman Yoke Panagia Pantocrator Icon Papacy Paradise Paraklesis Paraklitike Parousia Passion Bearers Patristics Pentarchy Pentecost, Feast of Pentekostarion Perichoresis Phelonion Philokalia Philosophy Pilgrim, Way of the Platytera Poland, Orthodox Church of Pontike, Evagrios (ca. 345-399) Possessors (Joseph of Volotsk) Prayer Priesthood Prokeimenon Proskomedie (Prothesis) Protecting Veil Protodeacon Psaltes (Cantor) Psilanthropism Psychosabbaton Quinisext Council (Council in Trullo) (692) Relics Repentance Resurrection Rhipidion (Fan) Romania, Patriarchal Orthodox Church of Rome, Ancient Patriarchate of Royal Doors Russia, Patriarchal Orthodox Church of Scholarios, George (Gennadios) (ca. 1403-1472) Semandron Serbia, Patriarchal Orthodox Church of Sexual Ethics Sinai, Autocephalous Church of Solovyov, Vladimir (1853-1900) Sophiology Sophrony, Archimandrite (1896-1993) Soteriology St. Andrei Rublev (ca. 1360-1430) St. Antony of Egypt (the Great) (ca. 251-356) St. Athanasius of Alexandria (ca. 293-373) St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) St. Basil of Caesarea (Basil the Great) (330-379) St. Constantine the Emperor (ca. 271-337) St. Cyril of Alexandria (ca. 378-444) St. Dionysius the Areopagite St. Dorotheos of Gaza (6th c.) St. Elizaveta Feodorovna (1864-1918) St. Ephrem the Syrian (ca. 306-373/379) St. Filaret (Philaret) Drozdov (1782-1867) St. Gregory of Nazianzus (Gregory the Theologian) (329-390) St. Gregory Palamas (1296-1359) St. Gregory the Great, Pope (ca. 540-604) St. Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867) St. Isaac the Syrian (7th c.) St. John Cassian (ca. 360-ca. 435) St. John Chrysostom (349-407) St. John Klimakos (ca. 579-ca. 659) St. John of Damascus (ca. 675-ca. 750) St. Macarius (4th c.) St. Mark of Ephesus (1392-1445) St. Maximos the Confessor (580-662) St. Nicholas Cabasilas (ca. 1322-ca. 1391) St. Nicholas the Wonderworker St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite (1749-1809) St. Paisy Velichovsky (1722-1794) St. Photios the Great (ca. 810-ca. 893) St. Romanos the Melodist (6th c.) St. Seraphim of Sarov (1759-1833) St. Sergius of Radonezh (1314-1392) St. Silouan of Athos (1866-1938) St. Symeon the New Theologian (949-1022) St. Theodore the Studite (759-826) St. Theophan (Govorov) the Recluse (1815-1894) St. Tikhon (Belavin) (1865-1925) St. Tikhon of Zadonsk (1724-1783) Staniloae, Dumitru (1903-1993) Stavrophore Stethatos, Niketas (ca. 1005-1085) Sticharion Sticheron Sts. Barsanuphius and John (6th c.) Sts. Constantine (Cyril) (ca. 826-869) and Methodios (815-885) Stylite Saints Syrian Orthodox Churches Theophan the Greek (ca. 1340-1410) Theophany, Feast of Theophylact of Ohrid (ca. 1050-1108) Theotokion Theotokos, the Blessed Virgin Tradition Triodion Troparion Ukraine, Orthodoxy in the United States of America, Orthodoxy in the Unmercenary Saints Vespers (Hesperinos) Vestments Virgins War Wealth Western Europe, Orthodoxy in Widows Women in Orthodoxy Appendix: Foundational Documents of Orthodox Theology

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