Godofredi Hermanni Opuscula


Godofredi Hermanni Opuscula

Gottfried Hermann

(Cambridge library collection, . Classics)

Cambridge University Press, 2010

  • v. 1
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  • 東京都立大学 図書館哲学

    v. 1/991/H53g/110002268722, v. 2/991/H53g/210002268730, v. 3/991/H53g/310002268749, v. 4/991/H53g/410002268755, v. 5/991/H53g/510002268763, v. 6/991/H53g/610002268771, v. 7/991/H53g/710002268780, v. 8/991/H53g/810002268798


Text in Latin, ancient Greek

"This book reproduces the text of the original edition"--T.p. verso

Facsim. Reprint. Originally published: Lipsiae : Apvd Gerhardvm Fleischervm, 1827-1877

Includes bibliographical references and indexes


v. 1 ISBN 9781108016933


Gottfried Hermann's Opuscula (1827-1877) collects in eight volumes the shorter writings of this central figure of nineteenth-century classical philology. Best known for his work on Greek metrics and his editions of Aeschylus, Euripides and others, Hermann (1772-1848) drew on Kantian phenomenology as well as his own formidable understanding of ancient grammars to advance a compelling program of classical scholarship that took language itself as the primary witness to the distant past. Hermann's grammar-based scholarship drew criticism, but established him as foundational to modern philology. As Sihler wrote in 1933, 'He accepted nothing on mere authority, but investigated the causes and roots of every matter.' Volume 1 (1827) contains essays on Greek literature, including a fragment from Sophocles' Clytemnestra, as well as occasional works, such as a poem dedicated to his university, Leipzig. This diverse collection provides fuller insight into the mind of this highly influential scholar.


  • Praefatio
  • 1. De fundamento iuris puniendi
  • 2. De poeseos generibus
  • 3. De dramate comicosatyrico
  • 4. De fragmento Clytaemnestrae Sophoclis in duobus codd. reperto
  • 5. Commentatio de verbis, quibus Graeci incessum equorum indicant, ad Xenophontem de re equestri cap. VII
  • 6. De differentia prosae et poeticae orationis disputatio. Pars I
  • 7. De differentia prosae et poeticae orationis disputatio. Pars II
  • 8. Observationes de Graecae linguae dialectis
  • 9. Dissertatio de ellipsi et pleonasmo in Graeca lingua
  • 10. De dialecto Pindari observationes
  • 11. De praeceptis quibusdam Atticistarum dissertatio
  • 12. De cantico in Romanorum fabulis scenicis dissertatio
  • 13. Dissertatio de pronomine
  • 14. Carmen saeculare Academiae Lipsiensis
  • 15. Carmen in honores semisaeculares Georgii Guilielmi Comitis ab Hopffgarten
  • 16. Alexandro Russorum Imperatori liberata europa reduci
  • 17. In reditu Regis Friderici Augusti
  • Index.

v. 2 ISBN 9781108016940


Gottfried Hermann's Opuscula (1827-1877) collects in eight volumes the shorter writings of this central figure of nineteenth-century classical philology. Best known for his work on Greek metrics and his editions of Aeschylus, Euripides and others, Hermann (1772-1848) drew on Kantian phenomenology as well as his own formidable understanding of ancient grammars to advance a compelling program of classical scholarship that took language itself as the primary witness to the distant past. Hermann's grammar-based scholarship drew criticism, but established him as foundational to modern philology. As Sihler wrote in 1933, 'He accepted nothing on mere authority, but investigated the causes and roots of every matter.' Volume 2 (1827) contains essays on topics including Homer, Aeschylus' Glaucus Pontios, the Eumenides, and the Persians, and ancient Greek history and mythology. This diverse collection provides fuller insight into the mind of this highly influential scholar.


  • 1. De argumenti pro antiquitate Orphei Argonauticorum maxime a Koenigsmanno allatis dissertatio
  • 2. De legibus quibusdam subtilioribus sermonis Homerici dissertatio prima
  • 3. De legibus quibusdam subtilioribus sermonis Homerici dissertatio secunda
  • 4. De Aeschyli Glaucis dissertatio
  • 5. De versibus spuriis apud Aeschylum dissertatio
  • 6. De Aeschyli Persis dissertatio
  • 7. De metrorum quorumdam mensura rhythmica dissertatio
  • 8. De choro Eumenidum Aeschyli dissertatio prima
  • 9. De choro Eumenidum Aeschyli dissertatio secunda
  • 10. De mythologia Graecorum antiquissima
  • 11. De historiae Graecae primordiis dissertatio
  • 12. Censura novae editionis Thesauri Stephaniani
  • 13.
  • 14. Epistola ad Fr. Lindemannum
  • 15. De R. Bentleio eiusque editione Terentii dissertatio
  • 16. De Musis fluvialibus Epicharmi et Eumeli
  • 17. De compositione tetralogiarum tragicarum
  • 18. De Aeschyli Danaidibus
  • Index.

v. 3 ISBN 9781108016957


Gottfried Hermann's Opuscula (1827-1877) collects in eight volumes the shorter writings of this central figure of nineteenth-century classical philology. Best known for his work on Greek metrics and his editions of Aeschylus, Euripides and others, Hermann (1772-1848) drew on Kantian phenomenology as well as his own formidable understanding of ancient grammars to advance a compelling program of classical scholarship that took language itself as the primary witness to the distant past. Hermann's grammar-based scholarship drew criticism, but established him as foundational to modern philology. As Sihler wrote in 1933, 'He accepted nothing on mere authority, but investigated the causes and roots of every matter.' Volume 3 (1828) includes fragments of Euripides, essays on the works of Homer and Aeschylus, as well as letters to Ferdinand Steinacker and Gustav Seyffarth. This diverse collection provides fuller insight into the mind of this highly influential scholar.


  • Praefatio
  • 1. Euripidis fragmenta duo Phaethontis e cod. Claromontano edita
  • 2. De Sogenis Aeginetae victoria quinquertii
  • 3. De Aeschyli Niobe
  • 4. Epistola ad Ferd. Steinackerum
  • 5. Epistola ad G. Seyffarthum
  • 6. Praefatio ad Homeri Iliadem
  • 7. Praefatio ad Homeri Odysseam
  • 8. De epitritis Doriis
  • 9. De emendatione per transpositionem verborum
  • 10. De Aeschyli Philocteta
  • 11. De Aeschyli Heliadibus
  • 12. Adnotationes ad Medeam ab Elmsleio editam
  • 13. De Rheso tragoedia
  • Index.

v. 4 ISBN 9781108016964


Gottfried Hermann's Opuscula (1827-1877) collects in eight volumes the shorter writings of this central figure of nineteenth-century classical philology. Best known for his work on Greek metrics and his editions of Aeschylus, Euripides and others, Hermann (1772-1848) drew on Kantian phenomenology as well as his own formidable understanding of ancient grammars to advance a compelling program of classical scholarship that took language itself as the primary witness to the distant past. Hermann's grammar-based scholarship drew criticism, but established him as foundational to modern philology. As Sihler wrote in 1933, 'He accepted nothing on mere authority, but investigated the causes and roots of every matter.' Volume 4 (1831) includes a treatise on the Greek particle 'an', as well as essays on Archimedes, Aeschylus, the uses of hyperbole, Greek inscriptions and metrics. This diverse collection provides fuller insight into the mind of this highly influential scholar.


  • Praefatio
  • 1. De particula 'an' libri IV
  • 2. Emendationes Coluthi
  • 3. De Archimedis problemate bovino
  • 4. Hermesianactis elegi
  • 5. De Aeschyli Prometheo soluto dissertatio
  • 6. De hyperbole dissertatio
  • 7. De inscriptionibus quibusdam Graecis
  • 8. Septem aperta operta apud Aeschylum
  • 9. Incredibilium liber primus
  • 10. De mensura utriusque 'an'
  • 11. Carmen gratulatorium ad Chr. Dan. Beckium
  • Indices.

v. 5 ISBN 9781108016971


Gottfried Hermann's Opuscula (1827-1877) collects in eight volumes the shorter writings of this central figure of nineteenth-century classical philology. Best known for his work on Greek metrics and his editions of Aeschylus, Euripides and others, Hermann (1772-1848) drew on Kantian phenomenology as well as his own formidable understanding of ancient grammars to advance a compelling program of classical scholarship that took language itself as the primary witness to the distant past. Hermann's grammar-based scholarship drew criticism, but established him as foundational to modern philology. As Sihler wrote in 1933, 'He accepted nothing on mere authority, but investigated the causes and roots of every matter.' Volume 5 (1834) includes essays on Aeschylus' Lycurgus and Myrmidons, Saint Paul's Letter to the Galatians, Greek epigrams, a letter to Franz Spitzner, reviews, orations and occasional verse. This diverse collection provides fuller insight into the mind of this highly influential scholar.


  • 1. De Aeschyli Lycurgia dissertatio
  • 2. Epistola ad Franciscum Spitznerum
  • 3. De interpolationibus Homeri dissertatio
  • 4. Scholae Theocriteae
  • 5. De Pauli epistolae ad Galatas tribus primis capitibus diss.
  • 6. De Aeschyli Myrmidonibus, Nereidibus, Phrygibus diss.
  • 7. De epigrammatis quibusdam Graecis dissertatio
  • 8. De fragmentis poetarum in scholiis Vaticanis ad Euripidis Troades et Rhesum dissertatio
  • 9. De veterum Graecorum pictura parietum coniecturae
  • 10. De Bachmanni editione Lycophronis
  • 11. Adnotationes ad Io. Henr. Neukirchii librum de fabula togata Romanorum
  • 12. Excerpta ex censura Henr. Raspii commentationis de Eupolidis et
  • 13. Quid sit et
  • 14. Oratio in creatione aa. ll. magistrorum et philosophiae doctorum a. MDCCCXXXIII post obitum Chr. Dan. Beckii
  • 15. Indicendis exsequiis Henrici Guilielmi Brandesii
  • 16. In nuptiis Friderici Augusti, ducis Saxoniae socii imperii, et Mariae Bavarae d. xxiv. April. a MDCCCXXXIII. Academia Lipsiensis
  • 17. Latinae interpretationis Aeschyli specimina
  • 18. Graece versa ex Schilleri Wallensteinio
  • 19. Carolo Godofredo Siebelis, rectori gymnasii Budissini, exactum quintum lustrum muneris scholastici celebranti
  • 20. Bohuslai Hassensteinii L.B. de Lobkowitz epigramma in thermas Caroli IV
  • Index.

v. 6 ISBN 9781108016988


Gottfried Hermann's Opuscula (1827-1877) collects in eight volumes the shorter writings of this central figure of nineteenth-century classical philology. Best known for his work on Greek metrics and his editions of Aeschylus, Euripides and others, Hermann (1772-1848) drew on Kantian phenomenology as well as his own formidable understanding of ancient grammars to advance a compelling program of classical scholarship that took language itself as the primary witness to the distant past. Hermann's grammar-based scholarship drew criticism, but established him as foundational to modern philology. As Sihler wrote in 1933, 'He accepted nothing on mere authority, but investigated the causes and roots of every matter.' Volume 6 (1835) includes Hermann's German essays on Pindar, and on English scholarship on Greek poetry, as well as a Greek text with German translation of Aeschylus' Eumenides. This diverse collection provides fuller insight into the mind of this highly influential scholar.


  • Pars I: 1. Recension von Herrn Dissens Pindar
  • 2. Ueber die Behandlung der griechischen Dichter bei den Englandern, nebst Bemerkungen uber Homer und die Fragmente der Sappho
  • 3. Recension von Herrn Goettlings Hesiodus
  • 4. Merkwurdige Art von Logik
  • Pars II. Aeschylos Eumeniden Griechisch und Deutsch mit Erlauternden Abhandlungen ueber die Aeussere Darstellung und ueber den Inhalt und die Composition dieser Tragodie von K.O. Muller
  • Index.

v. 7 ISBN 9781108016995


Gottfried Hermann's Opuscula (1827-1877) collects in eight volumes the shorter writings of this central figure of nineteenth-century classical philology. Best known for his work on Greek metrics and his editions of Aeschylus, Euripides and others, Hermann (1772-1848) drew on Kantian phenomenology as well as his own formidable understanding of ancient grammars to advance a compelling program of classical scholarship that took language itself as the primary witness to the distant past. Hermann's grammar-based scholarship drew criticism, but established him as foundational to modern philology. As Sihler wrote in 1933, 'He accepted nothing on mere authority, but investigated the causes and roots of every matter.' Volume 7 (1839) republishes Hermann's De officio interpretis and includes an essay on Aeschylus' Theban trilogy, emendations to Pindar, and a study of tragedy, comedy, and lyric. This diverse collection provides fuller insight into the mind of this highly influential scholar.


  • 1. Erklarung
  • 2. Recension einer Antikritik und zweier Recensionem von Herrn K.O. Muller
  • 3. Defensio dissertationis de
  • 4. De quinque iudicibus poetarum
  • 5. De officio interpretis
  • 6. Emendationes Pindaricae
  • 7. De duabus inscriptionibus Graecis
  • 8. De Aeschyli trilogiis Thebanis
  • 9. De tragoedia comoediaque lyrica
  • 10. De Atlante
  • 11. De Graeca Minerva
  • 12. De Apolline et Diana, pars prior
  • 13. De Apolline et Diana, pars posterior
  • 14. De Aeschyli Aetnaeis
  • 15. Ueber die Paliken in Vasengemalden
  • 16. De Aeschyli Psychostasia
  • 17. De Aeschyli tragoediis fata Aiacis et Teucri complexis
  • 18. De hippodromo Olympiaco
  • 19. Tabula votiva
  • 20. Invitatio ad inaugurationem Augustei
  • 21. Oratio in sacris secularibus
  • Index.

v. 8 ISBN 9781108017008


Gottfried Hermann's Opuscula (1827-1877) collects in eight volumes the shorter writings of this central figure of nineteenth-century classical philology. Best known for his work on Greek metrics and his editions of Aeschylus, Euripides and others, Hermann (1772-1848) drew on Kantian phenomenology as well as his own formidable understanding of ancient grammars to advance a compelling program of classical scholarship that took language itself as the primary witness to the distant past. Hermann's grammar-based scholarship drew criticism, but established him as foundational to modern philology. As Sihler wrote in 1933, 'He accepted nothing on mere authority, but investigated the causes and roots of every matter.' Volume 8 (1877), edited by Theodor Fritzsche, contains works written between 1839 and Hermann's death, including important essays on Aeschylus, Pindar and Euripides, reviews, and occasional verse. This diverse collection provides fuller insight into the mind of this highly influential scholar.


  • Praefatio
  • 1. Godofredi Hermanni additamenta ad Opusc. voll. I-VII
  • 2. De iteratis apud Homerum
  • 3. Recension von Spitzner Observ. in Quinti Smyrnaei Posthomerica, Koechly Emend. et ann. in Quintum Smyrnaeum, Koechly Emendationes Nonni, Koechly Coniectanea in Apollonium et Oppianum
  • 4. De Hesiodi Theogoniae forma antiquissima
  • 5. Pindari Nemeorum carmen sextum
  • 6. De Pindari ad solem deficientem versibus
  • 7. De anecdoto Pindarico
  • 8. Ueber die Aegiden, von denen Pindar abstammte
  • 9. Ueber Pindars funfte olympische Ode
  • 10. Emendationes quinque carminum Olympiorum Pindari
  • 11. Non videri Aeschylum scripsisse
  • 12. De Prometheo Aeschyleo
  • 13. De re scenica in Aeschyli Orestea
  • 14. Ueber einige Trilogien des Aeschylus
  • 15. Retractiones adnotatorum ad Sophoclis Philoctetam
  • 16. De quibusdam locis Euripidis Troadum
  • 17. De interpolationibus Euripideae Iphigeniae in Aulide dissertationis pars prior
  • 18. De interpolationibus Euripideae Iphigeniae in Aulide dissertationis pars altera
  • 19. De Chaeremone poeta tragico
  • 20. Recension von Thomas, Commentatio de Aristoph. Avibus
  • 21. De choro Vesparum Aristophanis
  • 22. Recension von Aristophanis Lysistrata ex rec. R. Enger
  • 23. Recension von Aristophanis Thesmophoriazusae ex. rec. R. Enger
  • 24. Coniectanea critica
  • 25. Scholae Theocriteae
  • 26. De arte poesis Graecorum bucolicae
  • 27. De hymnis Dionysii et Mesomedis
  • 28. Zum Isis-Hymnus
  • 29. De loco Callimachei hymni in Delum et quibusdam epigrammatis
  • 30. Ueber Bruchstucke zweier Hymnen auf den Attis
  • 31. Ueber Aristoteles Peplos, Hipponax, Agamestor, das Lokrische Lied
  • 32. Epicharmea
  • 33. Thucydidea
  • 34. de L. Attii libris didascalicon
  • 35. De Horatii primo carmine dissertatio
  • 36. Ueber die Horazische Ode an Censorinus
  • 37. De Jo. Nic. Madvigii interpretatione quarundam verbi latini formarum
  • 38. Ueber das ne (nae) der lateinischen Sprache
  • 39. Oratio in quartis festis secularibus artis typographicae
  • 40. Ueber Friedrich Wolfgang Reiz
  • 41. Andeutungen uber das Antike und Moderne
  • 42. Carmen in honores semisaeculares Guil. Pistoth. Krugii
  • 43. Carmen saeculare in hon. Scholae Afranae
  • 44. Tabula Krugio dicata
  • 45. Tabula Portae dicata
  • 46. Tabula Academiae Albertinae dicata
  • 47. Tabula Jo. Paulo a Falkenstein dicata
  • Index.

「Nielsen BookData」 より

関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示
  • ISBN
    • 9781108016933
    • 9781108016940
    • 9781108016957
    • 9781108016964
    • 9781108016971
    • 9781108016988
    • 9781108016995
    • 9781108017008
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 原本言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    8 v.
  • 大きさ
    22 cm
  • 親書誌ID