Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum


    • Müller, Karl


Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum

edited by Karl Müller

(Cambridge library collection, . Classics)

Cambridge University Press, 2010

  • v. 1 : pbk
  • v. 2 : pbk
  • v. 3 : pbk
  • v. 4 : pbk
  • v. 5 : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Facsim. Reprint. Originally published: Paris : Editore Ambrosuio Firmin Didot, 1841-1872

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



v. 1 : pbk ISBN 9781108016605


Karl Muller (1813-1894) published two standard works, Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum and Geographi Graeci Minores, which have never been superseded, but very little is known about his life, and he is frequently confused with Carl Otfried Muller, another great German classicist of the nineteenth century. Born near Hannover, Karl and his brother and collaborator Theodor both studied at the University of Goettingen, but both left Germany in 1839, probably for political reasons. They moved to Paris, where Fragmenta was produced in partnership with the printer-publisher Ambroise Firmin-Didot between 1841 and 1872. It covers histories which have been lost, but of which fragments survive in other works. Volume 1 contains histories by Hecataeus of Miletus, Charon of Lampsacus, and Apollodorus of Athens, which had been previously published by Klausen in 1831. The Appendix is a French transcription of the Greek inscription on the Rosetta Stone.


  • Praefatio
  • De vita et scriptis auctorum, quorum fragmenta hoc volumine comprehenduntur
  • Hecataei fragmenta
  • Charonis fragmenta
  • Xanthi fragmenta
  • Hellanici fragmenta
  • Pherecydis fragmenta
  • Acusilai fragmenta
  • Apollodori bibliothecae
  • Antiochi fragmenta
  • Philisti fragmenta
  • Timaei fragmenta
  • Ephori fragmenta
  • Theopompi fragmenta
  • Phylarchi fragmenta
  • Clitodemi fragmenta
  • Phanodemi fragmenta
  • Androtionis fragmenta
  • Demonis fragmenta
  • Philochori fragmenta
  • Istri fragmenta
  • Apollodori fragmenta
  • Index
  • Marmor Parium
  • Inscription Grecque de Rosette, texte et traduction litterale, accompagnee d'un commentaire critique, historique et archeologique par M. Letronne.

v. 2 : pbk ISBN 9781108016612


Karl Muller (1813-1894) published two standard works, Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum and Geographi Graeci Minores, which have never been superseded, but very little is known about his life, and he is frequently confused with Carl Otfried Muller, another great German classicist of the nineteenth century. Born near Hannover, Karl and his brother and collaborator Theodor both studied at the University of Goettingen, but both left Germany in 1839, probably for political reasons. They moved to Paris, where Fragmenta was produced in partnership with the printer-publisher Ambroise Firmin-Didot. It covers histories which have been lost, but of which fragments survive in other works. Volume 2, published in Paris in 1843, contains the surviving histories of Diorodus Siculus, Polybius, and Dionysius of Halicarnassus.


  • Praefatio
  • Fragmenta Cadmi Milesii, Dionysii Milesii
  • Hippyis Rhegini, Eugeonis Samii, Deiochi Proconnesii, Bionis Proconnesii, Eudemi Parii, Democlis Pygelensis, Amelesagorae Chalcedonii, Glauci Rhegini, Herodori Heracleotae, Simonidis Cei, Xenomedis Chii, Ionis Chii, Stesimbroti Thasii, Hippiae Elei, Damastis Sigeensis, Anaximandri Milesii, Critae Atheniensis, Themistogenis Syracusani, Sophaeneti Stymphalii, Cratippi, Aristippi Cyrenaei, Dionysii Tyranni, Hermiae Methymnaei, Athanae Syracusani, Timonidis Leucadii, Dionysodori Boeoti, Anaxis Boeoti, Zoili Amphipolitae, Cephisodori, Demophili, Theocriti Chii, Dinonis, Heraclidis Cumani, Aristagorae Milesii, Aristotelis Stagibitae, Heraclidis Pontici, Dicaearchi Messenii, Aristoxeni Tarentini, Phaniae Eresii, Clearchi Solensis, Clyti Milesii, Leonis Byzantii, Menecratis Elaitae, Andronis Halicarnassensis, Diodori Periegetae, Diylli Atheniensis, Demetrii Phalerei, Stratonis Lampsaceni, Theodectis Phaselitae, Lyci Rhegini, Nymphodori Syracusani, Calliae Syracusani, Antandri Syracusani, Hecataei Abderitae, Megasthenis, Daimachi, Patroclis, Demodamae Milesii, Democharis Leuconoensis, Hieronymi Cardiani, Pyrrhi Epirotae, Proxeni, Cineae Thessali et Suidae, Duridis Samii, Idomenei Lampsaceni, Berosi Chaldaei, Manethonis Sebennytae, Demetrii Byzantini, Ctesibii, Sosibii Laconis, accedunt fragmenta Diodori Siculi, Polybii et Dionysii Halicarnassensis e Codice Escorialense nunc primum edita.

v. 3 : pbk ISBN 9781108016629


Karl Muller (1813-1894) published two standard works, Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum and Geographi Graeci Minores, which have never been superseded, but very little is known about his life, and he is frequently confused with Carl Otfried Muller, another great German classicist of the nineteenth century. Born near Hannover, Karl and his brother and collaborator Theodor both studied at the University of Goettingen, but both left Germany in 1839, probably for political reasons. They moved to Paris, where Fragmenta was produced in partnership with the printer-publisher Ambroise Firmin-Didot. It covers histories which have been lost, but of which fragments survive in other works. Volume 3, published in Paris in 1849, contains the surviving fragments of works from 247 BCE, the beginning of the reign of Ptolemy III, pharaoh of Egypt, until the final conquest of the Greek territories by the Romans in 146 BCE.


Fragmenta Neanthis Cyziceni, Lysimachi, Nymphadis Heracleotae, Philini Agrigentini, Euphanti Olynthii, Sphaeri Bosporani, Arati Sicyonii, Diniae Argivi, Philostephani Cyrenaei, Hermippi Callimachii, Callixeni Rhodii, Ptolemaei Megalopolitani, Hegesianactis Alexandrini, Mnesiptolemi, Euphorionis Chalcidensis, Dioclis Peparethii, Q. Fabii Pictoris, L. Cincii Alimenti, P. Cornelii Scipionis, C. Acilii Glabrionis, Hannibalis Carthaginiensis, Sosili Lacedaemonii, Chaereae, Sileni Calactini, Xenophontis, Eumachi Neapolitani, Menodoti Perinthii, Alexandridis Delphi, Polemonis Iliensis, Satyri, Heraclidis Lembi, Posidonii Olbiopolitae, A. Postumii Albini, Zenonis Rhodii, Antisthenis Rhodii, Scylacis Caryandensis, Ptolemaei Evergetae II, Dionysii Thracis, Agatharchidis Cnidii, Psaonis Plataeensis, Cn. Aufidii, P. Rutilii Rufi, Promathidae Heracleotae, Metrodori Scepsii, C. Alexandri Polyhistoris, Alexandri Ephesii, Posidonii Rhodii, L. Luculli, M.T. Ciceronis, M. Pomponii Attici, Asclepiadis Myrleani, Aristodemi Nysaeensis, Theophanis Mytilenaei, Timagenis Alexandrini, Aristonis Alexandrini, Socratis Rhodii, Olympi, Empyli, Caecilii Calactini, Lysimachi alexandrini, Nicolai Damasceni, Jubae Mauritani, Athenodori Tarsensis, Dionysii Pergameni, Diodori Gadareni, Theodori Gadareni, Strabonis Amasensis, Chaeremonis Stoici, Seleuci Alexandrini, Thrasylli Mendesii, Potamonis Mytilenaei, Apionis Oasitae, Pamphilae Epidauriae, Claudii Caesaris, Polyaeni Sardiani, Justi Tiberiensis, Hermogenis Tarsensis, Thalli, Memnonis, Philonis Byblii, Aspasii Byblii, Favorini Arelatensis, Hadriani Caesaris, Arriani Nicomedensis, Phlegontis Tralliani, Cephalionis, Nicanoris Alexandrini, Telephi Pergameni, Characis Pergameni, Cbepereii Calpurniani, Callimorphi, Antiochiani, Demetrii Sagalassensis, Damophili Bithyni, Chryserotis, Athenaei Naucratitae, Severi Imperatoris, Asinii Quadrati, Nicagorae Atheniensis, Luperci Berytii, Callinici, Ephori Cumani, Nicostrati Trapezuntii, Nicomachi, Callicratis Tyrii, Theoclis, Zenobiae, Porphyrii Tyrii, Dexippi Atheniensis, Eusebii, Onesimi.

v. 4 : pbk ISBN 9781108016650


Karl Muller (1813-1894) published two standard works, Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum and Geographi Graeci Minores, which have never been superseded, but very little is known about his life, and he is frequently confused with Carl Otfried Muller, another great German classicist of the nineteenth century. Born near Hannover, Karl and his brother and collaborator Theodor both studied at the University of Goettingen, but both left Germany in 1839, probably for political reasons. They moved to Paris, where Fragmenta was produced in partnership with the printer-publisher Ambroise Firmin-Didot. It covers histories which have been lost, but of which fragments survive in other works. Volume 4 comprises fragments from the beginning of the reign of Constantine in 306 CE, until the reign of the emperor Phocas, 602-610 CE. Published in 1851, it includes the first modern edition of the surviving works of the Byzantine historian John of Antioch.


  • Fragmena Praxagorae Atheniensis, Bemarchii Caesariensis, Eustathii Cappadocis, Eutychiani Cappadocis, Magni Carrheni, Eunapii Sardiani, Olympiodori Thebaei, Prisci Panitae, Malchi Philadelphensis, Capitonis Lycii, Candidi Isauri, Eustathii Epiphaniensis, Hesychii Milesii, Nonnosi, Petri Patricii, Anonymi, Menandri Ptotrectoris, Theophanis Byzantii, Joannis Epiphaniensis
  • Scriptores aetatis incertae, Abas-Zopyri Byzanii
  • Joannes Antiochenus
  • Addenda et corrigenda
  • Index auctorum
  • Index nominum et rerum.

v. 5 : pbk ISBN 9781108016667


Karl Muller (1813-1894) published two standard works, Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum and Geographi Graeci Minores, which have never been superseded, but very little is known about his life, and he is frequently confused with Carl Otfried Muller, another great German classicist of the nineteenth century. Born near Hannover, Karl and his brother and collaborator Theodor both studied at the University of Goettingen, but both left Germany in 1839, probably for political reasons. They moved to Paris, where Fragmenta was produced in partnership with the printer-publisher Ambroise Firmin-Didot. It covers histories which have been lost, but of which fragments survive in other works. Volume 5 is in two sections. The first includes histories from Aristodemus, Eusebius, Priscius, John of Antioch, John Malalas, and Critobulus of Imbros. The second is a transcription of Greek and Syrian historical fragments preserved in Armenian writings.


  • Pars prior: Praefatio
  • Fragmenta Aristodemi, Eusebii, Prisci, Joannis Antiocheni, Joannis Malelae
  • Critobuli Imbriotae Libri Quinque de Rebus Gestis Mechemetis
  • Photii Homiliae Duae de Prima Rossorum Invasione
  • Fragmenta Peripli Ponti Euxini et Anapli Bospori
  • Index
  • Pars altera: Historicorum Graecorum et Syriorum Reliquiae in Armeniorum Scriptis Servatae.

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  • ISBN
    • 9781108016605
    • 9781108016612
    • 9781108016629
    • 9781108016650
    • 9781108016667
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    5 v.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID