Second language sentence processing
Second language sentence processing
(Cognitive sciences and second language acquisition)
Routledge, 2015
- : pbk
- : hbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全27件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [251]-270) and index
This addition to the Cognitive Science and Second Language Acquisition series presents a comprehensive review of the latest research findings on sentence processing in second language acquisition. The book begins with a broad overview of the core issues of second language sentence processing research and then narrows its focus by dedicating individual chapters to each of these key areas. While a number of publications have discussed research findings on knowledge of formal syntactic principles as part of theories of second language acquisition, there are fewer resources dedicated to the role of second language sentence processing in this context. This volume will act as the first full-length literature review of the field on the market.
Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Grammars and Parsers Chapter 3: The influence of VERB argument structure on processing Chapter 4: Processing long-distance wh-dependencies in a second language Chapter 5: Processing relative clauses in a second language Chapter 6: Processing of Noun Phrases and Agreement in Noun Phrases in a Second Language Chapter 7: Processing ambiguous relative clause attachment Chapter 8: Related research fields and conclusions
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