Writing about literature


Writing about literature

Edgar V. Roberts

Pearson, c2012

13th ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes index



Wr iting about Literature serves as a hands-on guide for writing about literature, thus reinforcing the integration of literature and composition. Reading literature encourages students to think and using literary topics gives instructors an effective way to combine writing and literary study.


  • T o the I nstructor xv Part I Introduction C hapter 1 T he P rocess of R eading , R esponding to , and W riting A bout L iterature 1 What Is Literature, and Why Do We Study It? 1 Types of Literature: The Genres 2 Reading Literature and Responding to It Actively 4 Alice Walker, Everyday Use 5 Reading and Responding in a Computer File or Notebook 14 Major Stages in Thinking and Writing About Literary Topics: Discovering Ideas, Preparing to Write, Making an Initial Draft of Your Essay, and Completing the Essay 17 Discovering Ideas ("Brainstorming") 19 Box: Essays and Paragraphs-Foundation Stones of Writing 24 Preparing to Write 25 Box: The Need for the Actual Physical Process of Writing 27 Making an Initial Draft of Your Assignment 30 Box: The Need for a Sound Argument in Writing About Literature 31 Box: Referring to the Names of Authors 33 Box: The Use of Verb Tenses in the Discussion of Literary Works 34 Illustrative Paragraph 35 Commentary on the Paragraph 38 Illustrative Essay: Mrs. Johnson's Overly Self-Assured Daughter, Dee, in Walker's "Everyday Use" 39 Completing the Essay: Developing and Strengthening Your Essay Through Revision 41 Illustrative Student Essay (Revised and Improved Draft) 48 Illustrative Essay (Revised and Improved Draft): Mrs. Johnson's Overly Self-Assured Daughter, Dee, in Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" 49 Commentary on the Essay 52 Essay Commentaries 52 A Summary of Guidelines 52 Writing Topics About the Writing Process 53 A Short Guide to Using Quotations and Making References in Essays About Literature 53 Part II Writing Essays on Designated Literary Topics C hapter 2 W riting A bout P lot : T he D evelopment of C onflict and T ension in L iterature 58 Plot: The Motivation and Causality of Literature 58 Determining the Conflicts in a Story, Drama, or Narrative Poem 58 Writing About the Plot of a Particular Work 60 Organize Your Essay About Plot 60 Illustrative Essay: The Plot of Eudora Welty's "A Worn Path" 61 Commentary on the Essay 63 Writing Topics About Plot 63 C hapter 3 W riting A bout P oint of V iew : T he P osition or S tance of the W ork ' s N arrator or S peaker 65 An Exercise in Point of View: Reporting an Accident 66 Conditions That Affect Point of View 67 Box: Point of View and Opinions 68 Determining a Work's Point of View 68 Box: Point of View and Verb Tense 72 Summary: Guidelines for Point of View 73 Writing About Point of View 74 Illustrative Essay: Shirley Jackson's Dramatic Point of View in "The Lottery" 77 Commentary on the Essay 80 Writing Topics About Point of View 80 C hapter 4 W riting A bout C haracter : T he P eople in L iterature 82 Character Traits 82 How Authors Disclose Character in Literature 83 Types of Characters: Round and Flat 85 Reality and Probability: Verisimilitude 87 Writing About Character 88 Illustrative Essay: The Character of Minnie Wright of Glaspell's "Trifles" 90 Commentary on the Essay 93 Writing Topics About Character 93 C hapter 5 W riting A bout a C lose R eading : A nalyzing E ntire S hort P oems or S elected S hort P assages from F iction , L onger P oems , and P lays 95 The Purpose and Requirements of a Close-Reading Essay 95 The Location of the Passage in a Longer Work 96 Writing About the Close Reading of a Passage in Prose Work, Drama, or Longer Poem 97 Box: Number the Passage for Easy Reference 98 Illustrative Essay: A Close Reading of a Paragraph from Frank O'Connor's Story "First Confession" 98 Commentary on the Essay 101 Writing an Essay on the Close Reading of a Poem 101 Illustrative Essay: A Close Reading of Thomas Hardy's "The Man He Killed" 103 Commentary on the Essay 106 Writing Topics for a Close-Reading Essay 106 C hapter 6 W riting A bout S tructure : T he O rganization of L iterature 107 Formal Categories of Structure 107 Formal and Actual Structure 108 William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73: That Time of Year Thou Mayst in Me Behold 110 Writing About Structure in Fiction, Poetry, and Drama 112 Organize Your Essay About Structure 113 Illustrative Essay: The Structure of Eudora Welty's "A Worn Path" 113 Commentary on the Essay 116 Writing Topics About Structure 116 C hapter 7 W riting A bout S etting : T he B ackground of P lace , O bjects , and C ult ure in L iterature 118 What Is Setting? 118 The Importance of Setting in Literature 119 Writing About Setting 122 Organize Your Essay About Setting 122 Illustrative Essay: Maupassant's Use of Setting in "The Necklace" to Show the Character of Mathilde 124 Commentary on the Essay 126 Writing Topics About Setting 127 C hapter 8 W riting A bout an I dea or T heme : T he M eaning and the "M essage " in L iterature 128 Ideas and Assertions 128 Ideas and Values 129 The Place of Ideas in Literature 129 How to Locate Ideas 130 Writing About a Major Idea in Literature 133 Organize Your Essay on a Major Idea or Theme 134 Illustrative Essay: The Idea of the Importance of Minor and "Trifling" Details in Susan Glaspell's Trifles 135 Commentary on the Essay 139 Special Topics for Studying and Discussing Ideas 140 C hapter 9 W riting A bout I magery : T he L iterary W ork ' s L ink to the S enses 141 Responses and the Writer's Use of Detail 141 The Relationship of Imagery to Ideas and Attitudes 142 Types of Imagery 142 Writing About Imagery 144 Organize Your Essay About Imagery 145 Illustrative Essay: The Images of Masefield's "Cargoes" 146 Commentary on the Essay 148 Writing Topics About Imagery 149 C hapter 10 W riting A bout M etaphor and S imile : A S ource of D epth and R ange in L iterature 151 Metaphors and Similes: The Major Figures of Speech 151 Characteristics of Metaphors and Similes 153 John Keats, On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 153 Box: Vehicle and Tenor 155 Writing About Metaphors and Similes 155 Organize Your Essay About Metaphors and Similes 156 Illustrative Essay: Shakespeare's Metaphors in "Sonnet 30: When to the Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought" 157 Commentary on the Essay 160 Writing Topics About Metaphors and Similes 161 C hapter 11 W riting A bout S ymbolism and A llegory : K eys to E xtended M eaning 162 Symbolism and Meaning 162 Allegory 164 Fable, Parable, and Myth 166 Allusion in Symbolism and Allegory 166 Writing About Symbolism and Allegory 167 Organize Your Essay About Symbolism or Allegory 168 Illustrative Essay (Symbolism in a Poem): Symbolism in William Butler Yeats's "The Second Coming" 170 Commentary on the Essay 172 Illustrative Essay (Allegory in a Story): The Allegory of Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" 173 Commentary on the Essay 177 Writing Topics About Symbolism and Allegory 177 C hapter 12 W riting A bout T one : T he W riter ' s C ontrol over A ttitudes and F eelings 179 Tone and Attitudes 180 Tone and Humor 181 Tone and Irony 182 Writing About Tone 184 Organize Your Essay about Tone 185 Illustrative Essay: Kate Chopin's Irony in "The Story of an Hour" 186 Commentary on the Essay 190 Writing Topics About Tone 190 C hapter 13 W riting A bout R hyme in P oetry : T he R epetition of I dentical S ounds to E mphasize I deas 192 The Nature and Function of Rhyme 192 Writing About Rhyme 196 Organize Your Essay About Rhyme 196 Illustrative Essay: The Rhymes in Christina Rossetti's "Echo" 197 Commentary on the Essay 200 Writing Topics About Rhyme in Poetry 201 Part III Writing About More General Literary Topics C hapter 14 W riting A bout a L iterary P roblem : C hallenges to O vercome in R eading 202 Strategies for Developing an Essay About a Problem 203 Writing About a Problem 205 Organize Your Essay About a Problem 205 Illustrative Essay: The Problem of Robert Frost's Use of the Term "Desert Places" in the Poem "Desert Places" 206 Commentary on the Essay 208 Writing Topics About Studying Problems in Literature 209 C hapter 15 W riting E ssays of C omparison -C ontrast and E xtended C omparison -C ontrast : L earning by S eeing L iterary W orks T ogether 210 Guidelines for the Comparison-Contrast Essay 211 The Extended Comparison-Contrast Essay 214 Box: Citing References in a Longer Comparison-Contrast Essay 215 Writing a Comparison-Contrast Essay 215 Organize Your Comparison-Contrast Essay 215 Illustrative Essay (Comparing and Contrasting Two Works): The Views of War in Amy Lowell's "Patterns" and Wilfred Owen's "Anthem for Doomed Youth" 216 Commentary on the Essay 220 Illustrative Essay (Extended Comparison-Contrast): Literary Treatments of the Tension Between Private and Public Life 220 Commentary on the Essay 225 Writing Topics About Comparison and Contrast 226 C hapter 16 W riting A bout a W ork in I ts H istorical , I ntellectual , and C ult ural C ontext 228 History, Culture, and Multiculturalism 229 Literature in Its Time and Place 230 Writing About a Work in Its Historical and Cultural Context 230 Organize Your Essay About a Work and Its Context 232 Illustrative Essay: Langston Hughes's References to Black Servitude and Black Pride in " Negro" 234 Commentary on the Essay 237 Writing Topics About Works in Their Historical, Intellectual, and Cultural Context 237 C hapter 17 W riting a R eview E ssay : D eveloping I deas and E valuating L iterary W orks for S pecial or G eneral A udiences 239 Writing a Review Essay 240 Organize Your Review Essay 240 First Illustrative Essay (A Review for General Readers): Nathaniel Hawthorne's Story "Young Goodman Brown": A View of Mistaken Zeal 242 Commentary on the Essay 244 Second Illustrative Essay (Designed for a Particular Group-Here, a Religious Group): Religious Intolerance and Nathaniel Hawthorne's Story "Young Goodman Brown" 244 Commentary on the Essay 246 Third Illustrative Essay (A Personal Review for a General Audience): Security and Nathaniel Hawthorne's Story "Young Goodman Brown," 247 Commentary on the Essay 249 Topics for Studying and Discussing the Writing of Reviews 250 C hapter 18 W riting E xaminations on L iterature 251 Answer the Questions That Are Asked 251 Systematic Preparation 253 Two Basic Types of Questions About Literature 256 C hapter 19 W riting and D ocumenting the R esearch E ssay
  • U sing E xtra R esources for U nderstanding 262 Selecting a Topic 262 Setting Up a Working Bibliography 264 Locating Sources 264 Box: Evaluating Sources 265 Box: Important Considerations About Computer-Aided Research 267 Taking Notes and Paraphrasing Material 270 Box: Plagiarism: An Embarrassing But Vital Subject-and a Danger to Be Overcome 273 Classify Your Cards and Group Them Accordingly 277 Documenting Your Work 280 Organize Your Research Essay 283 Illustrative Research Essay: The Structure of Katherine Mansfield's "Miss Brill" 284 Commentary on the Essay 290 Writing Topics for Research Essays 292 Part IV Appendixes A ppendix A C ritical A pproaches I mportant in the S tudy of L iterature 293 Moral / Intellectual 294 Topical/Historical 295 New Critical/Formalist 296 Structuralist 297 Feminist Criticism, Gender Studies, and Queer Theory 299 Economic Determinist/Marxist 300 Psychological/Psychoanalytic 301 Archetypal/Symbolic/Mythic 302 Deconstructionist 303 Reader-Response 305 A ppendix B MLA R ecommendations for D ocumenting S ources 307 (Nonelectronic) Books, Articles, Poems, Letters, Reviews, Recordings, Programs 307 The Citation of Electronic Sources 312 A ppendix C W orks U sed in the T ext for I llustrative E ssays and R eferences 315 Stories Kate Chopin, The Story of an Hour 316 A woman is shocked by news of her husband's death, but there is still a greater shock in store for her. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Young Goodman Brown 317 Living in colonial Salem, Young Goodman Brown has a bewildering encounter that affects his outlook on life and his attitudes towards people. Shirley Jackson, The Lottery 327 Why does the prize-winner of a community-sponsored lottery make the claim that the drawing was not fair? Frank O'Connor, First Confession 332 Jackie as a young man recalls his mixed memories of the events surrounding his first childhood experience with confession. Mark Twain, Luck 338 A follower of a famous British general tells what really happened. Eudora Welty, A Worn Path 341 Phoenix Jackson, a devoted grandmother, walks a well-worn path on a mission of great love. Poems Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach 347 When you lose certainty, what remains for you? William Blake, The Tyger 348 What mysterious force creates evil as well as good? Gwendolyn Brooks, We Real Cool 348 Just how cool are they, really? How successful are they going to be? Robert Browning, My Last Duchess 349 An arrogant duke shows his dead wife's portrait to the envoy of the count. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan 350 What does Kubla Khan create to give himself the greatest joy? John Donne, Holy Sonnet 10: Death Be Not Proud 352 How does eternal life put down death? Robert Frost, Desert Places 352 What is more frightening than the emptiness of outer space? Thomas Hardy, Channel Firing 353 What is loud enough to waken the dead, and then, what do the dead say about it? Thomas Hardy, The Man He Killed 354 A combat soldier muses about the irony of battlefield conflict. Langston Hughes, Negro 354 What are some of the outrages experienced throughout history by blacks? John Keats, Bright Star 355 The speaker dedicates himself to constancy and steadfastness. John Keats, On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 356 How can reading a translation be as exciting as discovering a new planet or a new ocean? Irving Layton, Rhine Boat Trip 356 What terrible memory counterbalances the beauty of German castles, fields, and traditions? Amy Lowell, Patterns 357 What does a woman think when she learns that her fiance will never return from overseas battle? John Masefield, Cargoes 360 How do modern cargo ships differ from those of the past? Wilfred Owen, Anthem for Doomed Youth 360 War forces poignant changes in normally peaceful ceremonies. Christina Rossetti, Echo 361 A love from the distant past still lingers in memory. William Shakespeare, Sonnet 30: When to the Sessions of Sweet Silent Thought 361 The speaker remembers his past, judges his life , and finds great value in the present. William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73: That Time of Year Thou May'st in Me Behold 362 Even though age is closing in, the speaker finds his reason for dedication to the past. Walt Whitman, Reconciliation 362 In what way is the speaker reconciled to his former enemy? William Wordsworth, Lines Written in Early Spring 363 The songs of woodland birds lead the speaker to moral thoughts. William Butler Yeats, The Second Coming 364 What new and dangerous forces are being turned loose in our modern world? NOTE-The following selections are referenced throughout Writing About Literature , but do not physically appear in the text: Guy de Maupassant, "The Necklace" Edgar Allan Poe, "The Cask of Amontillado" Katharine Mansfield, "Miss Brill" Robert Browning, "My Last Duchess" Susan Glaspell, Trifles William Shakespeare, Hamlet However, these selections are available in the eAnthology featured in MyLiteratureLab (www.myliteraturelab.com), along with more than 200 additional literary works. Please refer to the inside front and back cover for a complete listing of available selections. For more information on packaging this text with MyLiteratureLab at no additional cost, refer to page xvi. A G lossary of I mportant L iterary T erms 365 C redits 377 I ndex of T itles , A uthors , and F irst L ines of P oetry 379

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