The inverse problem of the calculus of variations : local and global theory


    • Zenkov, Dmitry V.


The inverse problem of the calculus of variations : local and global theory

Dmitry V. Zenkov, editor

(Atlantis studies in variational geometry / series editors, Demeter Krupka, Huafei Sun, v. 2)

Atlantis Press, 2015

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



The aim of the present book is to give a systematic treatment of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations, i.e. how to recognize whether a system of differential equations can be treated as a system for extremals of a variational functional (the Euler-Lagrange equations), using contemporary geometric methods. Selected applications in geometry, physics, optimal control, and general relativity are also considered. The book includes the following chapters: - Helmholtz conditions and the method of controlled Lagrangians (Bloch, Krupka, Zenkov) - The Sonin-Douglas's problem (Krupka) - Inverse variational problem and symmetry in action: The Ostrogradskyj relativistic third order dynamics (Matsyuk.) - Source forms and their variational completion (Voicu) - First-order variational sequences and the inverse problem of the calculus of variations (Urban, Volna) - The inverse problem of the calculus of variations on Grassmann fibrations (Urban).


The Helmholtz Conditions and the Method of Controlled Lagrangians.- The Sonin-Douglas Problem.- Inverse Variational Problem and Symmetry in Action: The Relativistic Third Order Dynamics.- Variational Principles for Immersed Submanifolds.- Source Forms and their Variational Completions.- First-Order Variational Sequences in Field Theory.

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