Courageous leadership in early childhood education : taking a stand for social justice


    • Long, Susi
    • Souto-Manning, Mariana
    • Vasquez, Vivian Maria
    • Nieto, Sonia


Courageous leadership in early childhood education : taking a stand for social justice

edited by Susi Long, Mariana Souto-Manning, Vivian Maria Vasquez ; foreword by Sonia Nieto

(Early childhood education series)

Teachers College Press, c2016

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 3



Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-196) and index



In this inspiring collection, 13 early childhood leaders take action to challenge and change inequitable educational practices in preschools and elementary schools. For them, educating for social justice is not an empty platitude. Steadfast and resolute, they turn rhetoric into reality as they guide early childhood teachers to teach for social justice innovatively and strategically. Through the voices of families, teachers, and the administrators themselves, each chapter shares ways that these leaders use the power entrusted in them to question and disrupt discriminatory and marginalizing practices that deny opportunities for some students while privileging others. The book includes insights, strategies, and resources that administrators can use to build confidence, knowledge, and skills as they invest in more equitable and just schools.

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